101 Things – well, 42

Well, I am very very close to a finish, I have another gifty finish to show you, I have stash to show you too. But, alas, I didn’t get around to dealing with photos yet. So, I thought I’d post something that’s been on my mind and do the photos next time.

Spurred on by Anna’s recent updates to her 101 Things in 1001 Days list, I thought I’d better take a long look at mine. I started my 1001 Days on June 21, 2006, and the end date is March 17, 2009. I’ve never posted my entire list, just which ones I’ve finished. In fact, my first post to this blog was one item to cross off. So, in the interest of reigniting my excitement over my list…here it is (complete with those that are done). It’s a little disheartening to see how many are still incomplete. I do find though that a lot of things that were important to me in June of 2006 aren’t so much anymore, and that some of them are. It would be interesting to see how different a new list would be if I made a new one today. Anyway, here it is…

  1. Begin contributing to 401k completed 8/3/06
  2. List all books on bookshelves in living room and read all that have not already been read I’ve made the list, and am still short by like 200 books, but I’ve read 59
  3. Go see each exhibit the Kimbell Museum has as their main exhibit I’ve seen all the ones that have been there during this time. There won’t be another one until after March. So this one is complete. This item was to give me incentive to use my membership. We’ve seen Hatshepsut, Drama and Desire (Japanese), The Mirror and the Mask, Picturing the Bible, The Impressionists, and most recently A Nativity from Naples and the Fra Angelico Altarpiece
  4. Set up a will, power of attorney and associated documents completed 1/11/08
  5. Learn CPR took a class at work 9/10/08
  6. Finish current WIPs: Dorothy’s Garden, Mystery 9, Mermaid Treasure Box, Water ACEO, July Wooly Tyme, Quaker Hedgehog, Flower of Courage, Quaker Garden, Bay Sampler, Wedding Sampler, 2000 Years Ago (if all parts released), Winter Snapperland ok I think it’s sad how many of these are still WIPs – Dorothy’s Garden, Mystery 9, Mermaid Treasure Box, Water ACEO and Bay Sampler.
  7. Stitch Eric’s stocking and make both mine and his into stockings completed 12/20/06
  8. Stitch one ornament from Teresa Wentzler’s 12 Days of Christmas per year to celebrate our Christmases together I’ve stitched three, so this is done.
  9. Finish current quilts: Partridges, Owls, Valentine, Stars & Stripes, Pansy Park, Kimonos, Cat Faces, Cat & Quilts, $5 Quilt and Wedding Quilt. Again, it is sad how many of these still aren’t done – Partridges, Valentine, S&S, Pansy Park, Cat Faces, Cat & Quilts
  10. Finish travel album and put together honeymoon album Completed 3/8/07 and 4/2/07
  11. Put together scrapbook of Eric & I and keep current
  12. Go to church consistently
  13. Finish all FUFOs in bin and continue with finishing all new finishes I’ve done really well on this, everything that I’ve stitched is finished or framed with a few exceptions – 2000 Years Ago, Just Nan RR, A Little Bitty Ark
  14. Make holiday tradition books for Julia and I completed 3/22/07
  15. Make a cookbook for myself the cookbook is made 3/6/07, but I wanted to make a cover for it, which is in progress
  16. Get down to goal weight hahaha
  17. Lose 10% of my weight done 3/29/07
  18. Have a dinner party the intent of this goal was to entertain more…Eric and I hosted Christmas Eve dinner at our house in 2008, so I’m calling this one done.
  19. Buy a house we have looked
  20. Change decorations seasonally – pay more attention to the seasons I’ve done really well on this one – complete
  21. Have a physical done 2/21/07 (had another one in 2008)
  22. Exercise 3 days a week for 3 months completed 3/31/08
  23. Keep up to date on training for work I called this one complete, because it was intended to get me to do my training earlier in the year, which I did in 2008. Now that I’m doing these certifications outside of work, I’ve got more training hours than I can shake a stick at
  24. Look into going back to school for Interior Design Masters
  25. Hang curtains in kitchen window made and hung 9/10/06
  26. Complete our sets of china and crystal I’m calling this one done. Everything we still need, our parents have bought but are doling it out in small amounts for birthdays and Christmas. There really isn’t anything left to buy.
  27. Frame Bahamas maps framed 7/22/07
  28. Frame our wedding present from Julia I decided to make it into a wallhanging, rather than frame it. Done 10/27/07
  29. Finish Larkin beading class piece
  30. Figure out where to do ceramics and finish at least two pieces of greenware
  31. Take vitamins every day for 3 months completed March 31, 2008
  32. [Private] completed 3/31/08
  33. [Private] completed 3/31/08
  34. Help Eric research his family genealogy completed 1/15/08, there wasn’t much I could help him with, so I helped him with a huge family mailing
  35. Take one trip per year even though we haven’t taken a trip yet in 2009, I’m calling this one complete – we’ve been to Chicago, San Antonio, Philadelphia, New York City, Oklahoma City twice and Virginia.
  36. See all the Oscar Best Picture movies that I have not seen we started this in July of 2006 with Broadway Melody. We watched every one up through Tom Jones, which we watch in 2008. I had hoped to have them all done, but this just didn’t happen. I hope to get back to them and watch the rest sometime.
  37. Read all the magazines I have a subscription for within the month they are current and get caught up on backlog
  38. Take a finishing class
  39. Learn to make a pinkeep I finished two pieces into pinkeeps in October 2007.
  40. Learn to knit – make one scarf and one pair of socks I learned to knit in April 2007, and completed my first scarf in June of 2007. I didn’t realize when I put this on my list that there would be such a huge learning curve between scarves and socks…
  41. Sell stuff in media room on ebay or donate to charity I should really get on this one and clean out all the crap
  42. Get new passport with my married name received new passport 3/8/08
  43. Frame one stitched item myself framed Quaker Garden 10/8/06
  44. Cook or bake once a week this totally fell by the wayside – I’m just leaving the cooking to Eric (and he may actually prefer it that way), plus with trying to cut down on desserts and bread – baking was kind of a no-go. I did make a few things though, like Eric’s Cassata Cakes, a King Cake, a French Onion Tart, Thai Sticky Rice, Pumpkin Spice Bread, etc.
  45. Join EGA I joined Tudor Rose Sampler Guild in August 2008 – I think that counts
  46. Have a date night with Eric at least once a month this was intended to get us to go out and do new things – go to new places, it sort of turned into just going out to dinner, so…I think the intention hasn’t been completed.
  47. Get an MP3 player and get set up with workout music and audiobooks done 11/26/06
  48. Master making a lemon meringue pie see #44 – I’ve eaten some lemon meringue pie though.
  49. Look at my calendar in Outlook every morning for 3 months this was intended to get me to know what’s going on that day, rather than being surprised when I forgot an appointment. I completed this 3/31/08.
  50. Write in my journal every day for three months
  51. Read all the Oprah book selections. I’ve read a bunch, but not all
  52. Get rid of storage unit this was going to happen when we bought a house
  53. Make a list of VHS to replace with DVD – replace if available on DVD I made the list, and have replaced a few
  54. Begin daily meditation/yoga practice – do daily for 3 months
  55. Plan trip to Scotland
  56. Organize office – clean out files completed 7/21/06 (of course, then it was thoroughly done when I was laid off)
  57. Stitch and frame my Goddaughter’s birth sampler done 12/5/07
  58. Make ATCs
  59. Express gratitude daily I’m calling this one done – I didn’t give it a way to measure, but since I have been more aware of being grateful in my life and expressing that (on my blog posts, for example), I think I can mark this one complete.
  60. Check voicemail at work daily and enter into call log for 3 months this was really geared toward my previous job. I did get better about doing this, so I think I can call it complete.
  61. Read Bram Stoker’s Dracula Finally I did read it – 1/7/08 – and it was soooo good
  62. Research starting a blog completed on 6/23/06 when I started this blog
  63. Drink water every day for three months I’m working on doing this but, it’s still not a daily habit
  64. Look into a class on Feng Shui
  65. Have Christmas gift shopping/making done by December 15th I did well with this two out of the three years. Done?
  66. Learn to make origami cranes
  67. Participate in a Round Robin participated in two. First one (Just Nan RR was complete on 6/14/07
  68. Organize photos, including having index prints and cds made
  69. Inventory my prints and posters including sizes and photos
  70. Check cnn.com every day for 3 months this was intended to get me more in tune with world events – since I don’t watch the news
  71. Send a RAK to someone at least once a quarter I did well with this up until second quarter of last year when I started the new job.
  72. Look into old credit card balance and pay if necessary This was researched and confirmed I had a zero balance 8/7/06
  73. Track my food intake daily for three months
  74. Plan 1st anniversary trip Eric planned a surprise getaway to San Antonio
  75. Schedule girl time every other month this was intended to help me stay in touch with my friends, since I have a tendency to be a hermit. I did ok with this one.
  76. Photograph/scan all my art pieces
  77. Find out where the labyrinth is in Dallas and walk the labyrinth this is supposedly a reproduction of the Chartres Cathedral labyrinth
  78. Get my name in hieroglyphs pendant I’ve always wanted one of these
  79. Get a massage twice a year I did this, except for last year when I was out of a job.
  80. Sell or donate dress
  81. Participate in Race for the Cure
  82. Learn Hardanger Embroidery
  83. Learn calligraphy
  84. Frame Sistine Chapel print
  85. Buy something at Agent Provocateur to celebrate losing weight
  86. Spend time in nature I have allergies – nature doesn’t really work for me
  87. Create a guest book/house book to record the life of the houses we live in
  88. Have eyes checked done 11/7/07
  89. Learn to play Mah Jong
  90. Go on the annual church retreat
  91. Participate in an exchange I participated in my first exchange 10/1/06
  92. Learn how to do rug hooking and complete both kits I have
  93. Participate in a SAL Quaker Garden SAL with Karen V. finished 8/5/06
  94. [Private]
  95. Complete at least two punchneedle designs I have
  96. Stitch Houses of Hawk Run Hollow
  97. Stitch And They Sinned
  98. Free myself from judgment
  99. Make an effort to stay in touch with friends and family every month this is basically a repeat of 75.
  100. Keep plants alive, water regularly I’m really no good at this
  101. Re-read books 1-6 of Harry Potter before Book 7 comes out Finished Book 6 again 6/20/07. Done!

So, currently it looks like I’ve completed 42 of the 101. I’ve made effort on many others, but I don’t think the full list is going to be completed in time. But, I’ll keep at it and see what I can do. Thanks for sticking with me!

I am grateful for goals.

8 thoughts on “101 Things – well, 42”

  1. Wow, girl that is quite the list. I don’t think I would be brave enough to even tackle this one. I think you deserve a huge pat on the back for all the things you have accomplished. Everything has it’s time and place. Things will happen when they are supposed to

  2. Wow, girl that is quite the list. I don’t think I would be brave enough to even tackle this one. I think you deserve a huge pat on the back for all the things you have accomplished. Everything has it’s time and place. Things will happen when they are supposed to

  3. I’d say you are doing quite well! What a great list. Congrats on all your accomplishments. We tend to focus on what we haven’t done, but we should focus more on what we HAVE done. Hmmm, I think that’s on MY goal list, lol.

  4. I’d say you are doing quite well! What a great list. Congrats on all your accomplishments. We tend to focus on what we haven’t done, but we should focus more on what we HAVE done. Hmmm, I think that’s on MY goal list, lol.

  5. Anna van Schurman

    I think it’s interesting how my goals shifted over three years too. I don’t think there’s anything magic about finishing the 101–I think for me anyway it’s more about having tried to be aware of things I hoped to do and keep track of my successes. So, girlfried, you rock!

  6. Anna van Schurman

    I think it’s interesting how my goals shifted over three years too. I don’t think there’s anything magic about finishing the 101–I think for me anyway it’s more about having tried to be aware of things I hoped to do and keep track of my successes. So, girlfried, you rock!

  7. Interesting list, Michelle! YGG! Kudos on meeting a lot of your goals and being brave enough to list the others. Honesty within your self is very important–I need to remember that!

  8. Interesting list, Michelle! YGG! Kudos on meeting a lot of your goals and being brave enough to list the others. Honesty within your self is very important–I need to remember that!

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