2021 Wrap Up

Here we are at the end of 2021 and it was a year that seemed to last forever and also be over quickly. These are the times we’re living in, though, where time is very elastic. But, being as it is December 31st, I thought it was the perfect time to take a look back at my 2021 finishes. I had nine finishes total, and two were big finishes.

In April, I finished Black’d Skie by The Primitive Needle. I started this in September of 2015 and finished it in April of this year. I stitched this on the called for 40ct Vintage Pear by Lakeside and I used the called for Pure Palette and Silk N Colors silks, except for substituting Sedona Hills with AVAS 4614 due to dye issues with my skein. The only “intentional” change I made was to leave off the eyes in the black sun. I absolutely loved every stitch of this piece. It was my comfort piece from day one, the piece I turned to when things were tough. This is long out of print, but if you have a chance to stitch it, I hope it brings you as much joy and comfort as it did to me. I can’t wait to get it framed.

In 2022, I’m planning to start another Primitive Needle piece that I’ve been looking forward to that will be a companion to Black’d Skie – Tombstone Spots.

I finished two of the Primitive Hare sabbat freebies this year – Beltane and Litha. Litha is not yet FFO’d, but Beltane is. And I FFO’d Imbolc and Ostara too that were 2020 finishes. I still have Lammas, Mabon, and Samhain to stitch and then I’ll have completed the whole series.

I stitched three gifts this year – a Country Cottage ornament called Merry & Bright for a friend’s daughter’s first married Christmas. I also stitched another Christmas piece – one of the Christmas of Olde pieces from 1999 called Time. I stitched this one for an exchange with a group of friends for Christmas this year. And the last gift I stitched was a piece from Hands Across the Sea called A Single Friend. I love how that one turned out.

I also added one lone house to my Halloween Neighborhood – the house from a Chessie & Me piece called Hallow Wee House. It’s coming along and I hope to finish it next year.

After finishing Black’d Skie, I made Moon Phases by The Little Stitcher my #dark13stitching focus piece and finished it during #darkoctoberstitching this year. So happy to have this one done. The Midnight Tryst fabric I used (Hand-dyed Fabrics by Stephanie) was perfect for this New Moon version.

And finally, my big finish – Sarah Ann Banton. I posted all the details on her previously, but suffice it to say I never get tired of looking at her.

Sarah was my New Year’s Day start this year, and I stitched on her almost exclusively until she was completed in early November. I am working on a new reproduction that I hope to release in 2022.

Overall, I’m happy with what I finished this year. I started ten new things in 2021 and of those, only three of them haven’t been finished. In 2022, I’m going to continue to whittle down my WIP list with the goal of getting a bunch of these things finished and hanging on my walls. I have so many great samplers started that I’d love to put in the finish pile.

Thank you for your continued support and friendship in stitching and for coming along on this ride with me. Looking forward to 2022!

I am grateful for comfort stitching, a big finish, and a good balance of starts and finishes.

4 thoughts on “2021 Wrap Up”

  1. I’m so far behind with videos that I’m really pleased to see a blog post so I can still catch up with what people have been stitching! Congratulations on the finishes, I can see why you love Sarah so much. She is a beauty. Black’d Sky is a great piece too, such a shame it’s hard to find now.
    Looking forward to seeing what you stitch in 2022. And completing the Prim Hare Celebrations myself, only two to go now.

  2. I’m so far behind with videos that I’m really pleased to see a blog post so I can still catch up with what people have been stitching! Congratulations on the finishes, I can see why you love Sarah so much. She is a beauty. Black’d Sky is a great piece too, such a shame it’s hard to find now.
    Looking forward to seeing what you stitch in 2022. And completing the Prim Hare Celebrations myself, only two to go now.

  3. Sherry Townsend

    I remember a blog that had round robin halloween villages. Each person was getting a n illage by passing around the stitching. Each person added a house with Hallowen theme. There was also a village of old villages. I loved following the blog. Have no idea what the name was but i loved it. I saved some of the pictures of some of the villages. I keep thinking of making my own village using some of the patterns i own. I would love to see what you think. Please write back to me.this was around the year of 2009.

  4. Sherry Townsend

    I remember a blog that had round robin halloween villages. Each person was getting a n illage by passing around the stitching. Each person added a house with Hallowen theme. There was also a village of old villages. I loved following the blog. Have no idea what the name was but i loved it. I saved some of the pictures of some of the villages. I keep thinking of making my own village using some of the patterns i own. I would love to see what you think. Please write back to me.this was around the year of 2009.

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