I’ve been stitching along on Tesori, and trying to finish up the first block. It is going slower than I would like, but again, I am stitching this in secret (away from Eric), so the time I have to work on it isn’t much. It’s coming along though! I’ve also, of course, been stitching away on my Neighborhood RR. Tonight I will put my name on it, and be finished with my portion of it, so that I should be able to mail out tomorrow. Hurrah! I’ll be glad to be finished with that. I’m very curious to see what the first one I receive is going to be.

I received my order from One Star’s Light, and Jenna really does do a beautiful job with packaging. I love the little wax seal. I have some 17″ q-snaps to use for Tesori now, and a thread winder. I’ve been wanting a thread winder for a long time. I may use it on Tesori also, as I am primarily using red thread.

I’ve also managed a few minutes here and there on my knitting. I restarted this on the 4th, while we were waiting for fireworks. So, here is my progress on my Homespun Wrap – I’m basically just making a big rectangle for a wrap that I can use at work when they decide to make it freezing in there over the summer. I like the color changes it in, and it makes for a fun project. Sorry the photo’s a little dark. I am practicing my purling, which I am so much slower at than straight knitting. I’ve put a garter stitch border on it too, so that edges don’t roll. I’ve been watching everyone’s progress on the Mystery Stole too. I’ve signed up, so that I’ll have the pattern for whenever I decide I’m brave enough to try my hand at knitting lace. Part of me keeps thinking that it’s just knits, purls, yarn overs, increases and decreases, so surely I could do that. That may be the part of me that keeps dreaming about it. Or it could be the 800 or so emails in my inbox each day that’s causing me to dream about it at night!
Anyway, I should be posting photos of my Neighborhood RR tomorrow, before it heads off on its adventure. Stay tuned!
I am grateful for knitting.
Pretty work! You know, every so often, I swing between knitting and cross stitch and I’m currently on the knitting side too!
Once you try lace, you will be so addicted!
Your stitching and knitting are beautiful 🙂
Its always a wonderful thing to learn something new 🙂
I love the yarn you’re using for your knitting project!! It looks so cozy (as I’m currently shivering in air conditioning). Great start on Tesori, too!
Both of your projects are lovely Michelle!
Tesori is so beautiful – I love those motifs 🙂
Tesori is looking great, as is your knitting. You are right about lace knitting, once you know the tecniques, yarn over, knit two together etc, the rest is pretty easy.
Tesori is coming along nicely. A nice new bit of stash too!
Michelle-Believe it or not I also signed up for the MS3 but am no where near ready to start. I’m going to practice on a few very basic lace patterns before I jump in. I am also planning on knitting it without the beads which means I have to figure out the whole chart thing, like do make a stitch where the bead would be or just follow the pattern and ignore the bead directions? I’m really in over my head. Especially since I’m not technically a knitter but one day, maybe I will be. Your stitching is beautiful. I’m kicking myself for not joining the Neighborhood RR but I’m in a 12 person ornament swap this year and figured I would be jammed up stitchingwise in a few months and really regret over commiting myself.
I love the yarn that you are using for your wrap. The colors are lovely!