
Thanks for all the compliments on my Valentine Rose block. I’m pretty happy with it. I’ve made a tiny little start on the next block, but then I had to get back to Hare Pyns. Unfortunately, Hare Pyns required some ripping out and restitching, so I’ll post my progress on that next time.

Today, though, I wanted to share my recent weekend adventure. A couple of years (!) ago, my good friend, Jennifer, gave me a gift certificate to a local bead shop for my birthday. The intent was that I could use it to take a class. I finally decided that now was the time and so two or three weeks ago, I went in and signed up for their Basic Jewelry Technique class. On Saturday, I headed to my class and was excited to spend a fun few hours making jewelry.

We learned a variety of techniques and made a bracelet, two sets of earrings, and a pendant.

How fun is that?! I’m especially proud of the spirals at the bottom of my earrings – I made those! We had a good time, and made some pretty things. I’m excited to have learned some basic techniques that I can put to use. So excited in fact that I came home and made the earrings in the top photo. I saw the Day of the Dead skulls at the shop and had to have them. So I zipped right home and made myself a pair of earrings! Love them!

The shop has some other cool classes that I’m really interested in taking, one on resin and one making a steampunk necklace. I’m looking forward to their new schedule coming out.

So that was my weekend. And like I said, I’m plugging away on Hare Pyns and hope to have more to show you soon. My goal is to get the front flap stitched by the end of June. Only a week and a half left, so I’d better get on it!

I’ve also been posting up some book reviews at my other blog, if you’re interested. And you can see our new patio project too, later today.

I’m grateful Eric and I have each other.

22 thoughts on “Adorned”

  1. That must have been a great class! Love what you made — the spirals are wonderful! The steampunk class sounds so cool, and the resin class sounds great too! Maybe someday I’ll learn more about jewelry making. I took a bracelet class from KBD’s daughter at a retreat, so I have a couple of basic tools.

  2. That must have been a great class! Love what you made — the spirals are wonderful! The steampunk class sounds so cool, and the resin class sounds great too! Maybe someday I’ll learn more about jewelry making. I took a bracelet class from KBD’s daughter at a retreat, so I have a couple of basic tools.

  3. Fabulous job on the jewelry!! I totally dig those spirals on your earrings – no small feat to get those done, I am sure. Of course I totally cracked up on the skull earings…. you got a lot accomplished in that class.

  4. Fabulous job on the jewelry!! I totally dig those spirals on your earrings – no small feat to get those done, I am sure. Of course I totally cracked up on the skull earings…. you got a lot accomplished in that class.

  5. Laurie in Iowa

    Wow… in just one class you’ve made yourself some beautiful jewelry. Love the ‘day of the dead’ earrings.

  6. Laurie in Iowa

    Wow… in just one class you’ve made yourself some beautiful jewelry. Love the ‘day of the dead’ earrings.

  7. Chocolates4Breakfast (TerriBoog)

    Great projects! I love to bead, too and make most of my scissor fobs from beading, rather than stitching. Soooo much faster!

  8. Chocolates4Breakfast (TerriBoog)

    Great projects! I love to bead, too and make most of my scissor fobs from beading, rather than stitching. Soooo much faster!

  9. Aurelia Eglantine

    Beading is addictive, as you’ll quickly find out 🙂 Great projects – you got tons of things made for a beginner’s class, and they all look wonderful!

  10. Aurelia Eglantine

    Beading is addictive, as you’ll quickly find out 🙂 Great projects – you got tons of things made for a beginner’s class, and they all look wonderful!

  11. Sorry to hear you had a visit from the frog. Those are never fun. I think I’ve almost gotten rid of mine, thank GOD!!!! (He made me rip out over a thousand stitches, so I’m really not happy with him!!) Your jewelry is cute. I have a friend who’s a beadweaver, and those bracelets and necklaces are gorgeous!!

  12. Sorry to hear you had a visit from the frog. Those are never fun. I think I’ve almost gotten rid of mine, thank GOD!!!! (He made me rip out over a thousand stitches, so I’m really not happy with him!!) Your jewelry is cute. I have a friend who’s a beadweaver, and those bracelets and necklaces are gorgeous!!

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