Ah, Sweet Mystery!

I worked on Mystery 9 yesterday per my rotation, and managed to finish part 5. I actually started on part 5 back in August, so I’m relieved to finally be finished with it. Part 5 was the two triangles from the 3 o’clock to 6 o’clock positions.

And here is the whole thing so far. As you can see, I still have four more triangles to go. I am hoping that by sticking with my rotation, and stitching on this each weekend, I will be seeing some faster progress on it. I am also hoping with doing the rotation it will keep me from getting bogged down in it. I would really like to have this finished sometime in the near future.

I also received the last of the 2006 Loose Feathers charts. I just love this one…the colors in it are beautiful! I’ve signed up for the 2007 Loose Feathers, so I won’t miss out on any of the new ones. Not too much else going on here…I made a trip to the quilt store today, which was fun. I bought some fabric to finish a couple stitched pieces. I also bought some fabric for a Valentine’s Day project that I have in mind to do. Well, I’d best be off to enjoy the evening with my husband! Hope you’ve all had a fabulous weekend. We had sunshine today, which was nice.

Walk to Rivendell: 10.5 miles

I am grateful for bubble baths.

10 thoughts on “Ah, Sweet Mystery!”

  1. Ah, how nice to see Mystery IX again! It looks great! And I love that Loose Feathers! I am waiting on mine to arrive now too 🙂

  2. Your mystery looks fabulous! Seems like your rotation is working out great for you!
    The LF leaflet and the WDW colors are just beautiful!
    Have a great week!

  3. Hi Michelle, now I’ve seen the new Loose Feathers with the threads I really like it, thanks for showing them both together 🙂

  4. Hi Michelle, your mystery IX is looking beautiful as is your lemon meringue pie. I think you should have one more loose feather coming. That was the Dec. issue running behind-Feb should be the last.

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