All Hallow’s Eve

Hallow’s Eve
Primitive Bettys
GAST Raven on 30ct Pumpkin Spice Java by R&R
Finished 11/1/08

Look I have stitching to show – and a FINISH! I’ve been sort of flitting around from project to project, with not a lot to show for my efforts. I had hoped to have my Holly Biscornu finished in time for my next guild meeting (tomorrow), but I didn’t make as much progress on it as I wanted to. I’ve got all the initial stitching done, now comes the part for the wool applique. That part shouldn’t take long, I just need to have access to my iron to do it. So, I’ve been working on that. I’ve also been stitching along on my Red Thread piece and am moving along on finishing up my September block. Last night the balloon was finished, and the pig was started. Woohoo! I’ve also made a little progress on my Papillon Creations Mystery Sampler from TGOS. I ripped out one motif and restitched it and the second motif is now ripped out and I’ve started restitching it. I think I have three or four more motifs to rip out and fix once I finish that one. Once I get all the mistakes fixed, I think it will be a fairly quick stitch going forward. But the ripping out is a total pain!

On Friday, I decided to take a day off work. I went to early voting in the morning, and then over to my LNS. I had a freebie from The Sampler Girl that called for GAST Simply Wool thread. I’ve never used wool thread before, and I thought it sounded interesting. Unfortunately, my LNS only had one of the four colors I needed – so the other three are on order. I also ordered one of those cording makers so that I can make cording for my Holly Biscornu. They didn’t have that in stock either. I did pick up a cute Just Nan chart though, Frost on the Pumpkin.

Anyway, once I got home I decided to just relax and have a Me day. I watched about six hours worth of Gossip Girl episodes I had missed, and picked up another freebie to stitch on. This freebie was provided to the Stacy Nash yahoo group I am a member of, as a door prize for our Halloween party in the group. This freebie was designed by Betty Dekat of Primitive Bettys. I just loved being able to pick up something quick and easy and in time for the holiday. I stitched with GAST Raven (what else) on 30 ct Pumpkin Spice Java by R&R. A few years ago, my LNS had ornament cuts of a variety of R&R fabrics. I bought three at the time, a red, a golden yellow, and this one. I’m so glad I found a great use for it! I was totally inspired by Nancy’s use of framed pieces hung on ribbon to decorate for Halloween.

So, yesterday I ran up to Michael’s with a 40% off coupon in my hand and I found this great frame, and some black and white checked ribbon. Love it! It turned out exactly how I envisioned it, which is saying something, since that rarely happens with me!

Oh, and speaking of Halloween stitching, does anybody have a copy of this Birds of a Feather freebie they’d be willing to share with me?

I would sure appreciate it!

Anyway, I’ve also been stitching along on another new piece. A few weekends ago, I went with my MIL and SIL to the Gem and Jewelry Show. I’ve never gone before, and it was quite an experience. I picked up a couple of great things, that I’ll have to remember to show you. I was so inspired by all the crystals and pearls though, that I came home and had to start this piece. This is Pearl Lights by Chatelaine. I don’t think anyone’s finished this piece, and I’ve seen very few people stitching it. Stitching on 32 count black linen is no easy task though, as I’ve discovered. I’ve turned my quilt over to the back side, which is muslin, when I stitch so that it helps to have that light color behind my fabric. Good light helps too. I just love love love stitching with silks though – you can’t beat it!

Anyway, that’s what I’ve been up to around here. I hope you all had a happy Halloween, and an enjoyable weekend.

I am grateful for a day off.

38 thoughts on “All Hallow’s Eve”

  1. Hmm, your day off sounds like heaven to me :o)
    GREAT finish!
    I always use my hand mixer to make cords. Works every time!

  2. Hmm, your day off sounds like heaven to me :o)
    GREAT finish!
    I always use my hand mixer to make cords. Works every time!

  3. Your finish is EXACTLY how I envisioned the pattern would look all stitched and finished! I love it! I had the darling BOAF pumpkin kitty (saved on the hard drive of my FORMER computer) until, thanks to technology, the computer died and nothing could be recovered. I always wanted to do that one too!

  4. Your finish is EXACTLY how I envisioned the pattern would look all stitched and finished! I love it! I had the darling BOAF pumpkin kitty (saved on the hard drive of my FORMER computer) until, thanks to technology, the computer died and nothing could be recovered. I always wanted to do that one too!

  5. I look forward to seeing your progress on Pearl Lights, as I have this one. I bought 1 yard of 32ct Raw Belfast linen, only to find out later that it was 28ct, the online store sent me the wrong count. I might now buy black.

  6. I look forward to seeing your progress on Pearl Lights, as I have this one. I bought 1 yard of 32ct Raw Belfast linen, only to find out later that it was 28ct, the online store sent me the wrong count. I might now buy black.

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