Well, I am getting close on Quaker Garden. I have to fill in the right hand triangle with the bird, etc. and then I have to do the last few letters down in the right hand corner and the flowers. That’s it. I had hoped to have made really good progress on it tonight, at best to finish it. However, I tried (and failed) to work from home tonight, which caused a whole big mess. My PC and my login server were not communicating at all. So, most of the night was spent fighting with my computer. Now, I am fighting with Blogger yet again, trying to upload a pic of Quaker Garden. Doesn’t Blogger realize that my blog is 100% more interesting with visual aids? So, anyway, if I’m lucky you’ll get a pic…if not, well sorry. I made a very tiny yellow-infused start on my Lemon Meringue Sampler. Not enough to even show. I took some time this weekend and ironed all of my fabric that I have alotted for projects I want to start. So, now I am set on Liberty Hill and Midi Mystery 2, Queen of the Needle, etc. Martina released part 2 of Midi today, and it is even more beautiful! I cannot wait to start this. If I could only finish Quaker Garden. How do you all tame your inner startitis beast? On a movie note…Jean asked if I liked Grand Hotel. I did very much like it! But, she is right, there are a lot of things in these movies that probably wouldn’t be tolerated in today’s world. But then, in today’s world we have movies like Showgirls. Ahh, irony. Anyway, Grand Hotel was great. Last night we watched a more recent film – The New World. This was possibly one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. It is stunning. It has very little dialogue, but it is such a beautiful beautiful film. I highly recommend it! Oh, and Jenna asked if she’d missed my birthday. No, it is coming up – August 22nd. I just like to buy my presents early!! Well, that’s it for tonight. Hopefully I will be able to load pics again soon.
I am grateful for soft kisses.
Yay for August birthday girls…mine is the 20th!
Leslie is the 20th, you are the 22nd? Good to know (LOL)!!!
Honey.. you could try using photobuckets for your pics 🙂
Yes, Blogger and photos have really not been getting along nicely lately. I’m glad that I haven’t missed your birthday yet, though I can’t guarantee that I won’t anyway. LOL.