And She Stitches Too

Thanks for all the well-wishes and I am feeling somewhat better. Yesterday, we made a trip to the post office and I picked up my package from Martina. It did indeed contain my Mystery 9 embellishments. Aren’t they gorgeous. Perfect for the piece. I will be interested to see what Martina designs as the stitched center and will decide then if I use the embellishments or stitch the center. I mailed off my Crazy Cat Lady Exchange piece too, and now I will just have to hold my breath until it reaches its destination. I am glad to have that crossed off my list though. Now, on to the next thing. I made a small start on my Just Nan RR. I am using the crown motif from her Queen of the Needle piece. I absolutely love the fabric I chose for this piece, it is just like a blue sky with clouds.

This afternoon, I played around with my iPod some more and was able to get some podcasts loaded onto it. I now am set up to get auto feeds of the Craftborg podcasts. I am so excited!

And finally, dinner with my Mother-in-Law and Sister-in-Law was fabulous, and my sweet Sister-in-Law brought me these beautiful Oriental Stargazer Lilies. Romeo is investigating. I have some pics of Chicago to share, so I will write about our trip next time. Hope you all had a great weekend.

I am grateful for my home and for family dinners in it.

5 thoughts on “And She Stitches Too”

  1. Oooh, very pretty (and sparkley).

    Waiting for an exchange to arrive safely is one of the hardest things to do patiently. I hope yours dosen’t have to far to go.

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