Another New Start

Tonight I will be starting another Just Nan piece. I will be stitching Baby Garden for my Goddaughter. I have my threads, my fabric and my 3″ square. I think this is a great invention! It is just a 3″ square of mat board, and you line it up with the corner of your fabric to figure out where to start stitching, if you’re starting in a corner rather than in the middle. I am notorious for “eyeballing” it wrong. So, I have out my handy dandy square to help me.

My migraine is mostly gone, so I’ll be glad to get back to stitching since I did none over the weekend. It was a good mail day too! I finally got my SB&B order in. This is the rest of the threads for my February and March sheep blankets. This time they have chosen a Crescent Colors thread too, usually they just use Weeks and GAST. As you can see, I also succumbed to the LHN Watermelon. This was just too cute to continue to resist. And also, two mermaids to keep my mermaid stash happy!

And finally, I thought I would try to post a better photo of the fabric I used for my First Snow hanging. I don’t think my migraine related fog allowed me to make much sense in my post yesterday, much less post good photos. Hope you can see it a little better here.

My boss is on vacation this week, so it’s been kind of a crazy day today. I’ll be glad to sit down and stitch, I think.

Walk to Rivendell: Road rolls up and down. (Total miles walked: 22).

I am grateful for opening my chakras.

13 thoughts on “Another New Start”

  1. Leslie aka zoeandcooper

    I can’t wait to see your new start! Threads look really pretty. What a good idea to use the mat board. I am also really good at eyeballing wrong. My White wedding had five inches on one side and two on the other…ooops!!!

  2. I’m glad your migraine is mostly gone. I hope it clears up completely soon 🙂

    Love the new stash and I’m looking forward to seeing the next blanket on that sheep!

  3. I “started” a new project yesterday too…just gathered the supplies together really…but isn’t it exciting to do that?!
    The mat board is a great idea!
    Your walk to Rivendale is going fabulous!

  4. I also love the colors for your Baby Garden… it’s such a cute design, I can’t wait to see your progress. I also like the idea of the mat board, what a time saver!!

  5. That square is a great idea! I hate starting a piece at a corner because I am always afraid that I will be off in my measurements and I won’t know until it is far too late.

    Great stash! I will be carrying those LHN/Crescent Colours collaboration packs because they seemed irresistable to me, as well.

    BTW, I am intrigued by your grateful statement on this post. Would you please email me privately and let me know what you are doing to help open your chakras?

  6. After all my years of stitching, never occurred to me to have a 3″ square! Thanks for the great idea. I am saving that JN piece for a special baby.

  7. Hi Michelle, just catching up on your recent posts. I hope you are feeling much better now 🙂 I too look forward to seeing your progress on Baby Garden, its a beautiful sampler with lovely colours.

    You asked me about The Thirteenth Tale? I finished it over the weekend and thought it was great – I had a little trouble getting into it but once I did, I found it very hard to put down. There is an interesting twist at the end but I won’t spoil the surprise, lol. Would highly recommend it 🙂

  8. Love the 3″ square idea. I’m usually a center starter but I think I’ll cut myself a 3×3 just for those rare corner start occasions.

    I noticed the CC in the sheep blankets this time around too. Did you notice they photographed the sheep together this time, not individually? Smaller picture but still instructions say to check the picture for charm placement. Oh dandy.

    Glad your migraine is better!

  9. Sorry you’ve had migrinae problems. I’ve been having trouble with them myself for the last month! Isn’t that odd that so many people have been complaining of them recently.

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