Another Success

I recently had another success that I rewarded myself for. And I rewarded myself with knitting! I’ve been wanting to learn how to knit for so long, and I decided to make it a reward when I reached a specific goal. So, on Saturday, I finally had time to redeem my treasure. Even though I was still feeling like crap, nothing was going to stand in the way of my knitting. I drove out to a yarn store I had found via the internet, which looked like a good bet. Their web site shows that they offer classes, and it also looked like they had a good selection of yarn/needles. So, when I got there, I inquired about their beginning classes and was told that they are in the middle of one now, and don’t have the next one scheduled yet. So, they suggested I check back in about the classes in a couple of weeks. But, I want to knit now!!! The guy at the register suggested that I teach myself from a book. Now, as you may know, I previously bought Stitch n Bitch in order to teach myself to knit. The problem though is that I was just lost in the instructions. Which I explained to my helpers here. I was shown what yarn would be good to start with and which needles are good for beginners. So, I purchased a skein of yarn and size 8 needles to begin. I figured I would just go home and try to figure it out, now that I at least had the tools to do it with. As I was getting ready to leave, the owner of the store asked me if I would like her to teach me. I jumped on the chance, and she sat down with me for about half an hour and showed me the basics – how to cast on and how to knit. She said next time I come back she will show me how to purl. So, I practiced. I practiced and ripped out, and cast on, and did it over and over again. It isn’t pretty, but I love it. And when I went home and looked at my Stitch n Bitch book, the instructions now made sense – now that I had seen it done. So, I am very excited and proud of myself. I still intend to see about signing up for a class, but in the mean time, I think I have a start at knitting. Yay!!

I stitched a little bit on Mystery Sampler too, but that’s about all I did. Eric and I did some cleaning and reorganizing the past couple of days, and like I said I was feeling yucky still. We had intended to have a night out on Saturday night, but the most I was up for was going out to dinner.

I received my Silkweaver Fabric of the Month package on Friday. It had a light blue, which is a FOTM Exclusive, and the green one is Cactus.

On Saturday, I received my Stitching Bits & Bobs order – can you believe it???? I had ordered two charts for use in my upcoming Neighborhood RR. I am doing a Halloween-themed neighborhood. How fun will that be? I love the idea of having spooky houses and pumpkins and stuff. I think I am going to stitch the graveyard from Village of Hawk Run Hollow in the center if I can figure out how to make it fit. It is unfortunately bigger than the 70 x 70 my blocks are supposed to be. The threads in the photo are for Chatelaine’s Pearl Lights. I try to get a couple threads here and there whenever I get a chance. Someday, I’ll get a chance to stitch it!

I am grateful for knitting!

36 thoughts on “Another Success”

  1. that is soo cool that you are rewarding yourself with knitting! you’ll have soo much fun with all the yarns and designs out there!

    I love the idea of your hallowween neighborhood .. spooky and fun!

  2. that is soo cool that you are rewarding yourself with knitting! you’ll have soo much fun with all the yarns and designs out there!

    I love the idea of your hallowween neighborhood .. spooky and fun!

  3. Congratulations on learning how to knit! I’m sure you’ll enjoy it…many times I’ve tried to learn but I just think knitting is not for me
    Your Mystery Sampler is looking great 🙂

  4. Congratulations on learning how to knit! I’m sure you’ll enjoy it…many times I’ve tried to learn but I just think knitting is not for me
    Your Mystery Sampler is looking great 🙂

  5. Welcome to the knitting side. I’m also an equal-opportunity-stitcher so I divide my time between cross stitch, knitting & crocheting. I love them all.


  6. Welcome to the knitting side. I’m also an equal-opportunity-stitcher so I divide my time between cross stitch, knitting & crocheting. I love them all.


  7. Congrats on learning how to knit!

    I’m just loving the colors in your MS. So pretty.

    You got a great stash hall too!

  8. Congrats on learning how to knit!

    I’m just loving the colors in your MS. So pretty.

    You got a great stash hall too!

  9. Congrats on learning to knit 🙂
    And your stitchy stash is great 🙂
    A spooky RR…not that would be fun!!

  10. Congrats on learning to knit 🙂
    And your stitchy stash is great 🙂
    A spooky RR…not that would be fun!!

  11. That’s just the way I learned to knit! LOL You can do it! It’s going to open up so many fun things for you…and more yarns and fancy fibers for your stash! Good for you, Michelle!
    Deb in FL

  12. That’s just the way I learned to knit! LOL You can do it! It’s going to open up so many fun things for you…and more yarns and fancy fibers for your stash! Good for you, Michelle!
    Deb in FL

  13. have fun with your knitting Michelle, but a warning, it can become as addictive as stitching!!

    I was very fortunate that both my Nana’s knitted so I was shown how to when I was a small girl. Its been some time since I picked up my knitting needles though.

  14. have fun with your knitting Michelle, but a warning, it can become as addictive as stitching!!

    I was very fortunate that both my Nana’s knitted so I was shown how to when I was a small girl. Its been some time since I picked up my knitting needles though.

  15. Mystery Sampler is looking lovely, Michelle! And I hope you enjoy learning to knit… I used to knit and crochet years and years ago but it fell by the wayside once I discovered stitching…

    I can’t wait to see your Halloween NRR! It’s going to be awesome! I so love the NRR’s…

  16. Mystery Sampler is looking lovely, Michelle! And I hope you enjoy learning to knit… I used to knit and crochet years and years ago but it fell by the wayside once I discovered stitching…

    I can’t wait to see your Halloween NRR! It’s going to be awesome! I so love the NRR’s…

  17. Leslie aka zoeandcooper

    Sounds like you have made a great start to knitting. Hope you have fun with it in addition to the stitching.

    Your mystery sampler is really growing. Great progress.

  18. Leslie aka zoeandcooper

    Sounds like you have made a great start to knitting. Hope you have fun with it in addition to the stitching.

    Your mystery sampler is really growing. Great progress.

  19. Good luck with the knitting Michelle. My auntie taught me amny years ago and I used to knit loads.

    Love the mystery sampler. The colours in it are gorgeous.

  20. Good luck with the knitting Michelle. My auntie taught me amny years ago and I used to knit loads.

    Love the mystery sampler. The colours in it are gorgeous.

  21. Good luck with the knitting, how nice of the owner to teach you. I love the green fabric you got, great colour! Your sampler is looking great

  22. Good luck with the knitting, how nice of the owner to teach you. I love the green fabric you got, great colour! Your sampler is looking great

  23. I hope that you are running on all cylinders again soon, Michelle. *hug* I love that the shop owner took the time to sit down and show you how to get started. It really is the best way to learn. My mom did the same thing with me over Christmas the other year (not that I remember much – LOL). Enjoy! And congratulations on meeting your goals!

  24. I hope that you are running on all cylinders again soon, Michelle. *hug* I love that the shop owner took the time to sit down and show you how to get started. It really is the best way to learn. My mom did the same thing with me over Christmas the other year (not that I remember much – LOL). Enjoy! And congratulations on meeting your goals!

  25. The Silver Thistle

    Yay!!! You’re a knitter! I used to knit lots, but sort of got out of the habit I guess. I’m back with it now though and have a pattern all ready and waiting, just have to find a couple of wools still, then I’m off!

    Your Halloween town sounds great! Can’t wait to see how that turns out!

  26. The Silver Thistle

    Yay!!! You’re a knitter! I used to knit lots, but sort of got out of the habit I guess. I’m back with it now though and have a pattern all ready and waiting, just have to find a couple of wools still, then I’m off!

    Your Halloween town sounds great! Can’t wait to see how that turns out!

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