Hard to believe it’s that time again for a WIPocalypse check in but here we are at the end of April/beginning of May!
Let me start off by showing you my progress on Mystery 9 (The King’s Vegetable Garden). I am continuing with my 100 day challenge on this one and am currently at day 42 or so.
So here’s what it looked like on Day 1.

And the last time you saw it was on Day 6. Here’s what it looks like now.

I completely finished the top right corner, including beads but no crystals. Then I moved down and did the side pool and the steps. I’ve made a good start on corner 3, the bottom right corner. I’ve beaded those swirls on either side of the artichoke bed and stitched the green hedge with all the eyelet stitches. I stitched and beaded the corner pool and then stitched and beaded the espalier trees. Here’s a closer view of that corner. The beads on the espalier trees are a very pale pink so they are a bit difficult to see.

I had hoped to get this corner completely finished in April, but that didn’t quite happen. I did hit a point where I was feeling antsy to work on something else and I did start two new little pieces.
The first one is from the alphabet series by Carriage House Samplings (Kathy Barrick era). I’ve had a plan to stitch this for my thread box for years and so I finally decided to just start it. I’m stitching it with the called for threads except for the black – it calls for Black Crow which I don’t have, so I’m using DMC. It also calls for an orange that I didn’t have so I’m just using the DMC equivalent. I should be able to get it done without too much more work.

Next, I stumbled across another chart that’s been in my stash forever. And I’ve been trying to find something to stitch on the beautiful Lovechild fabric that Christine from Stitch All the Things sent me. Enter Friday the 13th coinciding with Dark 13 stitching and everything just clicked!

This is Jinx by Raise the Roof Designs that I’ve been in love with since I first laid eyes on it when it was released. And there’s something I just love about the fact it’s on pink opalescent fabric. So, I decided my Lovechild fabric had found its perfect pattern.
I started it on Friday the 13th and this is as far as I got before I switched back over to my Chatelaine stitching. I’m using the called for thread for the yellow moon, but this chart also called for Black Crow (what are the odds?!) so I’m using Weeks Mascara instead. And I didn’t have the white for the lightning bolt you can’t really see in the photo, so I’m using Parched Bones which was a limited edition thread for Jenny Bean Halloween (fun fact, Teresa from Shakespeare’s Peddler used to be half of Raise the Roof).

But, this is another piece I think will be a relatively quick stitch. And it is something I’ve been wanting to stitch for a long time.
Finally, the last thing I worked on in April and managed to finish completely was my first design. Completing this and releasing the pattern was on my WIPocalypse list for 2018, so it is a huge relief to have that finished. If you want more info on it or want to purchase the chart, you can pop over here.

So, that wraps up April! I’ll do a separate post with my May plans, including Stitch Maynia soon.
Thanks for stopping by!
I am grateful for gifted fabric from friends.
I love your Mystery 9 (Kings Garden), I really want to do a chart like that one day, but first i need to get other stuff done. you are doing beautiful work. Love your Raising the Roof design too, it will be cute and look great on your fabric choice. Can’t wait to see more.
I love your Mystery 9 (Kings Garden), I really want to do a chart like that one day, but first i need to get other stuff done. you are doing beautiful work. Love your Raising the Roof design too, it will be cute and look great on your fabric choice. Can’t wait to see more.
Holy cow is your Mystery 9 beautiful. And you’re spot on with that pink fabric for Jinx. And La Luna. Don’t get me started. I love it.
Holy cow is your Mystery 9 beautiful. And you’re spot on with that pink fabric for Jinx. And La Luna. Don’t get me started. I love it.