At Home with Jane Austen

At Home with Jane Austen
The Sampler Girl
Crescent Colors on 28ct Light Mocha
Finished 2/2/09

At Home with Jane Austen was my New Year’s Day start this year. I finished restitching the last of that little berry vine at the top last night. You may remember that the vine had to be ripped out and moved two stitches to the left. I could have had this finished on the 1st, but since I had to rip out…it was last night’s finish. I loved every stitch of this piece. It was fun and colorful, the Crescent Colors threads were fabulous. And the bonus is that the fabric that I used for this was the incorrect fabric that was sent to me for my Red Thread, which worked perfectly for this design. I also have enough left that I should be able to stitch the companion piece too. I wish that I had been better able to capture the beautiful brightness of the threads, but when you’re taking photos while it’s still dark outside, you do what you can!

Usually, when I stitch a piece that calls for an initial I use “L”. But, after seeing Paulette’s “P”, I decided that this one deserved an “M”. I’m so happy with it. The quote is from Emma, one of my favorite movies (no, I haven’t read the book, I’m a total slacker).

So, next up is stitching on the Mermaids, since I was so close to a finish I didn’t pick them up on Sunday for my SAL. I figure I’ll spend the next couple of nights on them. Then, I’ll be picking up a new start for Valentine’s Day.

And thanks to Siobhan for this lovely award! I am so happy that Siobhan is blogging now…it makes it easier for me to stalk her. lol! So, I am supposed to list five addictions…

1. List making (I think we all know this)

2. Creating/Crafting – stitching, quilting, you name it

3. Gossip Girl – I see a marathon in my future, along with stitching Tesori (you know what that means!!)

4. Traveling – I love going to new places

5. Mexican food – I could eat it every day

So, now to give this award to some other fabulous blogs…

Missy, AnnaMarshaMargie and Nancy. But really, you are all fabulous and don’t forget that!!

I have more fun things to show you next time…but I just had to share my latest finish. Guild meeting tonight, and we’ll be discussing Adam & Eve samplers, which I am really looking forward to.

I am grateful for getting back into the game.

42 thoughts on “At Home with Jane Austen”

  1. Michelle this is truly stunning! Aren’t those colors gorgeous? I can just hear all the ooooo’s and ahhhhh’s while people are looking at your finished photo. Congratulations!

    Thanks for the award. I think you are fabulous too!

  2. Michelle this is truly stunning! Aren’t those colors gorgeous? I can just hear all the ooooo’s and ahhhhh’s while people are looking at your finished photo. Congratulations!

    Thanks for the award. I think you are fabulous too!

  3. Oh, WOW!! Michelle, your At Home is GORGEOUS!! I am supposed to be stitching this with Lizzy and had better get busy. I have all the supplies for it, I just have to get them rounded up.

    You are SO funny!! I have a stalker, and it’s not the crazy guy in town!! Woo! LOL You made my day, gf! Now I have to call all of my family members and read them that bit on your blog, ROFLOL.

  4. Oh, WOW!! Michelle, your At Home is GORGEOUS!! I am supposed to be stitching this with Lizzy and had better get busy. I have all the supplies for it, I just have to get them rounded up.

    You are SO funny!! I have a stalker, and it’s not the crazy guy in town!! Woo! LOL You made my day, gf! Now I have to call all of my family members and read them that bit on your blog, ROFLOL.

  5. Absolutely beautiful finish, Michelle!! I just love everything about it.

    What part of Texas are you? I’m in Texas, too. We just might be neighbors? Have I already asked you this and forgotten? My brain is ….. well, if you told me I forgot. LOL

  6. Absolutely beautiful finish, Michelle!! I just love everything about it.

    What part of Texas are you? I’m in Texas, too. We just might be neighbors? Have I already asked you this and forgotten? My brain is ….. well, if you told me I forgot. LOL

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