Baby, It’s Cold Outside

I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine’s Day yesterday. My sweetie sent roses to me at work and this little bear. I’ve never had flowers delivered to me at work, so it was a big surprise! He also sent flowers to my mom and his mom. He never ceases to amaze me. We had a wonderful dinner last night when I got home from working out. The situation with Hamlet has not gotten any better, and last night was another rough night. I’ve talked to my vet though, who has been seeing Hamlet for about ten years, and he has given me something to try. I am hopeful that it will help and all will be right with our little family again. I am hoping that this weekend, I can pamper myself a little, maybe take a long bubble bath…I could sure use it.

I don’t have any stitching to show you today, unfortunately. I am busily working away on my RR, and hope to have it finished up soon. I haven’t gotten any stitching in the last two nights though, due to the situation with Hamlet and just general exhaustion. Hopefully I can get a little in tonight. I plan to work on Barnabee for our weekly SAL tomorrow night, and then I will probably go back to the RR. I do apologize to everyone that I am so out of sorts of late, I just seem to be having too many things heaped on me at once. But, I am trying to remember to breathe and remember that all is exactly as it should be. I got my Fabric of the Month package from Silkweaver and received two beautiful pieces, yet again. The purple is a Limited Edition Belfast, and the other is like blue sky with clouds (not green, like it looks here) called Castle View in Lugana. Both gorgeous. I am so glad that I signed up for this Fabric of the Month club, even though I have only used one of the pretty fabrics I’ve received so far.

I am thinking of joining the Biscornu exchange on the Friends Gather Bulletin Board. I’ve never stitched a Biscornu, so I thought it might be fun. And speaking of exchanges, take a look at Gill’s cow quilt. Remember the Texas Cow I stitched for her over the summer? What a fun idea!

Well, that’s it for me today. Eric and I are off to Best Buy to pick up some DVDs. I am planning on getting Marie Antoinette. It looks fabulous. I’m curious to see what Pam Garrison is creating, that is Marie Antoinette inspired?

Walk to Rivendell: Road zig-zags to top of a steep bank and goes down for the last time. Can see across Woody End to the River. They stop to rest, eat, and rest more. Sun was “beginning to get low” as they went down the hill. (Total Miles walked: 29)

I am grateful for possibilities.

14 thoughts on “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”

  1. what a cute little bear! It sounds like you had a very nice Valentines Day.

    Oohh is that Castle View? I have some on order that I should have next week.

  2. what a cute little bear! It sounds like you had a very nice Valentines Day.

    Oohh is that Castle View? I have some on order that I should have next week.

  3. I got Castle View too – do you like it? I am not too sure I like mine. It’s peach and blue? LOL!!! Anyhow.. oh, please do join the biscornu exchange!

  4. I got Castle View too – do you like it? I am not too sure I like mine. It’s peach and blue? LOL!!! Anyhow.. oh, please do join the biscornu exchange!

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