Back into the Groove

Although not much stitching was accomplished last night, I have made some progress on Mystery 9. I only have the specialty stitches left to do in the upper triangle, and in the lower triangle I have the baby corn background to do and the specialty stitches. Then onto the next two. I feel good about working on this again and I have fallen back in love with it. I also made a start on my Crazy Cat Lady Exchange piece. I am starting to get a little anxious about the two exchanges and the round robin I’ve signed up for. But I feel good about the start I’ve made. My fabric for my RR is on its way too, so I’ll be able to get it prepped and ready to go. And I’m really loving my new Ginghers…they are awesome. Now I just need a pretty fob from Amy (I’ve got my eye on her August fob). Well, that’s all for now. I’ve got to go work on hemming my kitchen curtains. I took my iPod for a walk tonight for the first time, and it was great.

I am grateful for Steve Irwin.

12 thoughts on “Back into the Groove”

  1. Your mystery is stitching up beautifully! I’ve been watching these thinking “…maaaaybe” :o)

    Ya know, I was never a Steve Irwin fan, but I’ve always had respect for anyone that does what they love, and makes a load of money doing it. I think he was a large influence on a lot of kids, and a good, CLEAN influence is hard to find these days. He’ll definately be missed.

  2. The stitching is coming along beautifully! Wonderful work you are doing there!

    My thoghts and prayers are out to Steve Irwin’s family. He will be deeply missed!

  3. I’m glad that you’ve fallen back in love with the mystery. On a design that large, it’s important that you enjoy it!

  4. It’s looking great, Michelle!

    I am grateful for Steve Irwin too-he has been a part of our household for as many years as I can remember. My children watched Crocodile Hunter faithfully.

    Have a great Thursday!

  5. Your mystery is looking great – you’ve gotten so much done! Fabulous scissor purchase – Ginghers are my fav! Don’t you just love your iPod? Mine keeps me sane. Well, kinda…

  6. Michelle:

    Thank you for your nice comments in my blog!! Your stitching is just so incredible and I love the little lamb too. I may have to get him eventually too! I noticed your comment that you appreciate Steve Irwin. I too just loved Steve Irwin and everything he stood for. Such a huge loss and I feel so bad for his family.
    I am so thankful though that my husband is doing well. He is everything to me! You rethink your priorities when something so scarey happens and I can’t say how happy I am that he is fine. Now back to my stithing! Debby

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