Be My Valentine

Happy Valentine’s Day! It’s a little overcast and dreary looking out today, but I thought I’d share a few special things that are brightening me up. Above you can see this pretty heart-shaped Whitman’s box. This was a gift from a sweet friend of mine. She bought these, not only so that we could indulge in the chocolate inside, but most importantly because they’ll be put to good use.

And on Saturday, I decided I needed a little break from all the “have to’s”, so I stitched up a little Valentine for myself.

This one has been in my stash forever. It’s a Limited Edition WhimZi from Just Nan called Cherub Garden. I’m in love with the little cherub and bluebird on the frame. Plus this one has beads and a crystal in the middle, and it just sparkles. It’s stitched on 28ct Ice Blue linen with DMC. Such a sweet little thing. And it makes me happy.

And this morning, I was greeted by this when I came downstairs.

Pretty roses in my favorite vase. And a Cadbury Cream Egg – my favorite! That sweet man made me cry with the card, particularly what he wrote inside.

Unfortunately, my Valentine’s Day gift for him ran into a snag at the framer’s. The frame was defective and the finish was chipping off of it when it came in. So, we’re on to plan B. It will just be late.

And yesterday in the mail, I found a card from another sweet friend. She must have known I needed a good laugh.

I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate the friends I have and all the support they’ve offered me. And I don’t know what I would do without that husband of mine. He has been right there by my side and going above and beyond for my family. He is a treasure. I am so very blessed. So, I’m off to try to bring a little Valentine’s Day happiness to my parents. And rumor has it that my Valentine has a special homemade dinner in store for me tonight.

I am grateful for waterproof mascara.

36 thoughts on “Be My Valentine”

  1. Very nice – esp the flowers. Unfortunately, my dh did not even bother with a card this year and he is away today so that’s that done for a year! Love your JN finish. So sweet. xx

  2. Very nice – esp the flowers. Unfortunately, my dh did not even bother with a card this year and he is away today so that’s that done for a year! Love your JN finish. So sweet. xx

  3. I’m glad that you’re having a wonderful day. The flowers are beautiful and I love the little piece that you stitched for yourself!

  4. I’m glad that you’re having a wonderful day. The flowers are beautiful and I love the little piece that you stitched for yourself!

  5. awwww that’s lovely and sorry your frame wasn’t good … but hope you have a great time celebrating anyways 🙂 love mouse xxxx

  6. awwww that’s lovely and sorry your frame wasn’t good … but hope you have a great time celebrating anyways 🙂 love mouse xxxx

  7. Awww, what a sweet post. Fantastic finish, and I love those flowers! The card made me laugh. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. xoxo

  8. Awww, what a sweet post. Fantastic finish, and I love those flowers! The card made me laugh. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. xoxo

  9. Loved your post Michelle… beautiful flowers, wonderful stitched piece… hope the rest of your day is as special as the beginning of the day.

  10. Loved your post Michelle… beautiful flowers, wonderful stitched piece… hope the rest of your day is as special as the beginning of the day.

  11. How sweet~~~~ your hubby did good!!!!
    Your little finish is gorgeous!!! It’s always nice to do something just for yourself~
    Happy Valentines Day~~

  12. How sweet~~~~ your hubby did good!!!!
    Your little finish is gorgeous!!! It’s always nice to do something just for yourself~
    Happy Valentines Day~~

  13. Love this post! Cute little finish and the flowers from Eric are beautiful! And I love the card from your friend. That’s right up my alley. Let me know if you need anything, text, chat, etc. I’ll be in DFW in May but will send you an email later when I figure out exact dates. Happy Valentine’s Day!

  14. Love this post! Cute little finish and the flowers from Eric are beautiful! And I love the card from your friend. That’s right up my alley. Let me know if you need anything, text, chat, etc. I’ll be in DFW in May but will send you an email later when I figure out exact dates. Happy Valentine’s Day!

  15. Sweet JN finish and frame! I was all over that WTN&T heart pin pillow but I went to hallmark, publix(grocery store)Walgreens looking for that whitmans box to no avail. I am completely annoyed I can’t find the size Brenda mentioned in the blog post. I have also not found anywhere to order the chart so I guess I will forget about that one. Your roses are lovely and I’m sure your V-Day will continue to be special – we went out last night to avoid the crowds – today is just cards, chocolate and a crock pot meal LOL
    Enjoy! Mel

  16. Sweet JN finish and frame! I was all over that WTN&T heart pin pillow but I went to hallmark, publix(grocery store)Walgreens looking for that whitmans box to no avail. I am completely annoyed I can’t find the size Brenda mentioned in the blog post. I have also not found anywhere to order the chart so I guess I will forget about that one. Your roses are lovely and I’m sure your V-Day will continue to be special – we went out last night to avoid the crowds – today is just cards, chocolate and a crock pot meal LOL
    Enjoy! Mel

  17. Happy Valentines day. I hope that things are ok with you. Your husband is indeed a special man.
    Have a wonderful dinner.

  18. Happy Valentines day. I hope that things are ok with you. Your husband is indeed a special man.
    Have a wonderful dinner.

  19. Great post, Michelle. I got 3 of those little Whitman boxes, thinking I would put them to the same good use as you are and give to my friends. Won’t be for Valentine’s Day, though. And my sweet husband took care of eating all the candy for me. Wasn’t that nice. By the way, if any of you are looking for the chart, you can order directly from Brend’s on-line store. She has lots of other goodies there also.

  20. Great post, Michelle. I got 3 of those little Whitman boxes, thinking I would put them to the same good use as you are and give to my friends. Won’t be for Valentine’s Day, though. And my sweet husband took care of eating all the candy for me. Wasn’t that nice. By the way, if any of you are looking for the chart, you can order directly from Brend’s on-line store. She has lots of other goodies there also.

  21. love your sweet little needlepoint to yourself. I just got back a tiger I stitched for our bed – note to self: take a photo for the blog. I sent Valentines to all my girlfriends, it’s a great day to spread the love…pretty roses…

  22. love your sweet little needlepoint to yourself. I just got back a tiger I stitched for our bed – note to self: take a photo for the blog. I sent Valentines to all my girlfriends, it’s a great day to spread the love…pretty roses…

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