Sad, isn’t it? Santa has no beard. I am still waiting on my Wisper thread to arrive. The rest of the stitching is finished though. I think this is twice now I’ve had to wait on thread to finish the blanket, the other being July. I think I have everything I need for January’s blanket though, so I’ll be able to start that one while I’m on vacation. If I can get the partridge ornament done before the 15th, then I will have hit all of my deadlines for stitching. Woohoo!

This is my Fabric of the Month package from Silkweaver – Everglade and Oyster. I love them both! And I thought I’d show you pics of the HAED charts I bought – All Hallow’s Eve and Zap of Zest.

Love them! I am stitching on my Winter Snapperland in the evenings to see if I can make some good progress on it. I am maybe half way done with the last block. I promise a progress photo soon. This weekend for our Oscar movie we watched Going my Way with Bing Crosby. It was really enjoyable. On the same disc was Holiday Inn, so we watched that as well. Another good one. Next up is 1945’s The Lost Weekend. Well, I’m off to stitch. Happy Monday!
I am grateful for my best friend.
Santa’s so cute even without his beard. I love your zap of zest chart too – there is such a wicked look in her eye!
Your stitching is lovely Michelle. Love that design!
And your FOMs are gorgeous – both of them 😀
Your FOTMs are gorgeous. Can’t wait to see your Santa with his beard 🙂
Hi Michelle, I haven’t stopped by in a wee while – love all your new stash, the fabrics are gorgeous, and I was interested to see you have bought a thread tailor (can’t remember what it was called, lol) as I’ve been thinking about ordering one too.
Look forward to seeing the stocking all made up too 🙂
Nice haul! Your Christmas piece is cute. I hate waiting for stuff too. I have some threads I’m waiting on right now.
Lovely stash and what an adorable almost finish! That is a great santa.
Santa is very cute, even without the beard. The fabbie’s are wonderful and those HAED. I just got two myself.
I’m glad that your sheep will have a blanket soon! (smile)
Great stash!
Looking forward to Santa with a beard 🙂
Soon the naked sheep shall be blanketed!
Love those HAED charts! I’m going to have to add those to my stash. They’re great. Hope Santa gets his beard soon. Don’t you just hate waiting on something you ordered when you needed it, like, yesterday?
What a pain to get so far and have to wait for thread … I think we’ve all been there, done that, and it’s no less frustrating each time! Love the fabbies – and those HAED charts are cute 🙂