Well, I had intended to show you photos of the knitting I worked on this weekend and the progress I’ve made on my Sampler Mystery…but alas, I am scatterbrained and the camera is not cooperating with me. It is not long for this world. Luckily I am married to someone who has a plethora of cameras. So, knitting and stitching photos coming soon (oh yeah, and you’d probably like to see San Antonio photos that I’ve been promising for a month too). I do have some lovely things to show you though…

I commissioned these earrings (hand made beads and all) from Karin. She did such a lovely job on them, and they are exactly what I wanted. Thank you, Karin, I love them!

I also received my Mirabilia Mermaid of Atlantis and the new Blackbird Designs Loose Feathers piece. The colors in this are so much prettier in person. When I saw the photo of the chart online, I wasn’t super excited. If I wasn’t on automatic for these, I probably woudn’t have purchased this one. Which would have been a shame, because it’s really nice. I am still waiting on my fabric for my Neighborhood RR. I ordered it at least a couple of weeks ago and still no sign. If it doesn’t come by June 1, I’ll be ordering something else. I had decided to give a Lakeside Linen fabric a try, but apparently they may be backed up due to the weather or something. I also have ordered my fabric to start Tesori d’Italia. I intend to stitch this for Eric for our second anniversary (the cotton anniversary). Wish me luck – it’s HUGE!
And remember that big tree that was uprooted by the storms a couple of weeks ago. Well, the saga continues. You would think it would be a simple thing. The storm that got the tree was on a Wednesday night, that night we sent an email to our property manager, as we rent our house. We got a response email the next morning stating it would be dealt with within 5 days. The following Thursday, still nothing. The tree was laying partly on our neighbor’s lawn too, and they had already been by to complain, since their property manager was having a fit about it. We also received in the mail on Thursday a letter from the City indicating that if we didn’t get rid of the “unsightly debris”, we would be fined $250 plus whatever the cost of chopping it up and hauling it away, if it wasn’t gone by the 16th. So, we followed up with our property people and they sent a guy out on Saturday while we were gone. He cut up the tree, but left the stump. So, the stump is in the front yard, the rest of the tree has been hauled to the back and is laying in two huge piles one on either side of the driveway. Well, the garbage men wouldn’t take it. Tomorrow is the 16th. Ugh. I am so ready for the tree to be gone. So, hopefully the whole thing will be resolved soon – before we have any problems with the City. Sorry about the rant, but this whole tree situation has put me really on edge the past couple of weeks.

So, on to other things. I received in the mail yesterday my new Harmony Kingdom membership piece. This is called Wildlife Warriors and is a tribute to Steve Irwin. It shows crocodiles and snakes, etc. mourning for him. A very nice piece and I am glad to have it. Inside on the bottom is carved “Crikey”. Love that.
And, I almost forgot…Missy tagged me.
8 Random Things – The Rules
1. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves2. People who are tagged write a blog post about their own 8 random things and post these rules3. At the end of your blog you need to tag 8 people and post their names4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment and tell them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
1. I had apple pie for the first time in September. (loved it)
2. I write poetry and have been a featured reader at a local poetry event and have been published.
3. My minor in college was in Anthropology (my major was a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art History). I actually started out as a duel Archaeology/Anthropology major.
4. I have two tattoos – both Egyptian
5. I used to teach ballet and tap to little ones
6. I was on drillteam in High School, the year we won Best in Texas and performed in the rotunda of the capital building in Austin
7. As soon as I finish reading a book, I immediately choose my next book to read – this is one of my favorite things to do – perusing the shelf of possibilities.
8. I would like to go back to school for Interior Design, write a book, and travel the world.
Consider yourself tagged, if you haven’t already done this and would like to!
I am grateful for learning new things.
Ooh those earings are beautiful! Karin did a wonderful job. I just tagged you as well, that was before i read this post 😉 Great stash!
What beautiful earrings! Karin is a bead genius.
Reading your tag list, I realize what an incredibly rich life you’ve had. Wow!
Gorgeous earrings, and I do like those colors for the Mira. I wasn’t sure about the new mermaid either…
As for the tree stump issue, I would think that the fees and penalties incurred ought to also be the responsibility of the property manager. And I’d refuse to pay any of them. Good luck getting it handled!!!
That is a wonderful Harmony Kingdom piece, though sad. It makes me want to cry just looking at it.
I agree with Isabelle, you have had a rich life! I feel like I know more about you now. How fun! 🙂
Love those earrings! Karin’s work is awesome! Nice new stash 🙂 and hope the tree stump gets all worked out .. no fun having problems with neighbors and the city!
Lovely earrings! How did you get by so long not eating apple pie? (LOL). I am usually thinking about my next read before I finish the book I am working on–very bad of me!
What lovely earrings! Great stash too 🙂
Sorry to hear about the tree – I hope it all gets resolved very soon. I agree about the property manager being responsible for any fees, since you’ve done your bit in trying to get it removed.
Hi Michelle: Oh your blog is so interesting today!! I love the earrings and your stash is just wonderful!! Do you live in San Antonio? I live outside of Houston and we have had lots of storms too. It seems to me that you shouldn’t be the one fined for the tree, but rather your landlord, but what do I know? I am glad you are getting it cleared up. I also love all your new stash! You have great taste!! Debby 🙂
Those earrings are gorgeous. Karin’s beads are so beautiful.
I’m not so patiently awaiting my new loose feathers. I picked up the threads in a recent order from SB&B now I’m just waiting on the fabby and pattern to get here. My LNS said it will be here in June (must learn patience!!).
As for the tree stress – ((HUGS)) no one needs that kind of pressure. I hope it all works out soon.
Michelle, What a “crikey” little piece that Harmony collectible is. I adore it. Your stash nearly mirrors my newest one! LOL It’s always fun to visit you. Never stop blogging!! BTW, as an interior designer myself…I have a BFA..all you really need to be a designer is panache, an entry level start with a firm, and a God-given talent. The rest will come…Just go for it.
The earrings are gorgeous! Wildlife Warriors is a neat piece.
Glad you like the earings – they were good fun to make. And congrats on the new stash addition!
Those are really pretty earrings – Karin makes such pretty beads!! And your stash – wow, two things on my current order list too!! Lucky you 🙂
love the earings , that you got, and the Harmony kingdom, is really nice
Those are lovely earings 🙂
Just beautiful and I miss wearing “dangling” earrings…one of the casualties of having little ones 🙂
You’ve received some great stash!
And I’ve been reading your blog now for what…almost a year? and I must say after reading your 8 random things….there are gems in this world and you are a sparkling one for sure 🙂
Good luck with sorting out the problem with that tree. The Harmony Kingdom piece is wonderful.
Nice stash! Love the last mermaid from Mirabilia :)and the earrings are beautiful
great stash haul.