
Thank you all for your continued support and positivity! I am working away on my resume and am confident that doors are opening all over the place for me! This weekend, though, I focused on getting some things done around the house before our trip. I was able to frame Their Song and get it hung up. I am so pleased to have that marked off my list. I am working on getting Baby Garden framed, but it is giving me a little trouble. I’ll be sure to post a photo though before it goes in the mail. I did some decorating around the house and really enjoyed putting out the Christmas decorations. Eric was able to get the lights done outside, between the rain showers. You may not be able to tell from the photo, but the big shrubs have blue lights on them.

With everything going on at the end of last week, I completely forgot to take a look at my goals and what I accomplished in November. As you may remember, I set three-month goals, to take me through the end of the year, rather than month at a time goals.

1. Finishing on all of my finished but unfinished pieces. Framed one, I have two pieces left to frame

2. Finish stitching on Baby Garden and frame to send for Christmas Finished, and frame/mat are ready to go – should be able to mail this week

3. Finish Shepherd’s Bush ornaments and make into wall hanging for Christmas one ornament left to stitch

4. Stitch and finish 2nd Day of Christmas ornament for Eric Started

5. Get to the halfway mark on Tesori haven’t touched it since October

6. Keep up with Neighborhood RR finished Kathy’s and mailed, have Annemarie’s

7. Sew on quilt squares, get ready to start wedding quilt in January nope

8. Blog more consistently – let’s shoot for every other day I think I’m doing ok with this, but could do better

9. Take stock of my 101 Things List and cross some more things off Haven’t finished any in November, but there are several that should be done soon

10. Organize our travel photos – print and make books nope

11. Continue with Home Project, finish three rooms (1 per month) two bathrooms finished, entry finished

12. Read two books per month yes! Read Drunk, Divorced & Covered in Cat Hair as well as So Many Books, So Little Time

13. Finish writing my two poems didn’t look at this month

14. Focus on my fitness, continue my weight loss – meet my end of year goal weight still doing well with workouts, not on track to meet year end target

15. Decorate for the holidays, enjoy and relax! Yes – just a few little things left

So, with it being the last month in the year, I am going to reassess my goals and make them a little more manageable. So, for December:

1. Begin new job

2. Finish Shepherd’s Bush ornaments and make into wall hanging for Christmas

3. Stitch and finish 2nd Day of Christmas ornament for Eric

4. Get in some good stitching time on Tesori

5. Gather supplies for New Year’s start

6. Take stock of my 101 Things List and cross some more things off (should be able to cross off #4 – set up will, power of attny & associated documents; #57 Stitch and Frame Birth Sampler; #61 Read Bram Stoker’s Dracula)

7. Read two books

8. Focus on my fitness

I think that’s plenty! I didn’t do a lot of stitching over the weekend, but here’s the bit I did get done. Those little diamonds around the F got stitched and unstitched about four times, and the G was stitched twice!

And I received another block for my Leanne’s House quilt. I think I am only needing one more month, and then I will have the whole thing.

That’s all for me today. Have a great week! Oh, and if you are waiting on an email response from me, I am woefully behind, so I will answer as soon as I can!

Walk to Rivendell: Camp in eastern part of the Marshes. See flashes of light in the east during the night (Gandalf on Weathertop). (Total Miles Walked: 194.75)

I am grateful for Lori’s engagement and celebrating with her at lunch today!

24 thoughts on “Blackbirds”

  1. I’ve been thinking of you Michelle! I just now got the time to write! I’m sending good thoughts your way always!

    Oh and don’t you like Chihuly Glass??? I finally took pictures of the Chihuly ceiling and another piece at the Bellagio so I will be posting it for you later this week!!!!

  2. I’ve been thinking of you Michelle! I just now got the time to write! I’m sending good thoughts your way always!

    Oh and don’t you like Chihuly Glass??? I finally took pictures of the Chihuly ceiling and another piece at the Bellagio so I will be posting it for you later this week!!!!

  3. Oh, your house looks so cozy and inviting with all the pretty lights! And I love how Their Song looks – can’t wait to see Baby Garden all framed up!

  4. Oh, your house looks so cozy and inviting with all the pretty lights! And I love how Their Song looks – can’t wait to see Baby Garden all framed up!

  5. Lovely job on the framing.
    I always start hyperventilating when I see these huge lists of goals. Good luck with those!

  6. Lovely job on the framing.
    I always start hyperventilating when I see these huge lists of goals. Good luck with those!

  7. Michelle, your Their Song turned out so beautiful in its frame!

    I am glad you are taking things so well. Good for you!!

  8. Michelle, your Their Song turned out so beautiful in its frame!

    I am glad you are taking things so well. Good for you!!

  9. Lovely house and stitching! So sorry to hear about you getting laid off – went through that with my husband this summer so I know how you feel. I’ll be keeping positive thoughts flowing your way that you find something better soon! The nerve of the company laying someone off right before Christmas! My company does the same thing every couple years around November.

  10. Lovely house and stitching! So sorry to hear about you getting laid off – went through that with my husband this summer so I know how you feel. I’ll be keeping positive thoughts flowing your way that you find something better soon! The nerve of the company laying someone off right before Christmas! My company does the same thing every couple years around November.

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