
Simple Things 080909

Hi, all! Well, as you know I did my 5K on Saturday morning. You can see the recap here. I did survive, as did my feet. I went with vaseline on my heels and good socks. And no further blisters! I had a great time and feel so good about completing it too. I had to get up at 5am Saturday morning to get out to the race on time, so I was one tired chick by the time I got home. I pretty much just had a lazy afternoon. I watched Harry Potter & the Order of the the Phoenix (HP5), while Eric was stuck on a work conference call.

Watching Harry Potter

I didn’t even have the energy to stitch, I was so tired. Eric and I had plans to go out Saturday night, but his work stuff unfortunately cut into our plans. So, he took me out to dinner and we called it an early night.

Sunday I did make some progress on my stitching. I’m still working on The Simple Things, as you can see above. I’ve got some flowers started. And is it just me, or are Williamsburg and Cranberry Ice basically the exact same color? When that happens, I think “why did I bother to change thread?” Oh well. I really like how this piece is turning out though. I’m hoping once I get to the chain stitching I’ll have figured out how to chain stitch. The diagram doesn’t look overly helpful.

Tonight, I am going to see the new Harry Potter movie with my friend, Sherri, and I am really looking forward to it. Anyway, that’s it for me. I have next Saturday off from training, and then the Saturday after, I start my training with a new group for our 5K in October. Maybe it will at least be cooler in October!

I am grateful for my new sapphire blue top. And a wonderful weekend with Eric (minus the work part). Oh, and completing my first 5K!

14 thoughts on “Blooming”

  1. Congrats on cmpleting the 5K! Better than I could do! Love your WIP too! Hope you enjoyed HP. I haven’t seen it yet.

  2. Congrautulations! Do you run or do you walk when you do these 5k’s – just curious, either way is fabulous!

    The new HP was excellent, what did you think?

  3. The Scarlett House

    Congrats on the 5K. I could never have done that without croaking.
    You’re making us lazies look bad.

  4. Wow I am so impressed and happy for you that you have done the 5K and lost so much weight too. You go girl. Your new work in progress is fabulous too. xoxox

  5. Wow I am so impressed and happy for you that you have done the 5K and lost so much weight too. You go girl. Your new work in progress is fabulous too. xoxox

  6. CONGRATS on the 5k, that is just awesome!!!!! I love the Harry Potter’s, they are all so excellent but still have not seen the newest one.

  7. You are AWESOME! You go, girl! Big congrats on completing your first 5K. You are really inspiring. Keep it up! 🙂

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