Bluebirds and Robin’s Egg

Let me begin by saying that Robin’s Egg blue may be one of my favorite colors. I love this month’s Fabric of the Month selection from Silkweaver. Robin’s Egg and Buttercream. They’ve actually sent me Robin’s Egg once before, but I’m not going to complain that I have two pieces. It’s looking a little Tiffany box-ish this month, isn’t it?

Thank you all for your comments and compliments. I have a few questions I need to answer that were posed in the comments:

Did I choose the fabrics for the kimonos or was it a kit? The kimonos quilt was a class I took to learn paper-piecing. I chose the fabrics for each of my kimonos. I had a few Asian prints already in my stash, but most of these I purchased specifically for a kimono. Two of the fabrics, the red with origami cranes and the gold with gold leaves, I purchased in Rhode Island on a trip to visit my best friend a few years ago…so there’s some of her in here too. I purchased my sashing, border and backing fabric at the same time I bought most of the kimono fabrics. My backing fabric is actually Indian, rather than Japanese, but I loved it so much I had to have it.

What does the Movie Shawl look like? The Movie Shawl was designed by Jill Brown, one of the owner’s of the Woolie Ewe, which is where I am taking my class. The wrap is basically a long rectangle, and you add a big button to close it around you. Nothing super fancy, but I think with my cool yarn I bought, and the right button, it will be really nice. It’s just done in stockinette, with a garter stitch border (I think).

Where did you get your list of Academy Award movies? The official list is here. As one of my 101 Things in 1001 Days, I am watching all the winners for Best Picture. I am attempting to watch them in order, although some of them are not available through Netflix (Wings, Cavalcade and Rebecca). So, I have skipped over the ones I can’t get and will figure out what to do with them when I get through the rest. We are up to 1953, From Here to Eternity, which hopefully we will watch this weekend.

Now, on to the stitching… I stitched a little on Their Song again last night, but not enough to warrant another photo. I’ve also been stitching a little on my Queen of the Needle case as my travel project. Here’s my progress on that.

And, as promised, here is a photo of my beginning on Tesori d’Italia. I am so excited to be stitching on this. I’m obviously working on the border right now, which is a bit time consuming. I am hoping each region’s block goes a little faster once I have the border done. It looks great though, in my opinion. I am stitching on 32 ct. Antique White with DMC. I decided to use DMC rather than silk for two reasons – one, since it is such a huge piece it will be cost effective, and two, since the second anniversary is cotton – it was a no-brainer. I’ve begun in the top left-hand corner and the first region I am stitching is “Veneto”.

That’s all for me today. Hope you’re all having a wonderful day!

I am grateful for losing 36 pounds!

28 thoughts on “Bluebirds and Robin’s Egg”

  1. You go with your bad self on the weight loss, girl! Great job! Beautiful color combination from Silkweaver this month. 🙂 You know, we both need to get cracking on Barnabee. Want to try to finish his journey by the end of the month?

  2. You go with your bad self on the weight loss, girl! Great job! Beautiful color combination from Silkweaver this month. 🙂 You know, we both need to get cracking on Barnabee. Want to try to finish his journey by the end of the month?

  3. Hi Michelle,

    I love the fabrics – too pretty! Your Queen of the Needle case is looking so pretty too! 🙂 I love the pink and white fabric.

  4. Hi Michelle,

    I love the fabrics – too pretty! Your Queen of the Needle case is looking so pretty too! 🙂 I love the pink and white fabric.

  5. Those fabrics are gorgeous…love the buttercream 🙂
    All your WIPs are going great! Looking good!
    AND HURRAY for the weight loss…I hope some day I can write I’m grateful for losing that much!

  6. Those fabrics are gorgeous…love the buttercream 🙂
    All your WIPs are going great! Looking good!
    AND HURRAY for the weight loss…I hope some day I can write I’m grateful for losing that much!

  7. I love the fabric you’re using for Queen of Neddles 🙂
    Congrats on loosing 36 pounds!!!! * yay* … I should put myself on a diet and try to workout, I’ve gain a lot of weight in the last few months :S

  8. I love the fabric you’re using for Queen of Neddles 🙂
    Congrats on loosing 36 pounds!!!! * yay* … I should put myself on a diet and try to workout, I’ve gain a lot of weight in the last few months :S

  9. Oooh I love your WIP on Queen of the Needle case. It’s gorgeous. Was this a special chart?

    Love your fabbies. They are lovely colours.

  10. Oooh I love your WIP on Queen of the Needle case. It’s gorgeous. Was this a special chart?

    Love your fabbies. They are lovely colours.

  11. What pretty colors you got from Silkweavers this month. You’ve made a good start on both your projects.

  12. What pretty colors you got from Silkweavers this month. You’ve made a good start on both your projects.

  13. Your QOTN will be beautiful, such nice colours in this . Well done you for the loss of 36 pounds that must be hard to do!

    Have a nice weekend 🙂

  14. Your QOTN will be beautiful, such nice colours in this . Well done you for the loss of 36 pounds that must be hard to do!

    Have a nice weekend 🙂

  15. Pretty fabrics – I wonder what I will get form them this month! Hey, did you get your Just Nan RR back yet??

  16. Pretty fabrics – I wonder what I will get form them this month! Hey, did you get your Just Nan RR back yet??

  17. I love the colors you chose for TdI! I’ve had my eye on that project ever since I finished Terre de France. I’ll be eager to see your progress on it.

    Congrats on the weight loss!

  18. I love the colors you chose for TdI! I’ve had my eye on that project ever since I finished Terre de France. I’ll be eager to see your progress on it.

    Congrats on the weight loss!

  19. I’m so proud of your weight loss! You deserve alot of credit and you must feel great!! Hope you’re getting a gorgeous new makeover and a pretty outfit, too!! :))
    Love your “Queen..” the little gingham is so fresh and darling.

  20. I’m so proud of your weight loss! You deserve alot of credit and you must feel great!! Hope you’re getting a gorgeous new makeover and a pretty outfit, too!! :))
    Love your “Queen..” the little gingham is so fresh and darling.

  21. Oooh, I agree… that robin’s egg blue is delicious 🙂 I’m going to have to look into getting some of that!

  22. Oooh, I agree… that robin’s egg blue is delicious 🙂 I’m going to have to look into getting some of that!

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