Broken Bow Retreat

I’ve been meaning to share with you a little bit of seasonal stitching I worked on in the fall (which really wasn’t that long ago, although now being full on in Christmas mode it seems like forever ago). Back in the fall of 2012 I was invited to Broken Bow, Oklahoma for a long weekend with some girlfriends. I’d never been there, so it was fun to venture out with my camera and take in the beautiful fall colors.

One of my friends, Lori ofThe Accidental Stitcherblog, designed a beautiful sampler to commemorate the occasion. She kitted it up for us (seriously, her presentation is always amazing) with GAST and Weeks threads as well as 40ct Antique Cotton by R&R.

She chose the perfect fall colors for the piece, don’t you think?

I actually didn’t start stitching on this until fall of last year. But it was the perfect thing to start when I was in need of some seasonal stitching.

I stitched on it basically through the fall of last year and left off with beginning to stitch the house. Here’s where I have to laugh at myself. I started stitching the house with the Dove thread and after a few stitches I thought it was looking really grey and not blue at all like it looked in the skein. So, I went through my thread and pulled some other options of blues to try. But at that point in the year, it was time to start on Christmas stitching, so I put it away.

This fall I decided to get it out and get it finished. I looked at all those blue thread options I’d pulled out and decided to just throw caution to the wind and use the Dove thread she’d kitted it with. After I put in a few rows, you know what? It was blue! Just goes to show that sometimes it takes more than a few stitches to really see how something’s going to stitch up. So silly. I could have had this finished a year ago!!

See what I mean? It is the perfect shade of blue!! And it looks so pretty against the oranges and browns and cranberry colored birds.

Minus the house debacle, where I had to make things harder than they need to be, this was a joy to stitch and the perfect choice for the season.

I finished it up at the end of October and I love the way it turned out.

Thanks so much for a beautiful design, Lori.

I am grateful for seasonal stitching.

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