Brown Swirls and a Black Line

Hi, all! I keep meaning to get out here and post some progress photos, but it just hasn’t happened. Thanks for all the compliments on the Mermaids. I intended to spend the majority of Sunday stitching, particularly on the Mermaids, but it didn’t happen. I was at the emergency vet with Romeo for a good part of that day. He’s fine, but it wasn’t something I wanted to wait to have looked at. So, no stitching on Sunday. But, I do have some progress to report on my two CHS pieces. As you can see above, Adam & Eve is moving right along. I am stitching over one on 28ct black linen with the recommended NPIs. Love it. I apologize for the quality of my photo because I took it at about 10pm last night. I figured if I was ever going to get photos, I had to just suck it up and take them whenever I had the chance. So, not the best, but you get the idea. I love the apples. They’re fun. I thought I’d work on this side of the tree and then work on filling in the tree trunk. I just wanted to have some reference points before I start down the trunk in order to help with my counting. Here’s what it looked like last time.

And, you may also recall that this month I started on Shores of Hawk Run Hollow as well. I’m working on block one, using the recommended NPIs on the recommended 36ct Vintage Autumn Gold fabric. I love the fabric, it is soooo gorgeous. Anyway, I’m using one strand over two and I wasn’t sure how I was going to like it, since I am really finicky about my thread coverage. But, it seems ok so far. I finally finished that black outline of the block, I thought that would never end! And the block is actually way bigger than I imagined it was going to be. But the blocks are 92 x 92 stitches, so that’s pretty big, even on 36ct I guess. I’m moving along on the lighthouse and enjoying it. I was glad to get to the red finally after all that black and white!

It’s a fun stitch so far though. And I’m glad to have finally started this piece. (Please excuse the wonkiness, I need to reposition on my q-snaps and just haven’t gotten around to it.)

And since I’ve had A&E samplers on the brain lately, I thought I’d show you what’s in the new issue of Cross-stitch & Needlework Magazine (US).

I actually like the original piece a lot better than the reproduction (which you can see a corner of). They stitched it on a really light fabric, and muted down the colors. I like the darker more vintage linen the original is on, as well as the brighter colors. Not a bad sampler though!

That’s about all from me here this week. I’m stitching on both the above pieces when I can and hoping to get back to Mermaids on Sunday. Oh, but I have my Catherine Theron workshop both days this weekend, which I am really looking forward to. I can’t wait to attend my first workshop! It is gonna be wonderful!

Have a great rest of the week!

I am grateful for a little rain. (ok a lot of rain)

42 thoughts on “Brown Swirls and a Black Line”

  1. What are you doing with Catherine Theron? There is one of her samplers that I would love to do but the workshops are too far from here! Great progress on A&E. Hope I can catch up with you this weekend. I’ve neglected them pretty bad the past week.

  2. What are you doing with Catherine Theron? There is one of her samplers that I would love to do but the workshops are too far from here! Great progress on A&E. Hope I can catch up with you this weekend. I’ve neglected them pretty bad the past week.

  3. Great progress on Shores. I am sure it will be a great stitch.
    Working on black – you are so brave. I really detest it.
    Have a fun weekend.

  4. Great progress on Shores. I am sure it will be a great stitch.
    Working on black – you are so brave. I really detest it.
    Have a fun weekend.

  5. Michelle! You’re taking a Catherine Theron workshop? What piece are you doing? I’m so envious! On other subjects, I love your A&E! And that A&E in the magazine. Hmmmm, may have to get that mag! 😀

  6. Michelle! You’re taking a Catherine Theron workshop? What piece are you doing? I’m so envious! On other subjects, I love your A&E! And that A&E in the magazine. Hmmmm, may have to get that mag! 😀

  7. Michelle, great progress on both your A&E and Shores! I’m still waiting on my fabric for the A&E but it should be here tomorrow. I saw the mailman today & ran back to the house in case he had my package, but no luck. Thanks for sharing that pic of the A&E sampler–I must get that issue!

  8. Michelle, great progress on both your A&E and Shores! I’m still waiting on my fabric for the A&E but it should be here tomorrow. I saw the mailman today & ran back to the house in case he had my package, but no luck. Thanks for sharing that pic of the A&E sampler–I must get that issue!

  9. I love how your A & E sampler is looking…you’re the second person I’ve seen stitching this up and I love it! Really, really love it on the black! And your Shores is looking good too! A retreat…ahhhh…lucky girl!

  10. I love how your A & E sampler is looking…you’re the second person I’ve seen stitching this up and I love it! Really, really love it on the black! And your Shores is looking good too! A retreat…ahhhh…lucky girl!

  11. A good start on both of your pieces Michelle! Enjoy them.

    I have to agree with you on the reproduction Adam & Eve sampler. I like the original better too.

  12. A good start on both of your pieces Michelle! Enjoy them.

    I have to agree with you on the reproduction Adam & Eve sampler. I like the original better too.

  13. Beautiful progress on both wips Michelle! I hope you have fun at your workshop. I love Catherine Theron’s designs.

  14. Beautiful progress on both wips Michelle! I hope you have fun at your workshop. I love Catherine Theron’s designs.

  15. Oh! You’re doing a C. Theron workshop!? Lucky, lucky you. Could you do me a favor if you get a chance? She’s doing a new design (maybe that’s something you’ll be working on too) called “Morning has Broken” in NH for Celebration of Needlework. I can’t go, or I’d take her class. Would you mind asking her if she is going to release that design for the public to buy at some point?

    Your starts are beautiful. I love the A&E, and I’m watching everyone do the SoHRH, saying “I will not start another proejct, I will not start….”

  16. Oh! You’re doing a C. Theron workshop!? Lucky, lucky you. Could you do me a favor if you get a chance? She’s doing a new design (maybe that’s something you’ll be working on too) called “Morning has Broken” in NH for Celebration of Needlework. I can’t go, or I’d take her class. Would you mind asking her if she is going to release that design for the public to buy at some point?

    Your starts are beautiful. I love the A&E, and I’m watching everyone do the SoHRH, saying “I will not start another proejct, I will not start….”

  17. Terri(TerriBoog)

    Fantastic starts, Michelle! I agree with you on the repro sampler……. nothing that couldn’t be converted to richer colors and a deeper fabric though!

  18. Terri(TerriBoog)

    Fantastic starts, Michelle! I agree with you on the repro sampler……. nothing that couldn’t be converted to richer colors and a deeper fabric though!

  19. Your starts are all lovely…can’t wait to see the progression. I agree with you on the A&E reproduction. I was looking at that mag yesterday and I didn’t like the washed out light sampler at all.

  20. Your starts are all lovely…can’t wait to see the progression. I agree with you on the A&E reproduction. I was looking at that mag yesterday and I didn’t like the washed out light sampler at all.

  21. Ooooh…I must go find that magazine! I love the original version much better too! Thank goodness for dark vintage linen! I see a new project in my future…..

  22. Ooooh…I must go find that magazine! I love the original version much better too! Thank goodness for dark vintage linen! I see a new project in my future…..

  23. Wow, you are making great progress on the CHS A&E, Michelle ~ and on Shores, too. And thanks for sharing that new A&E find. Methinks that is going to be a must-have!

  24. Wow, you are making great progress on the CHS A&E, Michelle ~ and on Shores, too. And thanks for sharing that new A&E find. Methinks that is going to be a must-have!

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