Bunny’s Treat

I thought I’d share an Easter door hanger with you, since it is now time to decorate for another holiday. This is Bunny’s Treat from Homespun Elegance. I finished this piece back in 2001. The carrot charm was supposed to be hanging from his mouth, but I just tied it on the cording with a bow. And speaking of Homespun Elegance…

My last three sheep blanket charts arrived yesterday. It looks like I may only be missing two threads for the April blanket, so I’m hoping my LNS has them. I can’t believe I’m at the last three of these. It doesn’t seem possible I’ve stitched nine of them already!

I stitched on my Water ACEO last night for the Wednesday SAL on the HAED BB. I was so excited to be moving onto the second row. I will work my way down this page of the chart, and then probably move over to the right hand side. I think there are six pages in all, but two of them are partial pages. I completed another 10 x 10 block last night.

I’ve hit a little snag on my biscornu exchange piece. I’m hoping that I can do some unstitching and it will all be fine. I may work on Barnabee tonight as well as tomorrow in order to see if I can finish up part 1. I would like to move on to part 2 that has the bunny, I think! And I’m still reading along in Harry Potter 2, such a great book. I’d forgotten about the dwarves Lockhart had dress up to deliver singing valentines. Hope you’re all having a great week. Frankly, I could’ve used a margarita today.

I am grateful for Thursdays.

17 thoughts on “Bunny’s Treat”

  1. Oh, I love your HE Bunny door hanger, Michelle! HE is one of my fave designers… I love the new sheep blanket charts as well… they are so adorable!

    Lovely stitching on your HEAD piece… It’s looking lovely! 🙂

  2. Congrats on the finish! and the Sheep Blankies too! wow!!! that’s awesome that you’re almost done them 🙂 I kinda missed the boat on that project 🙁
    Your HEAD looks great too!

  3. These are really wonderful…really enjoyed going through your post…and well for some more Easter goodies and fun do drop by my blog on Easter Wishes sometime and check out all that it’s filled up with!!!

  4. Bunny! 🙂 your door haning is so sweet. That was a great idea to put the charm on the ribbon The last of the sheep blankets are cute.

  5. The ‘lil bunny doorhanger is CUTE! I have lots of little things like this and they really had an air of festiveness around the house…funny you mentioned decorating for the holiday…I just changed out my winter stuff for spring and Easter things on my two seasonal places..I decorate the hall table seasonally and our hearth. My kids were so excited to see my easter bunnies out yesterday! 🙂

  6. Great work! I cannot believe you are on the last 3 blankets, either. Where does the time go? Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Love the bunny! I did a bunny way back…my goddaughter has it! When I visit I will take a picture….it’ll be a while. Have a margarita if you want!

  8. We all have margarita days!! I hope you did mix yourself one. I loved those dwarfs in HP2 – JKR has such a wonderful sense of the ridiculous!

  9. You know, the method you’re using for the project in the bottom picture is very mysterious to me. How does that work exactly?

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