Busy as a Bee

You guys probably thought I dropped off the face of the earth, huh? Well, things have been very busy around here and a lot of late nights and early mornings at work. I managed to take Friday off though so that I could have a four day weekend, which I really needed. And amazing what a little sleep will do for you – I actually made some good progress on my stitching!

This is how my John Reed sampler is coming along. I’m working on the middle third of the piece. The house actually stretches down into the bottom third, which is why I only have the top floor stitched. All of that fill in was getting a bit boring, so I decided to get back to the motifs. Last night I managed to stitch ten bees, the beeskep and the two little trees. Not too shabby! I have to say though, that house was actually a lifesaver. Those nights when I was so tired from work I couldn’t think straight – mindless fill in was the perfect thing to stitch on.


I hope you are all having a lovely Memorial Day. I am rather enjoying a quiet day at home. Oh, with my helpers.

I also posted up some photos of Memorial Day from last year on my other blog, if you’d like to visit. And speaking of my other blog…you might notice that there have been a lot of changes going on around here. I’ve linked my two blogs, so you can now go to my home page and reach either blog from there. You’ve probably also noticed that I’ve changed my template and layout on this blog. Once I got the blogs all linked and took a look at this blog again I decided that it was just too busy for my taste these days. So, I’ll probably be playing around a bit with things for awhile, but I hope you’ll take a few minutes to look around at the other blog and see some of what I’ve been working on.

Thutmose is always glad when I include him in my posts. Thanks for visiting!

I am grateful for my country.

28 thoughts on “Busy as a Bee”

  1. Beautiful sampler! It’s looking good so far. I am glad you were able to catch up on some sleep, I defientaly need some after this long and busy weekend.
    Take Care

  2. Beautiful sampler! It’s looking good so far. I am glad you were able to catch up on some sleep, I defientaly need some after this long and busy weekend.
    Take Care

  3. John Reed looks really good and thank goodness for the house. Fill-in is always a life saver when you’re busy and/or tired. Thutmosis looks like she enjoys being photographed!

  4. John Reed looks really good and thank goodness for the house. Fill-in is always a life saver when you’re busy and/or tired. Thutmosis looks like she enjoys being photographed!

  5. Lovely sweet sampler, and great progress!
    The cute helpers we can not do without, they always bring a silver lining to our days.
    Hugs from
    Anette & Skruttan(my very own helper:)

  6. Lovely sweet sampler, and great progress!
    The cute helpers we can not do without, they always bring a silver lining to our days.
    Hugs from
    Anette & Skruttan(my very own helper:)

  7. You have made lots of progress on JR. The roof in particular is looking good!!! 😉 I love the entire look of it – the colors are perfect on that linen.

  8. You have made lots of progress on JR. The roof in particular is looking good!!! 😉 I love the entire look of it – the colors are perfect on that linen.

  9. John Reed sampler is beautiful, as is your stitching!

    I especially enjoy the pics of your furry friends. 😀

  10. John Reed sampler is beautiful, as is your stitching!

    I especially enjoy the pics of your furry friends. 😀

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