A Busy Day

Yesterday was a very busy, but fun day. Eric brought home this beautiful poinsettia for me on Friday (and I have placed it in a place Romeo cannot get to it, since he loves to eat things).

Every year we go to see the Trains at Northpark, so yesterday we spent the afternoon there. We saw San Francisco…

And Mount Rushmore…

and Dallas, of course.

Then we were off to Washington, D.C. at Christmas time…

And finally to New York City…(seems like we were just there!)

Grand Central Station…

And then it was time to come home and get ready for company. Eric’s mom and sister and my parents came over for eggnog and homemade goodies.

I made fudge, chocolate gingerbread cookies and spiced nuts. Mmmm…

Here’s another look at the tree – with our train.

Have a great weekend! I’ll announce the winner of the 250th Post Giveaway next time!

I am grateful for a fun day!

32 thoughts on “A Busy Day”

  1. Anna van Schurman

    So what’s the deal with trains at Christmas? I’ve never really known about this tradition, but they set up trains at the PA Convention Center for Christmas too. And so many people seem to have their trains around their trees. I’ve never seen it before. Is it because there are no boys in our family?

  2. Anna van Schurman

    So what’s the deal with trains at Christmas? I’ve never really known about this tradition, but they set up trains at the PA Convention Center for Christmas too. And so many people seem to have their trains around their trees. I’ve never seen it before. Is it because there are no boys in our family?

  3. Michelle-ozark crafter

    Oh i love the trains and your plant and well, all of it! Lovely! merry Christmas! i am off to make a Charlie brown dessert!

  4. Michelle-ozark crafter

    Oh i love the trains and your plant and well, all of it! Lovely! merry Christmas! i am off to make a Charlie brown dessert!

  5. You are one busy gal! The goodies look delicious, I can almost taste them. Be very careful poinsettia’s are poision to cats, and dogs I think too. Thanks so much for your sweet & encouraging comments, you have lifted my spirit!!!!

  6. You are one busy gal! The goodies look delicious, I can almost taste them. Be very careful poinsettia’s are poision to cats, and dogs I think too. Thanks so much for your sweet & encouraging comments, you have lifted my spirit!!!!

  7. My Nephew would have loved to have joined you with the trains – he is a certified Thomas the Tank Engine Fiend! What a fabulous display!

    Those cookies look delicious – I bet there wasn’t much left over!!

    Merry Christmas Michele!

  8. My Nephew would have loved to have joined you with the trains – he is a certified Thomas the Tank Engine Fiend! What a fabulous display!

    Those cookies look delicious – I bet there wasn’t much left over!!

    Merry Christmas Michele!

  9. Wow-that train display is so cool!! My son is a train nut too, he would love to see that!

    Your goodies look yummy-Have a merry Christmas!

  10. Wow-that train display is so cool!! My son is a train nut too, he would love to see that!

    Your goodies look yummy-Have a merry Christmas!

  11. The train display looks awesome! Do you have the Pampered Chef serving dishes? They look similar to the one’s that I have…..

  12. The train display looks awesome! Do you have the Pampered Chef serving dishes? They look similar to the one’s that I have…..

  13. Sorry to read about your job situation, I too am a firm believer in the adage one door closes another opens. Hang in there something much better will turn up. Your Christmas decorating looks wonderful, best wishes for the festive season.

  14. Sorry to read about your job situation, I too am a firm believer in the adage one door closes another opens. Hang in there something much better will turn up. Your Christmas decorating looks wonderful, best wishes for the festive season.

  15. We love going to NorthPark during the holidays but didn’t make it there this year. Thanks for the virtual tour 😉
    Your goodies look delish!
    Merry Christmas!

  16. We love going to NorthPark during the holidays but didn’t make it there this year. Thanks for the virtual tour 😉
    Your goodies look delish!
    Merry Christmas!

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