
Camille 2 012911

C’est finis! I managed to finished Camille on Tuesday and showed her off at EGA. She really is a beauty and I am so thrilled to have her finished. I think she will be pretty with Dorothy, if I ever get her stitched.

At the time I fell in love with Camille, she was a freebie from The Sampler Girl. I believe Tanya has no released her as a chart. When the freebie came out, Vikki Clayton put together a thread pack for it, which I promptly purchased. I even chose fabric for her. But this was all back in 2006, and I never actually got around to starting Camille until last January. I chose a different fabric for her and dove in. I decided to stitch her using one thread over two, to lend a bit of delicacy to the stitches. After stitching an urn and the center spray of flowers, I set her aside. It wasn’t until the first week of January this year that I picked her up again.

The sampler is dedicated to Camille Claudel who was a French sculptor and muse to the artist August Rodin. In fact, Wikipedia states “Claudel became a source of inspiration, his model, his confidante and lover.” A big part of what drew me to this sampler was it’s dedication to a French artist and also the quote of Camille’s that is included in the piece. “The essential thing is to be moved, to love, to hope, to tremble, to live.” I love that.

Camille Center 012911

You may remember also that I indicated I had to rechart the year for this piece. It was originally charted for 2006. Since I was going to have to rechart it for 2011 anyway, I decided to instead change it to 1883, the year Camille met Rodin. I thought finishing this sampler was a perfect way to start the year off, focusing on love, art and inspiration.

Camille's French Sampler
Camille’s French Sampler
The Sampler Girl
Vikki Clayton Hand-Dyed Fibers on 32ct Golden Harvest by Silkweaver (1 over 2)
Begun January 7, 2010 Finished January 25, 2011

I guess I just have a weakness for French ladies… (Marie Antoinette pillbox from Sylvia)

Marie Antoinette Pillbox

And since this post is being brought to you by the color Pink, I have to share another fabulous gift I received at Christmas. My friend, Kim, (creator of Frida and teacher of knitting) knit these amazing pedicure socks for me. My feet always get cold in the winter when I’m painting my toes, and look at the solution! Toeless socks!

Pedicure Socks from Kim

So, fun!

Since finishing Camille, I have also finished a Christmas ornament that I can’t wait to share and I’ve been working along on Snow Garden, which should also be finished soon too. Lots more to show you next time!

I am grateful for finishing old WIPs.

30 thoughts on “Camille”

  1. What a gorgeous finish Michelle! I love the verse and the reason behind the date – great idea 🙂 Those toeless socks are wonderful!

  2. Such a lovely finish! And i got to learn about Camille and the reason for the date too! So cool! Thanks for the history lesson. Cool toeless socks! Nice pill box too!

  3. Lovely, lovely Camille. I love the toeless socks, but I would want toes for them so that I could wear them, with clogs, everywhere for people to see!

  4. Gorgeous finish! I love the story behind Camille too. Can’t wait to see how you’re Snow Garden is coming along.

    Those toeless socks are great! Love the colors.

  5. What a coincidence! I was just thinking of starting Camille, and here you are, showing us your magnificent finish! If that isn’t a sign… I just love the colours in this design, and your rendition in Vikki Clayton silks is gorgeous!

  6. What a fantastic finish! I love the way you changed the date to further honor Camille. I love the gifties from your friends–they know you well! 😉

  7. What a great tribute to camille – I wonder if a copy of this is still available on at the sampler girl – off to look for that ! Your pedicure socks rock ! I need to knit myself a pair of those. have a great week! Melody

  8. Camille is beautiful and I’m glad you honored her by changing the date.
    Congrats on your finish. I think she’ll look fantastic with Dorothy too!

  9. mainely stitching

    What a stunning sampler! And pink and green – oh, spring can’t be far away when these colors start showing up!

  10. Absolutely beautiful!
    I love the soft, pretty colours in this piece and the date change is perfect.
    Lovely gifts you have received too.


  11. Camille is so pretty! I think changing the date is perfect for that sampler. Congrats on finish #1 for 2011. The socks are great – love the colors, of course!!

  12. Dani - tkdchick

    Michelle, congratulations its just beautiful and I love it when people change and personalize pieces! The 1 over 2 certainly adds a delicacy to the piece.

    What cute pedicure socks!!!

  13. Camille is such a beautiful finish! I bought the same threadpack with the free chart – was it really in 2006? I love your socks – talented friend you have!

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