Card Trick & Number 25

I feel like I have been going non-stop today. It has been a very productive day, though. First, I pieced together my block of the month quilt block.

This pattern is called Card Trick. This was another new pattern for me, and it was fun to do. I love the colors. Next weekend I am supposed to pick up my next block. Since I will be in Chicago, I’ll have to figure out how that’s gonna work. I can’t imagine what the fabrics are going to be in the next block since the two I’ve done have been totally different from each other. I haven’t managed to get much stitching done this weekend, but guess what I did finally get finished…

Yes, those are curtains you see! So, I can now cross #25 off of my 101 things list, which was “hang curtains in kitchen window”. That is now 5 things I have completed off of my list. Hurrah! And my sweet husband brought me home some gorgeous pink roses today. These are called Latin Breeze. I am really pleased with my curtains (well, technically sheers). They still let in all the light, but allow me a little bit of privacy from my neighbors who love to look in at me. Our house is really coming together and feeling like a home. Off to stitch some more on my exchange piece!

I am grateful for being married five months!

12 thoughts on “Card Trick & Number 25”

  1. Congratulations on getting the curtains done, they look lovely 🙂

    What a nice husband you have – mine never brings me flowers (although he’s good to me in lots of other ways, so I mustn’t complain!)

  2. ohhhhhhh Michelle, what a lovely blog site, ty for sending it to me, congrats on the 5months, congrats on crossing an item off the list. Love ya bunches, btw, i ordered “The Shirt” giggles.

  3. The curtains look great, as does your latest quilt block … that’s something I really do want to try soon 🙂 BTW I’ve been meaning to say for a while now, that I love your “be thankful” comments on every post that you do – it always makes me feel so positive about my own circumstances and reflecting on things that make me feel good … thanks heaps for that! 😀 Now I’m off to read your last months posts as I try to catch up on my backlog of blog reading … 🙂

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