Charmed, I’m Sure

My order from Silver Needle arrived today (ok, one of my orders). I needed the charms for Eric’s stocking. While I was at it (no need to pay shipping on just one item!!) I bought Part 1 of Barnabee’s Quest from Just Nan. I thought this one might give me some more options for my Just Nan RR. That’s me…always thinkin’. I stitched a little more on the stocking last night and wouldn’t you know it, I ran out of thread on the hat with only four more stitches to go. Argh! I’ll move on to something else tonight and see if I can get more 224 tomorrow. I would really like to get this stocking done before Thanksgiving, but we’ll see. I am having such a case of startitis right now. I so want to start something new, but looking at my WIP list and at the fact that I have three things I am trying to get done by the end of the year…I am refusing to give in to the urge…for now. Is it possible to just add in some more hours in the day (well, really in the evenings, because more hours at work wouldn’t really help me)? Not much else going on in the world of Christmas Crazy Stitching today, so I hope everyone has a great weekend.

I am grateful for the lure of knitting…it is spurring me on to reach my goals!

4 thoughts on “Charmed, I’m Sure”

  1. Oooo, if you ever decide to stitch all of Barnabee’s Quest, please let me know- I would love to do it as a SAL with you, it is in my “really want to do this soon” pile!

  2. Oh, no! Now your blog has infected me with startitis. And knitting is calling to me too–time to get out the needles again now that it’s finally chilly!

  3. Resist the urge to start something new. Finish what you want to by the end of the year! Then there will be no guilt associated with your next start. You’re talking about knitting and I’m feeling the needlepoint bug biting.

  4. I agree with Carol. I would love to SAL on this sometime in 2007. I have had the parts for a while; it would be nice to actually start it. 🙂

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