
I finished up the branch of cherries last night. I just love the cherries, the way they look with the Red Rocks and Aztec Red threads. Love them. Last night was a lovely relaxing night, which we both needed. Eric had had a really bad day. So, we watched a couple of episodes of Dark Angel after dinner and just relaxed. I finished up the cherry stems right at ten o’clock which is when I stop stitching at night.

And speaking of Blackbird Designs, have you seen the new Loose Feathers? I love this one. It may be the next one I stitch. I’m on automatics for these, so I should be getting mine soon I hope!

I’ve put a few stitches into my Barnabee’s Quest the past few morning too. I am still working on the over one portion in Part 2, violets I think they are. Strangely enough, the spot I got stuck on in Baby Garden was also the over one portion. I’ll post a photo when I finish the band I’m working on. Guess I should get back to stitching on Baby Garden too soon.

I saw the new Little House Needleworks new releases yesterday, and I just love this one. I feel another stash buying expedition coming on.

I am grateful for Jim Dale.

12 thoughts on “Cherries”

  1. Love the cherries!

    I’m eagerly awaiting the new LF – I’ll be starting it straight away 😉 I love this one!

  2. Your BD wip is lovely as all your work!
    You know it’s funny I’ve been feeling a stash buying expedition like…DAILY lately 🙂
    I agree the LHN’s are autos for me!

  3. quiltorstitch

    Good progress on Their Song, it is a really pretty chart, I like the cherries too, and the delicate stems. Those new charts are really neat. I like the LHN one with the ship a lot… may have to get that soon 😉

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