I finished up the branch of cherries last night. I just love the cherries, the way they look with the Red Rocks and Aztec Red threads. Love them. Last night was a lovely relaxing night, which we both needed. Eric had had a really bad day. So, we watched a couple of episodes of Dark Angel after dinner and just relaxed. I finished up the cherry stems right at ten o’clock which is when I stop stitching at night.

And speaking of Blackbird Designs, have you seen the new Loose Feathers? I love this one. It may be the next one I stitch. I’m on automatics for these, so I should be getting mine soon I hope!
I’ve put a few stitches into my Barnabee’s Quest the past few morning too. I am still working on the over one portion in Part 2, violets I think they are. Strangely enough, the spot I got stuck on in Baby Garden was also the over one portion. I’ll post a photo when I finish the band I’m working on. Guess I should get back to stitching on Baby Garden too soon.

I saw the new Little House Needleworks new releases yesterday, and I just love this one. I feel another stash buying expedition coming on.
I am grateful for Jim Dale.
Oh, I love the new LHN too! Thanks for the heads up!!
LHN has published new designs again?! I can’t keep up with them! Love the Captain’s Inn too.
Love the cherries!
I’m eagerly awaiting the new LF – I’ll be starting it straight away 😉 I love this one!
I love the colours of the cherries, that’s a beautiful design.
Oh I love both the LHN and the BD!! And of course your progress on your current WIP is fabulous!
Your cherries look good enough to eat! Beautiful piece.
Looking lovely Michelle!
Your BD wip is lovely as all your work!
You know it’s funny I’ve been feeling a stash buying expedition like…DAILY lately 🙂
I agree the LHN’s are autos for me!
Their Song is coming along beautifully!!!
Beautiful work!
Good progress on Their Song, it is a really pretty chart, I like the cherries too, and the delicate stems. Those new charts are really neat. I like the LHN one with the ship a lot… may have to get that soon 😉
I love this LHN too! It’s adorable and I love the sea.