Christmas in New York

Well, since I am still stitching along on the SAME THING, I don’t have a whole lot to show stitching-wise. I had a migraine last night, that is hopefully gone, so not much stitching last night either. So, instead I thought I would start sharing some of our photos from our trip to New York. It was such an amazing trip, I think it just got overshadowed by everything that happened when we got home. So, without further ado…

Our first full day there, we spent walking down Fifth Avenue mostly to see all the store windows. We started our day at Macy’s (34th Street and Herald Square). We didn’t go in many of the stores, but Macy’s was one that we did. They had some beautiful decorations all throughout the store.

They had what I assume is a replica, not the real thing, of the Times Square New Year’s Eve ball in their crystal department (because Waterford makes the crystal triangles that go make up the ball). We watched it changed colors and patterns for a while. So pretty.

I think it’s got LED lights in it, so the colors are very vibrant.

Then, we were back out on the street to see the Macy’s windows. I think the theme of these was Santa’s Wild Ride, or something along those lines. It’s amazing all the detail and the action that each window includes. These had Santa on a roller coaster that zipped all around and the “world” would flip over so that you could see him in Australia and Antarctica as well as in London.

Here’s Jack Frost…

Here you can see Santa flying over New York City, Rockefeller Plaza (see the tree?) and Macy’s.

And then Santa goes home to the North Pole to celebrate his own Christmas Day.

Then we went over to Lord and Taylor (39th and 5th), and then on to Saks Fifth Avenue (49th and 5th). Saks has big lighted snowflakes all over the front of the building. They look so pretty at night.

The theme for their windows this year was SnowPeople, based on the book by Rick and Ryan Zeeb.

Saks is selling the book and donating a portion of the money raised to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital). The windows at Saks were so colorful and fun.

The Snow People all start out the same, but then they discover in their journey that they are all different, and begin to celebrate their differences.

This one was a dressing room, and each time the door opened, Ms. Snow Person was in a different outfit.

And here they are in New York – in the taxi, in the subway, etc.

Next we walked past St. Patrick’s Cathedral, which is a beautiful building. So many of the buildings are all decorated for the holiday – it’s like the whole city is celebrating!

Ok, that’s enough eye candy for today. I’ll share some more photos next time! I hope you enjoyed them.

I am grateful for lunch with a friend.

42 thoughts on “Christmas in New York”

  1. Michelle what fantastic pictures! Someday I’ll get to go to New York!

    Hope that migraine dosen’t come back, they’re not fun… at all!

  2. Michelle what fantastic pictures! Someday I’ll get to go to New York!

    Hope that migraine dosen’t come back, they’re not fun… at all!

  3. Thank you for all the beautiful pictures of New York City, I had no idea it was that festive. Definietly on my list of to-do’s now. Thank you gain!!

  4. Thank you for all the beautiful pictures of New York City, I had no idea it was that festive. Definietly on my list of to-do’s now. Thank you gain!!

  5. Sampler Stitcher

    Hi Michelle, your pictures are very,very good. I have always wanted to visit NYC at Christmas time. Thanks for posting them.

  6. Sampler Stitcher

    Hi Michelle, your pictures are very,very good. I have always wanted to visit NYC at Christmas time. Thanks for posting them.

  7. Wonderful photos!!!

    It must have been overwhelming to see everything all dressed for Christmas.

    After viewing your photos, it took me back to being there this summer and helped me visualize things better. Macys decorations were great. We loved the wooden escalators.

  8. Wonderful photos!!!

    It must have been overwhelming to see everything all dressed for Christmas.

    After viewing your photos, it took me back to being there this summer and helped me visualize things better. Macys decorations were great. We loved the wooden escalators.

  9. What fantastic photos Michelle! I have always wanted to go to NYC at Christmastime ~ it seems so magical there! Thanks for sharing these with all of us.

  10. What fantastic photos Michelle! I have always wanted to go to NYC at Christmastime ~ it seems so magical there! Thanks for sharing these with all of us.

  11. Neat pictures! I’ve never seen pics of the store windows before (if you can believe that LOL) although I had (of course) heard much about them. Thanks for posting those 🙂

  12. Neat pictures! I’ve never seen pics of the store windows before (if you can believe that LOL) although I had (of course) heard much about them. Thanks for posting those 🙂

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