Christmas is Coming

Christmas is Coming

Even though many stores and radio stations seem to think that Halloween marks the beginning of the Christmas season, at our house the end of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is the official beginning to the season. When I see Santa at the end of the parade, I’m ready to start thinking of mistletoe and Christmas carols.

We had a lovely Thanksgiving yesterday, and I hope you did too. I’ve been doing a little gift stitching, so nothing I can share, but I have been stitching.

Since I can’t share what I’m working on, I thought I’d just pop in for a minute and show you my Just Nan Christmas is Coming WhimZi that I stitched in 2005. Santa on a turkey is just the perfect epitome of the beginning of the season.

I’ll be back soon with goodies to share!

I’m grateful for friends and family and time together – oh and eggnog…can’t forget the eggnog!

38 thoughts on “Christmas is Coming”

  1. I agree with you that the day after Thanksgiving starts the Christmas season, though I must admit that I have been doing some Christmas stitching lately. Love your little Santa riding the turkey. It’s perfect for this time of year!

  2. I agree with you that the day after Thanksgiving starts the Christmas season, though I must admit that I have been doing some Christmas stitching lately. Love your little Santa riding the turkey. It’s perfect for this time of year!

  3. Santa on a turkey is perfect! I agree about the end of the parade marking the Christmas season. And forget Black Friday–I’m home stitching.

  4. Santa on a turkey is perfect! I agree about the end of the parade marking the Christmas season. And forget Black Friday–I’m home stitching.

  5. It saddens me to see Christmas decorations up and music playing in stores before Halloween. For us, the season does not begin until Thanksgiving is over. Though I did do some online shopping last weekend (which is rare).

  6. It saddens me to see Christmas decorations up and music playing in stores before Halloween. For us, the season does not begin until Thanksgiving is over. Though I did do some online shopping last weekend (which is rare).

  7. Such a cute ornament. I’m in total agreement with you on the holiday – it doesn’t start until the day after Thanksgiving in my opinion!!

  8. Such a cute ornament. I’m in total agreement with you on the holiday – it doesn’t start until the day after Thanksgiving in my opinion!!

  9. I so agree, Michelle! I’m the same way. Now I’m ready to start thinking Christmas. Oh boy! 😀 Love your Whimzi — so cute!

  10. I so agree, Michelle! I’m the same way. Now I’m ready to start thinking Christmas. Oh boy! 😀 Love your Whimzi — so cute!

  11. I know what you mean about stores and radios starting Christmas earlier and earlier each year! I too think Christmas begins when I see Santa at the end of the Parade each year. I am glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  12. I know what you mean about stores and radios starting Christmas earlier and earlier each year! I too think Christmas begins when I see Santa at the end of the Parade each year. I am glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  13. Love your JN ornie!
    As we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in the UK, Christmas to me starts 1st Dec, and we always put our decorations up the first weekend in December. But I have to admit to watching christmas films and getting into the spirit already lol.

  14. Love your JN ornie!
    As we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in the UK, Christmas to me starts 1st Dec, and we always put our decorations up the first weekend in December. But I have to admit to watching christmas films and getting into the spirit already lol.

  15. We usually wait a bit longer before getting Christmas underway, but of course the kids have been thinking about it since October, LOL!

  16. We usually wait a bit longer before getting Christmas underway, but of course the kids have been thinking about it since October, LOL!

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