This little guy was my first Just Nan WhimZi. I stitched him up right before Thanksgiving last year. After watching the Macy’s parade on Thanksgiving morning, I just had to get him out – in all his turkey-riding glory! Here is the progress on the stocking. I finished up the train, backstitching and all, and I stitched the heart row. The hearts are the very bottom of the stocking. I think it looks a little funny and lopsided, but I hope that all will make sense once it is cut into stocking shape. I have to take a time out on the stocking and get to work on Round 2 of my Just Nan RR. I will be a lucky woman if I can finish the stockings (meaning, get them sewn up), the ornament and the RR by the 15th. That is my drop-dead date. Wish me luck.

Also, because I am a stitching masochist and feel I need to have one more project making me crazy, I am working on my Winter Snapperland in the mornings before I rush off to work. I literally only get about ten minutes in on this one at a time, so it is moving pretty slow. I just have the last chart to complete, and then the border. I started this entire piece on January 2nd of this year while watching the Rose Parade…so, it would be so nice to finish it by the end of the year.

I started Mystery 9 on January 1st of this year, but we will not speak of what has become of M9 in all of my Christmas stitching madness. I can only hope that my vacation the week before Christmas will allow me time to revel in all of my Christmas projects finished and allow me to get to something new (by new I mean something that hasn’t seen a needle in months – see list in my sidebar). Stitch on, everyone, and enjoy the week!
I am grateful for my belief in myself.
Ohhhh, your snapperland is looking good! The stocking is coming right along too!
Great stitching!
Michelle, everything is looking just beautiful (I am very partial to your stocking – it does not look lopsided!!)
Oh my, you have your work cut out for you, don’t you? I know you’ll be able to do it, though. Have fun!
OMGosh that ornie is cute! All your stitching looks awesome 🙂
Love the ornie from last year, too cute! Both your WIP’s are looking fantastic! Can not wait to see more of them both!!!
Oh, your Santa just cracks me up!! I love that Snapperland series too 🙂
What a cute WhimZi!!!!! Your stocking is moving along beautifully too!
Love the stocking! Are you going to use the SB charms on it? They really make the whole thing festive!
Wow, they are all beautiful!