Christmas Stitching

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After a complete mental breakdown caused by looking at all of my many WIPs, I decided a new start was in order. Ha! See how I am?!? But really, I just wanted to stitch on something Christmas-y for the last few weeks of December. So, I pulled out BBD’s Peace on Earth (Loose Feathers No. 28). I already had the fabric and the thread on hand, so it was easy to get started. I am loving it so far. Here’s a photo if you’re not familiar with the pattern. Cute, huh?

And I know I haven’t been able to show you what I’ve been working on until now. I stitched and finished Shepherd’s Bush Joyful Night from the JCS 10th Anniversary book. It was a quick little stitch, and I was also able to accomplish this one with thread and fabric on hand (even the finishing supplies were already in my closet!).

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I backed it with a pretty deep purple fabric that has little stars on it. I loved how it brought out the purple in his shoes. This is for the guild’s annual ornament exchange that is taking place tonight. I’m anxious to see what everyone else stitched!

So that’s part of what I’ve been working on lately. I did also pull out ATS and work on it on Sunday. I’ve got my cloud all outlined and I’m starting the fill in. I want that cloud done! And thanks for all the suggestions for 2011 – I did go and check out the challenge for working on 15 WIPs in the new year, which looks promising. I’m still deciding though. Hopefully I will find something that works for me – because above all, I want to relax and enjoy my stitching.

I am grateful for working out of my stash. It’s such a good feeling!

36 thoughts on “Christmas Stitching”

  1. I just love that SB ornament. I don’t know why, but I collect those ornament issues every year and don’t think I’ve stitched a single thing out of them. Perhaps in 2011? Would make some good quick stitches. Well, maybe not. There are all those WIPs! LOL

  2. I just love that SB ornament. I don’t know why, but I collect those ornament issues every year and don’t think I’ve stitched a single thing out of them. Perhaps in 2011? Would make some good quick stitches. Well, maybe not. There are all those WIPs! LOL

  3. The thought of 15 new WIPS in 15 days in January would drive me over the edge. I can’t believe how many people are signing up for it. Like you, I just want to enjoy what I am able to do. For me, a deadline (even one far away) just takes all the fun out of it.

    Love your recent finishes!

  4. The thought of 15 new WIPS in 15 days in January would drive me over the edge. I can’t believe how many people are signing up for it. Like you, I just want to enjoy what I am able to do. For me, a deadline (even one far away) just takes all the fun out of it.

    Love your recent finishes!

  5. Love SB and your ornament is darling. Good luck with deciding what to do for 2011. I am still game for a ‘WIP finishing 15 for 2011″

    Enjoy the season.

  6. Love SB and your ornament is darling. Good luck with deciding what to do for 2011. I am still game for a ‘WIP finishing 15 for 2011″

    Enjoy the season.

  7. LOVE your ornament 🙂 Can’t wait to see your pictures and what YOU got!
    And that’s the way to pick yourself up by your bootstraps and start another WIP! You’re my kind of girl!

  8. LOVE your ornament 🙂 Can’t wait to see your pictures and what YOU got!
    And that’s the way to pick yourself up by your bootstraps and start another WIP! You’re my kind of girl!

  9. Lovely ornament, and great start on the BBD – and somebody should chart that last sentence of your entry for us all: the perfect credo!

  10. Lovely ornament, and great start on the BBD – and somebody should chart that last sentence of your entry for us all: the perfect credo!

  11. Your SB ornament looks so pretty. And yes, you deserved a new start after pulling out all your WIPs. It was fun to look at them all. That challenge to finish 15 WIPs sounds very interesting too. But I have to stick to the Crazy Challenge and start 15 projects because I don’t have 15 WIPs, lol.

  12. Your SB ornament looks so pretty. And yes, you deserved a new start after pulling out all your WIPs. It was fun to look at them all. That challenge to finish 15 WIPs sounds very interesting too. But I have to stick to the Crazy Challenge and start 15 projects because I don’t have 15 WIPs, lol.

  13. I love that BBD! Well, okay, I love all things BBD–but that one is particularly pretty. Great start! Love the ornament, too.

  14. I love that BBD! Well, okay, I love all things BBD–but that one is particularly pretty. Great start! Love the ornament, too.

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