Computer Woes

Well, my computer is dying a slow and painful death. It started acting up last week, and Eric replaced my card reader, which seemed (at the time) to be the problem. It worked fine for a couple of days, and then the card reader quite working (thus, I can’t show you any progress photos of what I’ve been working on). Eric spent some time looking at the error messages, and thought that one of my drives was failing, so he installed a new drive for me on Friday and completely rebuilt my machine. Since then, my computer has been spontaneously rebooting and continuing with the same error messages. So, it appears that it may be my motherboard that is actually failing. So a new computer may be in my future, which is really not a great time for this to happen. So, if you don’t hear from me, or if I owe you an email, please know that it may be due to technical difficulties that I’m not around. So, since I can’t show you what I’ve been stitching, here are some new releases I’ve seen that look wish list worthy…

Just Nan is doing a new box (like Lady Scarlet’s Secret Garden), and this one is called Barnabee’s Bride (Bella Bee). I see this one in my future hopefully! (Photo at top of post)

Little House Needleworks has two new releases that are both cute…

Red Madonna by Jan Houtman.

And of course, Shores of Hawk Run Hollow. I love this one so much!!

I am anxious to see more of the Nashville releases.

It’s been an interesting day today, we had a power transformer explode behind our house today, so we were without power for most of the afternoon. I tell you though, it was scary when it blew – there was this huge boom and then all the power went out. Luckily they were able to come right out and repair it. Everything seems to be taken care of now. Until I am back up and running with my computer/able to post my photos, enjoy some more of New York. These are all from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. We mainly focused on just the Egyptian area, because seeing the whole museum would take days!!

This is Cleopatra’s Needle, behind the museum.

Can you believe all the sarcophagi?

This was over in the area with the armor and weaponry.

We also were able to see their beautiful Christmas Tree, but unfortunately they didn’t allow photographs of it. Here’s a quick video so you can see how pretty it is.

Next time, I will hopefully be able to show you some of my Mermaid SAL, some of my Red Thread SAL, and a Valentine’s Day gift. Thanks to all of you who check in on my blog and leave such lovely comments. And a big hello to all the new commenters stopping by – I appreciate you!

Walk to Rivendell: Camp; Camp – Follow a wide shallow curving valley. (Total Miles Walked: 298.25)

I am grateful for Heath Ledger.

12 thoughts on “Computer Woes”

  1. I love the new stuff from Nashville – if only the budget and time would allow! Your pictures from NYC are fantastic – I love the Met, and especially the Egyptian area.

  2. I love the new stuff from Nashville – if only the budget and time would allow! Your pictures from NYC are fantastic – I love the Met, and especially the Egyptian area.

  3. Michelle-ozark crafter

    Lovely pics! So sorry about the computer thing though! Yikes on the transformer! that does scare the tar out of you!

  4. Michelle-ozark crafter

    Lovely pics! So sorry about the computer thing though! Yikes on the transformer! that does scare the tar out of you!

  5. Sorry to hear about the computer…that totally stinks…

    I love the Barnabee Biscornu too…but did you see what the silks and embellishment pack costs? YIKES…makes you want to forget you ever so it! I want it though…

  6. Sorry to hear about the computer…that totally stinks…

    I love the Barnabee Biscornu too…but did you see what the silks and embellishment pack costs? YIKES…makes you want to forget you ever so it! I want it though…

  7. Anna van Schurman

    We’re having computer problems too. The internal bit of the power plug is all wonky so we only sometimes have power. And the battery can’t recharge. Yay.

    When i lived in NYC, I was grateful for the Temple of Dendur…one of my favorite spots in the whole city.

  8. Anna van Schurman

    We’re having computer problems too. The internal bit of the power plug is all wonky so we only sometimes have power. And the battery can’t recharge. Yay.

    When i lived in NYC, I was grateful for the Temple of Dendur…one of my favorite spots in the whole city.

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