Crazy Daisies

Eric brought me these colorful daisies yesterday “just because it’s Sunday”. We had another busy weekend. On Saturday, we went to the horse races again, and really enjoyed ourselves. We each bet on one race, but neither of us won. Although I made a lot of imaginary money on my virtual bets. LOL! Yesterday my sister and my niece came over for a visit. They were in town for a couple of days, and it was so nice to have them over for the afternoon.

Thanks for all of your sweet comments on my Neighborhood RR. I am so looking forward to receiving my first piece to stitch on. Last night, I was able to sit down and do a bit of stitching.

I made some more progress on Their Song. The whole left corner is now finished and next time I’ll probably work on finishing the branch with the cherries. I love how those cherries look, even though I only have one finished.

We are having an issue with our property management company (we rent our house). Friday night, Eric got home and was locked out of the house as someone had locked the keyless deadbolt on the door from the garage to the house. He was able to get in through the front door, but it became evident that someone had been in our house – obviously someone from our property management company. It doesn’t appear that anything was done in the house, but there was no note indicating they had been there or what they had done. In fact, they hadn’t forewarned us that they were going to be coming into the house. The cats were freaked. I mean, they were hiding under the bed when Eric got home. It is also evident that whoever was there went out to the backyard and then came back in, because over the last two days, everytime you open that door, Romeo races upstairs and hides under the bed. Eric finally got someone on the phone today (after numerous phone calls that were not returned). They say no one was in the house, and they won’t do anything about changing the locks or anything. Ugh! It just makes me feel so anxious about leaving the house, since people apparently are wandering in and out at their leisure. We are going to be making some phone calls to see what we can do about the situation. Our lease is up in March, and we are planning to buy a house when we move from this one. I really hope that something can be done about this, so that it doesn’t happen again. Unfortunately, this management company have been less than cooperative on previous issues (eg the tree that was uprooted). I’ll let you know what develops.

I am grateful for a fun visit with my sister.

34 thoughts on “Crazy Daisies”

  1. Singular Stitches

    That’s a shame you have to deal with that (particularly your kitties since it seems to really upset them).

    Can you install a web camera?

  2. Singular Stitches

    That’s a shame you have to deal with that (particularly your kitties since it seems to really upset them).

    Can you install a web camera?

  3. How awful that people have been in your house without you knowing about it! I would definitely challenge them on that, you (and the kitties) need to feel safe in your own home, even if you are renting.

    Nice progress on Their Song, it’s a beautiful piece 🙂

  4. How awful that people have been in your house without you knowing about it! I would definitely challenge them on that, you (and the kitties) need to feel safe in your own home, even if you are renting.

    Nice progress on Their Song, it’s a beautiful piece 🙂

  5. Oh my…that doesn’t make you feel safe does it? I think I’d be looking for a house soon….

    Your daisies are beautiful!

  6. Oh my…that doesn’t make you feel safe does it? I think I’d be looking for a house soon….

    Your daisies are beautiful!

  7. Anna van Schurman

    That’s scary and yucky that people were in your house. I hope you find a lovely new place to live. But don’t forget to change the locks! You never know who the previous owners gave a key to (or you can be like us and forget that you left a key for the contractor outside, and leave it out over the weekend while you are away. Duh!)

    Love Their Song!

  8. Anna van Schurman

    That’s scary and yucky that people were in your house. I hope you find a lovely new place to live. But don’t forget to change the locks! You never know who the previous owners gave a key to (or you can be like us and forget that you left a key for the contractor outside, and leave it out over the weekend while you are away. Duh!)

    Love Their Song!

  9. I just love the colors of those flowers! Lucky! I also love that design you’re stitching, I might stitch it myself one day. I think there are laws in place about management/landlords having to have prenotified you before they can enter your house. You should check into the department of housing laws and maybe get a cheap security camera. btw, my Queen of the Needle will be completed today or tomorrow, watch for pics.

  10. I just love the colors of those flowers! Lucky! I also love that design you’re stitching, I might stitch it myself one day. I think there are laws in place about management/landlords having to have prenotified you before they can enter your house. You should check into the department of housing laws and maybe get a cheap security camera. btw, my Queen of the Needle will be completed today or tomorrow, watch for pics.

  11. I would be some kind of POed if someone came in my house and then didn’t even admit it! Can you change the locks yourself? Or maybe set up a surveillance camera to catch them at it next time.

  12. I would be some kind of POed if someone came in my house and then didn’t even admit it! Can you change the locks yourself? Or maybe set up a surveillance camera to catch them at it next time.

  13. I was a property manager for a few years in Maine. A lot depends on what sort of lease you have. You should contact your Attorney General’s office – each state has a sort of ‘model lease’ that is made publicly available and which clearly outlines what both parties (renter and agent) are responsible for. The AG may also be able to suggest a legal aid service that could more clearly define your situation and your rights. I’ll warn you, you will probably be in violation of the law if you just go ahead and change your locks, so be careful. The very first thing you need to do is put your situation and suspicions into writing, keep a copy (!) and send the letter by registered/signature required mail to your property manager. You’ll need that if things should heat up. Feel free to email me if you want.

  14. I was a property manager for a few years in Maine. A lot depends on what sort of lease you have. You should contact your Attorney General’s office – each state has a sort of ‘model lease’ that is made publicly available and which clearly outlines what both parties (renter and agent) are responsible for. The AG may also be able to suggest a legal aid service that could more clearly define your situation and your rights. I’ll warn you, you will probably be in violation of the law if you just go ahead and change your locks, so be careful. The very first thing you need to do is put your situation and suspicions into writing, keep a copy (!) and send the letter by registered/signature required mail to your property manager. You’ll need that if things should heat up. Feel free to email me if you want.

  15. lovely flower .. our store carries those sometimes .. funny how the water changes color too! That is so scary thinking someone had been in your house .. good thing the kitties didn’t try and escape! I hope you get it all worked out!

  16. lovely flower .. our store carries those sometimes .. funny how the water changes color too! That is so scary thinking someone had been in your house .. good thing the kitties didn’t try and escape! I hope you get it all worked out!

  17. Stitch Wizard

    Your flowers are just beautiful! I also love your progress on Their Song! It is just really beautiful! I will love seeing your progress!! Debby 🙂

  18. Stitch Wizard

    Your flowers are just beautiful! I also love your progress on Their Song! It is just really beautiful! I will love seeing your progress!! Debby 🙂

  19. Oh wow about someone being in your house. That is awful and I hope you are able to get it resolved. I know it’s probably not allowed but I’d feel like changing the locks myself in that case. Your flowers are so neat, what a great DH you have!

  20. Oh wow about someone being in your house. That is awful and I hope you are able to get it resolved. I know it’s probably not allowed but I’d feel like changing the locks myself in that case. Your flowers are so neat, what a great DH you have!

  21. The flowers are beautiful and oh so thoughtful!
    It would make me crazed if that had happened to me! Be safe. And good luck house hunting!

  22. The flowers are beautiful and oh so thoughtful!
    It would make me crazed if that had happened to me! Be safe. And good luck house hunting!

  23. The flowers are pretty. That’s a little scary that your management company would do that. I hope you get that resolved soon.

  24. The flowers are pretty. That’s a little scary that your management company would do that. I hope you get that resolved soon.

  25. That sounds awful having someone in your house when you weren’t there. Surely that is not allowed?

    Your daisies are just beautiful!

    Love your progress on Their Song:)

  26. That sounds awful having someone in your house when you weren’t there. Surely that is not allowed?

    Your daisies are just beautiful!

    Love your progress on Their Song:)

  27. Love the daisies, my favorite flower.

    I don’t blame you for being concerned about someone being in the house. Mgmt companies can be very difficult to deal with.

  28. Love the daisies, my favorite flower.

    I don’t blame you for being concerned about someone being in the house. Mgmt companies can be very difficult to deal with.

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