Cutting Down on the Crazy

Book of Days

No Crazy 15 January Challenge for me, but I am working on my WIPs. And I thought it would be fun to keep track of what I work on in 2011 in the beautiful Sampler Enthusiast’s Book of Days gifted to me by dear Tanya. I keep track of my starts and finishes in a spreadsheet, but it’s fun to see what all I’ve worked on.

On New Year’s Day I had a traditional new start, Paradise Lost. I began it while watching the Rose Parade. I am normally a center-starter. But after all the problems I had trying to start Garden of Eerie in the center, I decided I’d better hedge my bets and start on the bottom right.

Nothing very exciting, but I always love putting the first stitches into a new project. I thought I’d just work my way across stitching the grass and the words at the bottom. Love how it’s turning out though!

On Sunday, I worked on And They Sinned which is our usual day for the SAL. No photo to show on this one because I am determined to get that dang cloud finished before I update. Not long now. I’m close.

Monday night I decided to pull out CHS’s A&E to work on after seeing Siobhan’s finish (and you know I have to do everything Siobhan does).

Siobhan’s CHS Adam and Eve

Mine, however, is being stitched on black fabric over one. And yes I am insane. But, it moves along pretty quickly when I actually decide to work on it. I’m busy filling in Adam’s torso.

CHS A&E 010811

Tuesday was guild night (as you can see on the calendar), so I decided to bring my Anniversaries of the Heart with me. I’m still plugging away on Snow Garden. I’d like to get Snow Garden finished up in January, so that I can move onto the next block. My little peacock friend is in dire need of his house though – maybe I’ll start building that next.

AOTH 010811

On Wednesday I pulled out Camille’s French Sampler by The Sampler Girl. I haven’t worked on this since last January, I think. I had that green vine just barely started, so you can see how much progress I’ve made. When I pulled this out on Wednesday to work on it, I realized that all this switching of projects was creating a huge mess in my stitching area. I was doing more switching in and out of q-snaps and trying to dig to find my thread, etc. that I was adding to the crazy. So, I decided that I would just keep focusing on Camille for awhile. So she got attention on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Camille 010811

And I’ve got a new thing I’m trying out. Robert and I were talking about stitching the other night and when he gets bored with stitching something, he just moves to another area in the piece. That keeps his interest going. Well, I tend to be very methodical in how I work through a piece, so if I get to a part where I lose interest, I set the piece aside. (This is how I have so many WIPs!!!) So I thought I’d give that a try with Camille. When I got bored of stitching the pink band, I moved onto the band below it. When I finished that up, I was ready to get back to the pink band. I also jumped over and started work on the left urn. So, I think this trick may work to keep me from abandoning a project. So thanks, Robert! I’ll let you know how it goes! (Robert’s been suggesting I do this with AOTH too because I’m so bored with Snow Garden…so you may see me start block two sooner rather than later.)

So, that’s all I’ve got to show, but for the first week in January, that’s not bad! I think I’ll feel like I’ve gotten more accomplished if I stick with something rather than switching out every day. Plus that will keep the mess down. I spent a long time yesterday straightening that all up. But, I’m really enjoying my stitching and I’m enjoying writing in my Book of Days. I am hopeful I’ll have a finished cloud to show you soon. It is imminent. Until next time, enjoy your stitching! Oh, and if you’re interested I’ve posted a couple of book reviews for recent reads on the other blog as well as a post on our annual Eggnog and Dessert Party.

I am grateful for finally understanding what the issue is with trying to shoot photos of black fabric.

54 thoughts on “Cutting Down on the Crazy”

  1. What lovely WIPs! Snow Garden is so pretty, as is Camille’s sampler. I’m glad you might have found a solution to getting bored with your stitching 🙂

  2. What lovely WIPs! Snow Garden is so pretty, as is Camille’s sampler. I’m glad you might have found a solution to getting bored with your stitching 🙂

  3. All your WIPs are just wonderful! And what a good idea to keep track of your stitching in a journal! I keep track of mine in a journal too, but I keep track of everything, not just stitching. So it gets hard to find info after a while. lol!

  4. All your WIPs are just wonderful! And what a good idea to keep track of your stitching in a journal! I keep track of mine in a journal too, but I keep track of everything, not just stitching. So it gets hard to find info after a while. lol!

  5. You’re working on some lovely WIPs. AOTH is really calling to me as so many people have started this project series for the new year.

    I passed on the insanity too! Instead I want to focus on finishing and making progress on those that I don’t.

  6. You’re working on some lovely WIPs. AOTH is really calling to me as so many people have started this project series for the new year.

    I passed on the insanity too! Instead I want to focus on finishing and making progress on those that I don’t.

  7. Anna van Schurman

    I love your book of Days idea. Someone got me one years ago, and I’ve never known what to do with it. Mine is women writers, so maybe I should track what I’m reading? Camille is precious.

  8. Anna van Schurman

    I love your book of Days idea. Someone got me one years ago, and I’ve never known what to do with it. Mine is women writers, so maybe I should track what I’m reading? Camille is precious.

  9. Oh Thank you, thank you….THANK YOU for reminding me that I have a 2011 Sampler Enthusiast’s Book of Days! I just dug it out and I will write what I work on each day in it.
    I am SO GLAD you reminded me!

    Where is my head?

  10. Oh Thank you, thank you….THANK YOU for reminding me that I have a 2011 Sampler Enthusiast’s Book of Days! I just dug it out and I will write what I work on each day in it.
    I am SO GLAD you reminded me!

    Where is my head?

  11. I like the idea of a book of days. I think I might need to do that! I am bored and annoyed with Snow Garden already! Blah colors and my dyelots don’t seem to match up with the cover photo. I tossed it aside and went back to Mary Wigham. I need to go to the LNS now! Your SG looks great!

  12. I like the idea of a book of days. I think I might need to do that! I am bored and annoyed with Snow Garden already! Blah colors and my dyelots don’t seem to match up with the cover photo. I tossed it aside and went back to Mary Wigham. I need to go to the LNS now! Your SG looks great!

  13. Such beautiful projects you have in the works! No crazy challenge for me either. I am also working on my WIPs, two at a time, and loving it!

  14. Such beautiful projects you have in the works! No crazy challenge for me either. I am also working on my WIPs, two at a time, and loving it!

  15. What stunning WIPs, Michelle!! I used to keep detailed records of all of my stitching..I found some very old lists this afternoon.

  16. What stunning WIPs, Michelle!! I used to keep detailed records of all of my stitching..I found some very old lists this afternoon.

  17. What beautiful works you have on the go. I really like the idea of a spreadsheet but that is way beyond my capabilities.
    A journal sounds like a plan – I should have done that over the years.

  18. What beautiful works you have on the go. I really like the idea of a spreadsheet but that is way beyond my capabilities.
    A journal sounds like a plan – I should have done that over the years.

  19. You have some beautiful WIPs on the go Michelle. I love Camille’s Sampler. I have that somewhere and would love to stitch it after seeing yours. Snow Garden is coming along nicely. I just started that last week and lov it so far.

  20. You have some beautiful WIPs on the go Michelle. I love Camille’s Sampler. I have that somewhere and would love to stitch it after seeing yours. Snow Garden is coming along nicely. I just started that last week and lov it so far.

  21. What lovely projects, and thanks for sharing Robert’s advice. It is making me absolutely nuts to dig up a project, get it out, put it on the q-snaps, work a little on it (and fall in love again) and then have to move on. Since I’ve committed to it, I’m continuing to the end, but I can’t wait until I can settle on something, stitching a few weeks at a time the way I like to.

  22. What lovely projects, and thanks for sharing Robert’s advice. It is making me absolutely nuts to dig up a project, get it out, put it on the q-snaps, work a little on it (and fall in love again) and then have to move on. Since I’ve committed to it, I’m continuing to the end, but I can’t wait until I can settle on something, stitching a few weeks at a time the way I like to.

  23. Love the WIPs, Michelle! I don’t think I’ve seen Camille’s sampler before, or maybe just not on somebody’s blog. It sure is pretty! Seeing your journal reminded me that DH got me a journal with the idea that I’d write in it. Dang if I don’t know where the thing is!! I have been jotting stuff down in a little booklet with my stitching stuff for the Crazy challenge, but that’s it.

    Thanks for passing on Robert’s suggestion. I’ll have to try that. I start in the upper left corner and then work over and down… I’ll have to see how I can incorporate that. I had a stitching friend (who has since passed away) that would stitch ALL of one color on her piece–she did a lot of L&L angels–before moving to another color. I could never figure out how she didn’t miscount, but she was a perfectionist and didn’t. Different strokes for different folks, I guess!

  24. Love the WIPs, Michelle! I don’t think I’ve seen Camille’s sampler before, or maybe just not on somebody’s blog. It sure is pretty! Seeing your journal reminded me that DH got me a journal with the idea that I’d write in it. Dang if I don’t know where the thing is!! I have been jotting stuff down in a little booklet with my stitching stuff for the Crazy challenge, but that’s it.

    Thanks for passing on Robert’s suggestion. I’ll have to try that. I start in the upper left corner and then work over and down… I’ll have to see how I can incorporate that. I had a stitching friend (who has since passed away) that would stitch ALL of one color on her piece–she did a lot of L&L angels–before moving to another color. I could never figure out how she didn’t miscount, but she was a perfectionist and didn’t. Different strokes for different folks, I guess!

  25. I really do like Snow Garden – I just saw on Alma’s blog that someone stitched it on darker fabric – it looks great. Adam is emerging nicely, and Camille is just so pretty. I think you will be happy to start knocking out those WIPs, so its a good idea to stick with one for a while.

  26. I really do like Snow Garden – I just saw on Alma’s blog that someone stitched it on darker fabric – it looks great. Adam is emerging nicely, and Camille is just so pretty. I think you will be happy to start knocking out those WIPs, so its a good idea to stick with one for a while.

  27. Hey Michelle~~ I love them all and I am also working on the AoTH series and trying my best to finish up Snow Garden…just posted about it.. I love this series so much~

    Take care, FAye

  28. Hey Michelle~~ I love them all and I am also working on the AoTH series and trying my best to finish up Snow Garden…just posted about it.. I love this series so much~

    Take care, FAye

  29. Excellent idea about tracking your progress pieces! You are doing a great job on all your WIPs, I am like you, bored? Start something else 🙂 Move it along 🙂 Or find another WIP to work on. I am sure you had great fun at guild!!

  30. Excellent idea about tracking your progress pieces! You are doing a great job on all your WIPs, I am like you, bored? Start something else 🙂 Move it along 🙂 Or find another WIP to work on. I am sure you had great fun at guild!!

  31. Thank you for sharing! I had never been to your blog before, but have now marked it as one I will read regularly. Your projects are absolutely beautiful. We must share the same taste; I’ve marked down quite a few of them on my “must do” list now that I’ve seen them on your blog. I also have quite a few WIP’s, both stitching and quilting, so I am going to try the tip you passed along from Robert on some of my stitching projects. I am a “travelling salesman” so try to bring along only one project at at time (2 max), and by the end of each week I find myself anxious to get home so I can work on something else on the weekends. So I think the jumping around tip may help with that; we’ll see. I’ve been known to stop and buy something new while on the road just to have a change, so your tip may help my wallet, too!
    The Book of Days is a very neat idea. I try to list my accomplishments in a journal, but by putting them in the Book of Days it’s a lot easier to see the progress and stay encouraged and motivated. Might have to try that instead.
    Again, thanks for sharing, and I love that you always end with something you are grateful for. You made me smile today.
    Happy New Year to you.
    Penny in IL

  32. Thank you for sharing! I had never been to your blog before, but have now marked it as one I will read regularly. Your projects are absolutely beautiful. We must share the same taste; I’ve marked down quite a few of them on my “must do” list now that I’ve seen them on your blog. I also have quite a few WIP’s, both stitching and quilting, so I am going to try the tip you passed along from Robert on some of my stitching projects. I am a “travelling salesman” so try to bring along only one project at at time (2 max), and by the end of each week I find myself anxious to get home so I can work on something else on the weekends. So I think the jumping around tip may help with that; we’ll see. I’ve been known to stop and buy something new while on the road just to have a change, so your tip may help my wallet, too!
    The Book of Days is a very neat idea. I try to list my accomplishments in a journal, but by putting them in the Book of Days it’s a lot easier to see the progress and stay encouraged and motivated. Might have to try that instead.
    Again, thanks for sharing, and I love that you always end with something you are grateful for. You made me smile today.
    Happy New Year to you.
    Penny in IL

  33. Everything is so pretty!!!! I’ve been journaling this year too. I think it will be fun to look back over my year and see what I have done.

  34. Everything is so pretty!!!! I’ve been journaling this year too. I think it will be fun to look back over my year and see what I have done.

  35. All your new projects are lovely and yes I’m impressed you are stitching over-one on black fabric – kudos to you! I’m too old for that I think LOL. I’m always making up new lists and tracking this and that – I’m an obsessive organizer I think as well as stitcher. I may not get that many finishes done but I try to control the chaos with being organized at least LOL.

  36. All your new projects are lovely and yes I’m impressed you are stitching over-one on black fabric – kudos to you! I’m too old for that I think LOL. I’m always making up new lists and tracking this and that – I’m an obsessive organizer I think as well as stitcher. I may not get that many finishes done but I try to control the chaos with being organized at least LOL.

  37. Pointed Stitcher

    This is my first time visiting your blog and what caught my eye initially was your keeping track of what you stitch on each day. I also have decided to do that this year. And then I saw your Paradise Lost and I just ordered that and am impatiently waiting for it to get to my home. AND I also have And They Sinned, I haven’t started it yet but some day I will. I’ll definitely be back to visit.

  38. Pointed Stitcher

    This is my first time visiting your blog and what caught my eye initially was your keeping track of what you stitch on each day. I also have decided to do that this year. And then I saw your Paradise Lost and I just ordered that and am impatiently waiting for it to get to my home. AND I also have And They Sinned, I haven’t started it yet but some day I will. I’ll definitely be back to visit.

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