The Day in Photos

Well, I missed doing my photos on the 25th due to an all-day meeting. I thought the attorneys might frown on me whipping out my camera while we were discussing privileged and confidential information. So, you get photos from the 26th.

Here’s the view from my new office. My window looks out onto a courtyard, so I get to watch the squirrels and birds during the day.

Working hard.

Time to leave work!

Heading to the gym.

Heading off to school.

I took my week 2 test for Excel and did very well.

I finished up my book of the week while I ate dinner (at school). Yes, can you believe I am reading a book a week!? That is crazy!

Left school a little early, because Eric let me know our Air Conditioner had quit working. It was 95 degrees in the house. It had cooled off a little bit by the time we headed to his parents’ house to stay the night.

No TV in the guest room, so we read through some of his sister’s old books. This one was about Miss Nosy.

I sort of crashed after that…it was a long week!

I’m working on the Neighborhood RR I have this weekend, so I hope to have some stitching to show you soon!

I am grateful for cool air.

18 thoughts on “The Day in Photos”

  1. I’m laughing so hard at the thought of reading Miss Nosey before going to sleep! Must’ve been an exhausting week! 😉

  2. I’m laughing so hard at the thought of reading Miss Nosey before going to sleep! Must’ve been an exhausting week! 😉

  3. Hi Michelle,

    You’ve got some pretty high brow
    reading going on there girl!!
    You know you’re a rabid reader
    when you’ll pick anything up and
    read it. Lol!

    Once again I read a description
    of your typical week day, and
    looked at the pictures, and then
    had to go lie down. Do be careful
    you don’t wear yourself out with
    it all.

    The preview of the Christmas
    Ornie issue of JCS had me shaking
    my head. Are we really getting
    closer to that time again???
    That Sue Hillis design, all in
    red, had my stitchng fingers
    itching. I’m doing that one for

    Love your finished June square
    for the red thread piece. The
    section that you’ve done so far
    looks fantastic. And you’ve
    got some lovely stash there for when you’ve got some free time
    to stitch again.

    Congratulations on loosing 40
    pounds Michelle. Thats really
    fantastic. I really admire
    you for it, and for all you’re
    doing to achieve your goals.

    Have a great Fourth of July!!


  4. Hi Michelle,

    You’ve got some pretty high brow
    reading going on there girl!!
    You know you’re a rabid reader
    when you’ll pick anything up and
    read it. Lol!

    Once again I read a description
    of your typical week day, and
    looked at the pictures, and then
    had to go lie down. Do be careful
    you don’t wear yourself out with
    it all.

    The preview of the Christmas
    Ornie issue of JCS had me shaking
    my head. Are we really getting
    closer to that time again???
    That Sue Hillis design, all in
    red, had my stitchng fingers
    itching. I’m doing that one for

    Love your finished June square
    for the red thread piece. The
    section that you’ve done so far
    looks fantastic. And you’ve
    got some lovely stash there for when you’ve got some free time
    to stitch again.

    Congratulations on loosing 40
    pounds Michelle. Thats really
    fantastic. I really admire
    you for it, and for all you’re
    doing to achieve your goals.

    Have a great Fourth of July!!


  5. Oooookay, haven´t been around for a while, but to know you´ve been doing all of THAT… Well, you certainly have been busy. Congrats on the new job. Well done!

  6. Oooookay, haven´t been around for a while, but to know you´ve been doing all of THAT… Well, you certainly have been busy. Congrats on the new job. Well done!

  7. Miss Nosey is an awsome book :0) It’s alays to a good idea to read some the classics…..

    Wow that was a busy day. Congrats on that score….

    Take Care and I hope your Air is working soon.

  8. Miss Nosey is an awsome book :0) It’s alays to a good idea to read some the classics…..

    Wow that was a busy day. Congrats on that score….

    Take Care and I hope your Air is working soon.

  9. Anna van Schurman

    I hope your a/c gets fixed soon. You need to stay in your own house where the books are a little more intellectual.

  10. Anna van Schurman

    I hope your a/c gets fixed soon. You need to stay in your own house where the books are a little more intellectual.

  11. Aussie Stitcher

    Thanks for sharing your day with us. Love the view from your office, how do you get any work done? Hope your air conditioning gets fixed soon.

  12. Aussie Stitcher

    Thanks for sharing your day with us. Love the view from your office, how do you get any work done? Hope your air conditioning gets fixed soon.

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