Deep Breath

So, I realize things have been a little quiet around here. I’ll get to why in a minute. But, first let me say how much I appreciate everyone who stops by to read my blog, even if you don’t comment. I must be doing something right, since I’ve just topped 100 followers. That just rocks my world, seriously. Especially since over the last two years, the stitching and blogging have become seriously hampered by the whole working full time and going to school thing. But, you guys have stuck with me. That means a lot. So…on with the show.

I didn’t get to stitch as much as I would’ve liked this weekend, but I did stitch a little. I made some good progress on WMHB. I got the front of the house filled in and I’ve moved on to the side. It’s really coming along. I love this piece, and I can’t wait to see more of it emerge.

I also worked on ATS a tiny little bit on Sunday. I finished up that star I was almost done with and got started on the pikes on either side of the angel. The left-hand pike is almost done. Not really worth a progress pic, but hopefully this weekend will bring some more stitching time on it.

I realize I’ve been remiss in sharing my latest reads with you. A couple of weeks ago I went to my book club for March. The selection for March was No Tomorrow by Vivant Denon. It’s a tiny little book, the text is only about thirty pages, sixty if you count the introduction. The book is worth a read though. If you haven’t read Les Liaisons Dangereuses, you should, but this book is like a single scene from that book. Similar timeframe, similar feel. A single rendezvous rather than a series of them.

But, what’s been occupying my time lately is school. I finished up my class in Microsoft Project 2007, and then had to take my certification exam last week. I spent a good amount of time the weekend before studying…with my study buddy, Othello.

My study buddy

Excuse the poor photos from my phone. But, Othello must have helped my retention because I took my exam on Wednesday and passed. What a huge weight off my shoulders that was. And to celebrate, I took myself to the book store.

And a little something for myself

I immediately set Fiery Cross aside and picked up Catching Fire. I’ve been wanting to read that one for awhile now. And I finally broke down and bought Water for Elephants, people have been telling me to read that one forever. I could have easily come home with a lot more, but I restrained myself. And I was really happy with this little reward.

So, I have begun my very last class at school. I feel like I’ve been focused on nothing but school for the past few weeks (actually even before that, since I pushed so hard to get where I needed to be before leaving for Nashville). It’s going to be a little while longer before I can even raise my head up from all this, but at least I’m in the home stretch. And as part of being able to take a deep breath again, I treated myself to a movie this weekend. I went to see Remember Me. It’s been awhile since I’ve been to a movie in the theatre, a really long while since I went by myself. But, I really enjoyed my whole movie experience – getting to see the previews, staying through the credits, the whole shabang. And the movie was excellent. I highly recommend seeing it, if you have the chance. The photo at the top of this post is in honor of the film. I took it when we went to visit NYC back in 2007. The sculpture of Alice is in Central Park.

So, that’s what’s been going on around these parts. Until next time…

I am grateful for books and Twizzlers and RP.

38 thoughts on “Deep Breath”

  1. Wow, I love that Alice sculpture! I’ll have to go search it out the next time I got to Central Park. Who knows when that will be! lol! I loved Water for Elephants — I bet you’ll love it too! Good progress on your BBD piece! I hope your last class goes fast — and well! It’s exciting that you’re almost done!

  2. Wow, I love that Alice sculpture! I’ll have to go search it out the next time I got to Central Park. Who knows when that will be! lol! I loved Water for Elephants — I bet you’ll love it too! Good progress on your BBD piece! I hope your last class goes fast — and well! It’s exciting that you’re almost done!

  3. I absolutely love that Alice sculpture! I’ve never been to NY and now it’s calling to me even more after seeing that photo!

    I love the progress on WYHB…it’s looking fantastic!

    Congrats on your exam and good for you. You’ll have to let us know how Water for Elephants is. I pick it up each time I go to the bookstore/library and then put it back down.

  4. I absolutely love that Alice sculpture! I’ve never been to NY and now it’s calling to me even more after seeing that photo!

    I love the progress on WYHB…it’s looking fantastic!

    Congrats on your exam and good for you. You’ll have to let us know how Water for Elephants is. I pick it up each time I go to the bookstore/library and then put it back down.

  5. I saw this Alice sculpture and I believe I have a pic as well.

    What wonderful progress on your BBD piece – that house about sent me over the edge with all that white.

    School – I live, breath, and sleep school. I feel your pain. But, what a feeling of accomplishment it will be when we reach the end!

    I wondered about Remember Me – thanks for the movie review, I will add it to my list.

    Have a great, great week, Michelle!

  6. I saw this Alice sculpture and I believe I have a pic as well.

    What wonderful progress on your BBD piece – that house about sent me over the edge with all that white.

    School – I live, breath, and sleep school. I feel your pain. But, what a feeling of accomplishment it will be when we reach the end!

    I wondered about Remember Me – thanks for the movie review, I will add it to my list.

    Have a great, great week, Michelle!

  7. Congratulations on passing your exam! Working and going to school is quite a bit to juggle. I admire you for doing them both.

    I could seriously spend thousands in a bookstore. It’s a great place to spend an enjoyable afternoon.

  8. Congratulations on passing your exam! Working and going to school is quite a bit to juggle. I admire you for doing them both.

    I could seriously spend thousands in a bookstore. It’s a great place to spend an enjoyable afternoon.

  9. The Scarlett House

    Michelle, so happy to hear that you’re on the home stretch as far as your classes go. It’s been a hectic several months for you, and I hope things will settle down so you have more time for stitching and reading.
    I can see why you’re loving the BB piece.

  10. The Scarlett House

    Michelle, so happy to hear that you’re on the home stretch as far as your classes go. It’s been a hectic several months for you, and I hope things will settle down so you have more time for stitching and reading.
    I can see why you’re loving the BB piece.

  11. Congrats on passing your exam! It must be great to be on the home stretch – I’ve still got another two years of classes to go, but at least I’m not working full time hours – how do you do it?!

  12. Congrats on passing your exam! It must be great to be on the home stretch – I’ve still got another two years of classes to go, but at least I’m not working full time hours – how do you do it?!

  13. Congrats on passing your exam! Nice progress on your BBD piece, I love the colours. Water for Elephants is a good read! Good luck with your last class.

  14. Congrats on passing your exam! Nice progress on your BBD piece, I love the colours. Water for Elephants is a good read! Good luck with your last class.

  15. Good for you, Michelle, on it all–school, the exam, still getting a chance to stitch, rewarding yourself with some great reads, the movie, the followers. YGG! You deserve it. Love your progress on WMHB!

  16. Good for you, Michelle, on it all–school, the exam, still getting a chance to stitch, rewarding yourself with some great reads, the movie, the followers. YGG! You deserve it. Love your progress on WMHB!

  17. I just read a book that had the Central Park Alice in Wonderland sculpture in it 🙂 Thank you for showing it to me!
    I love your WIP and I have this one all kitted, I need to get to it.
    Your book choices are fabulous…let us know about Water for Elephants, I’ve been told it’s fabulous too.
    Good luck in school with your final class. I know it has to be hard to do that and work full time too. I applaud you!

  18. I just read a book that had the Central Park Alice in Wonderland sculpture in it 🙂 Thank you for showing it to me!
    I love your WIP and I have this one all kitted, I need to get to it.
    Your book choices are fabulous…let us know about Water for Elephants, I’ve been told it’s fabulous too.
    Good luck in school with your final class. I know it has to be hard to do that and work full time too. I applaud you!

  19. Where My Heart Blooms is looking beautiful Michelle, and so does Othello!

    Hooray for your last class!

    I always enjoy your blog. You have beautiful photos and a way with words that always makes it fun to read.

  20. Where My Heart Blooms is looking beautiful Michelle, and so does Othello!

    Hooray for your last class!

    I always enjoy your blog. You have beautiful photos and a way with words that always makes it fun to read.

  21. What a great sculpture! Great progress on the BBD piece. I have that one kitted up and ready to go whenever I get the chance! Congratulations on the followers!

  22. What a great sculpture! Great progress on the BBD piece. I have that one kitted up and ready to go whenever I get the chance! Congratulations on the followers!

  23. I love that you posted that picture of Alice in Central Park. I wanted to take a picture of it when I was there last year and my camera died! Maybe this year! I loved Water for Elephants too – I think that you’ll enjoy it also. And you’re making great progress on your BBD piece. And congratulations on 100 Followers You have a wonderful blog and I always look forward to seeing what you’re working on and the pictures!

  24. I love that you posted that picture of Alice in Central Park. I wanted to take a picture of it when I was there last year and my camera died! Maybe this year! I loved Water for Elephants too – I think that you’ll enjoy it also. And you’re making great progress on your BBD piece. And congratulations on 100 Followers You have a wonderful blog and I always look forward to seeing what you’re working on and the pictures!

  25. Great post! 🙂 Nice progress pic, great book recommendations, and thanks for letting us know about the R Patz movie… I have been wondering if it is any good. I’ll probably wait for it to hit On Demand (for free), but it is definitely going on my list, now.

    Best of luck with this last little bit of school! It’s so hectic, I’m sure, but then you’ll be done and it will be nothing but a memory.

  26. Great post! 🙂 Nice progress pic, great book recommendations, and thanks for letting us know about the R Patz movie… I have been wondering if it is any good. I’ll probably wait for it to hit On Demand (for free), but it is definitely going on my list, now.

    Best of luck with this last little bit of school! It’s so hectic, I’m sure, but then you’ll be done and it will be nothing but a memory.

  27. I loved to see your WIPs in your last post. Both are coming along great.
    For me going into a book store is just as bad as going into a stitching store (online of course because there’s no such thing around here) – I get caught by all the books and never leave without buying something. Enjoy your new books.

  28. I loved to see your WIPs in your last post. Both are coming along great.
    For me going into a book store is just as bad as going into a stitching store (online of course because there’s no such thing around here) – I get caught by all the books and never leave without buying something. Enjoy your new books.

  29. WYHB is looking absolutely lovely Michelle!

    Love the Alice sculpture. I’d really like to visit NY one day.

  30. WYHB is looking absolutely lovely Michelle!

    Love the Alice sculpture. I’d really like to visit NY one day.

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