Last night, even though I didn’t get home from the gym until 7:45, I was able to get some more stitching in on Baby Garden. I finished the white picket fence, and now I can go back and start filling in the flowers, ladybugs, lizards, bunny, etc. We’re going to the gym again tonight, in order to not have to go tomorrow. So, although it will be another late night, I should be able to get some good stitching in on this while we’re watching The Sopranos. Speaking of Sopranos…did I mention I went to get my eyes checked last week? I haven’t had my eyes checked in years and years, so I went to a new doctor. His entire staff was decked out in scrubs and Crocs. So, imagine my surprise, when in walked my young eye doctor wearing a pinstripe suit, white dress shirt (unbuttoned enough that there was chest hair), and very nice shoes. Anyway, my eyes are great – he told me to come back in three or four years. No glasses. I was also told that I have very unusual pigmentation in my eyes – very nice looking – and he sees a lot of eyes.

I received my next installment of the Just Nan “spell” WhimZis – Winter Spell. I still haven’t stitched up Fall Spell (so my Halloween WhimZi is still on display). After I get this Christmas stuff stitched, I may get back to these. I haven’t been entirely thrilled with the “spells”. I’ll be glad when Nan gets back to her usual fare for the WhimZis. I am so glad that I am on the autoship for these Limited Editions though – at the Silver Needle, there is apparently a waiting list to get on the autoship. I got in at the second Limited Edition, I think. Unfortunately, I can’t find the first one anywhere. Those that have it are not giving it up!! It’s Christmas Eve. Here’s a photo from the Just Nan site.

Since I’ve been so good at enabling recently, I simply have to mention that One Star’s Light Needlework Supplies is having a Black Friday (the Friday after Thanksgiving – that’s this Friday) sale. Here’s the details:
“In honor of our first Black Friday ever, we are offering 25% off of your entire order, if placed between the hours of 12:00 AM and 11:59 PM on Friday, November 23rd.This is a rare opportunity, so get your clicky fingers ready and tune into this spot for the coupon code!”
She’s got all kinds of goodies – like those Prairie Schooler Santas and Mill Hill ornament kits, not to mention LHN and CCN (two of my favorites!!).
Tomorrow we’ll be watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade on TV and then going over to my parent’s house for Thanksgiving dinner. My sister, BIL and niece will be there too. I may take something to stitch or knit on, since I can’t fathom watching hours of football. Plus, I’ll have something sharp and pointy in my hands should anyone get on my nerves!

Since it is relatively quiet at work this week, I took a walk to visit the Chihuly downstairs.

Beautiful, isn’t it?

Hope you have a great Thanksgiving (if you’re here celebrating it), and a great rest of the week. I’ll leave you with a photo of Hamlet in his new favorite spot. (You know I folded that quilt and put it on the arm of the couch to keep the cat hair off it, right?)
I am grateful for my friend Sherri’s good news.
Aren’t you glad it’s only eye doctors who can comment on the loveliness of the parts they are examining? Have a happy Thanksgiving, and you’re right about the sharp objects, not so much about the football! 🙂
Aren’t you glad it’s only eye doctors who can comment on the loveliness of the parts they are examining? Have a happy Thanksgiving, and you’re right about the sharp objects, not so much about the football! 🙂
I am so weird – I’d much prefer to have an unattractive doctor (of any body parts) or a woman. LOL. Good looking dentists are the worst, since I have a mild phobia about mouth-stuff. LOL!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving – I hope you get plenty of stitching or knitting done!
I am so weird – I’d much prefer to have an unattractive doctor (of any body parts) or a woman. LOL. Good looking dentists are the worst, since I have a mild phobia about mouth-stuff. LOL!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving – I hope you get plenty of stitching or knitting done!
Wonderful kitty picutre! Hamlet is beautiful.
Happy Thanksgiving:)
Wonderful kitty picutre! Hamlet is beautiful.
Happy Thanksgiving:)
I agree with Barbara about the attractiveness of one’s Dr. LOL! Although my eye doc did have his attractive (male) assistant hold my hand all through my Lasik surgery ~ all of 15 minutes ~ and it didn’t bother me one bit! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Hamlet is just adorable.
I agree with Barbara about the attractiveness of one’s Dr. LOL! Although my eye doc did have his attractive (male) assistant hold my hand all through my Lasik surgery ~ all of 15 minutes ~ and it didn’t bother me one bit! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Hamlet is just adorable.
Baby Garden is looking beautiful Michelle.
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Baby Garden is looking beautiful Michelle.
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
That glss is just beautiful!
That glss is just beautiful!
I hope you had a wonderful holiday! And I hope you find that JN Christmas Eve Whimzi – how cute!
I hope you had a wonderful holiday! And I hope you find that JN Christmas Eve Whimzi – how cute!