Don’t Miss That Party Train

Thank you all so much for your compliments on my quilt blocks. I appreciate it so much! You’re not gonna believe the colors they’ve picked for the next one, though! I hope all my U.S. friends enjoyed their Thanksgiving. I think I may have had one of the most relaxing holidays I’ve ever had. Eric and I spent the morning watching the Macy’s Parade, which is one of his traditions, then we went over to my parents’ house for Thanksgiving dinner. My sister, brother-in-law and niece were also there. It was just sort of a laid back day, and I think we all appreciated it. Last year I was in Chicago with Eric and his family freezing my ass off. And, Eric was very very sick. So sick that when we got home, he had to go into the hospital for ten days. So, my gratitude for being able to snuggle with him yesterday morning and watch the parade was sky-high! Yesterday though, I was able to make a little progress on my train. I stitched part of the engine and the two cars behind it. I am hoping to get the train all done today. I haven’t put the wheels on or the connections between the cars, because those are all the same color. Eric loves trains, so this stocking is perfect for him. We have a model Polar Express train that I think we are going to set up under the tree for Christmas. It will probably freak my cats out to no end, but it will be fun to have it set up. Here is also my progress on my Partridge. It is getting there. I am almost ready to start the border and that should go pretty quickly.

Today we are going back over to my parents’ house to celebrate my sister’s birthday. It should be another fun day, and Eric and I can spend the morning together hanging around the house. I’ve had a migraine for three days off an on that I am trying to chase off. I hope that I can get rid of it for good today. That would be lovely. I’ve been reading a little bit in Labyrinth too, and it is so good. So far, I highly recommend it. Speaking of reading, I see that they’ve made a movie out of Eragon. I’ve had that book on my shelf since it came out, but have yet to read it. I might have to start it after I’ve finished Labyrinth. (Especially since I need to read the sequel, Eldest, too!).

And since we are on the subject of not missing the train…February 1st brings the start of a SAL of Just Nan’s Barnabee’s Quest. So, please feel free to join Carol, Jenna, NikkiAndrea and I on the SAL!

I am grateful for new holiday traditions and Eric’s health.

11 thoughts on “Don’t Miss That Party Train”

  1. Your stitching looks great, and I’m glad you had a good holiday. I’m highly tempted to join you on the Barnabee’s Quest SAL!

  2. Sounds like you had a wonderful holiday! Your progress on the stocking is coming along…Barnabee’s Quest is a cutie…good luck on the SAL..

  3. I love the stocking. I am working on “Jillian” for my mom. The SB stockings are so wonderful. I love your quilt blocks too. Ann.

  4. Singular Stitches

    C’mon, ride the train! Lovely!

    Wow! It sounds like *this* Thanksgiving was much less eventful than last! Glad to read that Eric got through this one in much better health!! :o)

  5. Sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving and much better than last year!!! We watch the parade as well.

    Happy Birthday to your sister!

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