Guess what I did this weekend…

The Primitive Needle
GAST and Weeks on 40ct Ale from Picture This Plus
Finished 7/27/09
I am so in love with this piece. Of course, you know I substituted GAST Cinnamon for GAST Sable. And you may notice also from my photo that I restitched the stripes on the snake. I wanted them to all be that bright green. And I dealt with the crazy eyes on the sheep. I actually did stitch those in Sable. And I think they’re fine. And the yeti fabric is still absolutely impossible to photograph. Just imagine it warmer and less gray. It’s gorgeous. I will most certainly be ordering more PTP fabric in the future. I will also be stitching more of Miss Lisa’s designs – she totally rocks. I definitely took Glenna’s advice and spent most of my weekend planted firmly on the couch stitching. I decided that since I haven’t made it to see the new Harry Potter movie yet, I would amuse myself with the DVDs.

I watched the first three movies this weekend and am looking forward to time with numbers four and five soon. And although I came very very close to finishing Earth Sampler on Sunday, I had to put the final stitches in last night before class. It was a much-needed restful and wonderful weekend. And I lost 3.6 pounds at WW this week, which allowed me to hit some really good goals! Yay!! And I got a little charm for having signed up for my 5k, which was totally cool. Now all I need is to test out my feet this coming Saturday. I should have healed heels by then! Then the 5k is August 8th.
So, after much debate on what to stitch next I think I’m going to pick up BBD’s The Simple Things again. I didn’t get very far on my start on this and I think it will be another relatively quick stitch. Here’s where I left off, in case you were thinking I was kidding when I said I didn’t get very far.

So, that’s what’s going on in my little world. I finished the book I was reading for my book club and don’t really know what I want to pick back up to read. I will probably go back to reading Drums of Autumn, because I’d really like to finish that series. I’ve also started re-reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, because why not? So, you can see I’m kind of jumping around on my reading as well as jumping around on my stitching. And I’m feeling the need to do some other crafting too – like quilting or knitting sometime soon. I am all over the place!! But, I am trying to contain myself.
I am grateful for being able to breathe today. And finally seeing the doctor about my shoulder. Yes, Eric, you can say I told you so.
Congrats on a beautiful finish Michelle!
Great finish!! Love the HP books too, just about to reread the same book.
Alright Girl! It looks really good, I am tempted to start mine but have oodles of projects. What do you mean about Simple things being a quick stitch – remember those gazillion lazy daisies???
It is a beautiful finish Michelle 🙂
And many, many congratulations on your weight loss goals met and your exercise and 5k goals. Between you and Dani there is inspiration galore! Thank you for sharing it with us!
I love the snake, he does look better with all lighter stripes. Congrats on the finish, it’s such a darling sampler.
Anytime you decide you’re ready for the rest of the BBD books (except the latest hardcover – I don’t have that one) just drop me a line and I’ll send them off.
Earth Sampler looks great!
Earth Sampler is beautiful Michelle! Congratulations on your finish!
Love your finish. I keep seeing that one and debating. I do love the way it looks but I have so many things on the go…
Beautiful finish!!
Congratulations, it’s gorgeous! Will be looking forward to seeing your Simple Things.
Oh boy, life’s been good for you lately. Hooray! Congratulations on the weight loss and the gorgeous stitching! 😀
Great finish! So are you going to go see the new HP movie after your DVD marathon? I’m still debating. 😀
Love your finish! And congrats on your weight loss!
I love the HP movies and books, they never get old. Oldest and I finally saw HP&THBP last week and really enjoyed it~~looking forward to it coming out on dvd 😉
My reading this week has been Twilight. I read all 4 books in less than 3 days, of course nothing else got done around here, lol 😉
Love the ES finish, noe I want to get mine done too, lol
Gotta love the ne BBD start
Congrats on the weight loss too
Beautiful finish!
Love your Earth Sampler and can’t wait to see the progress on the BBD!
Eart Sampler is a fabulous finish.
Your Earth Sampler is stunning, Michelle! I love it!
What a beautiful finish, Michelle! Woohoo!! I’m happy dancing for you. 🙂 I took the kids to see the latest Harry Potter movie this weekend–it was great! Now I want to reread the books. Great new start, too!
The sampler turned out fantastic! Gorgeous finish! I just love Harry Potter! That is a great way to spend a weekend!
Congratulations Michelle, Earth Sampler is lovely
Congrats on your finish and on your weight loss 🙂
I went with my girls to see HP last week,I still love the books more than the films though, i’ve read them about 5 times now i think :-O
I’m thinking of re-reading them soon, i haven’t read a good book in a while.
Congratulations on your finish Nicole! It really looks great. I like the small changes that you made to it. And also congratulations on your weight loss! Glad that your blisters cleared up and you were able to meet your 5K goals!!
I can see why you like the Earth Sampler, it’s great. As always, you are one busy lady. Congrats on the weight loss.
Gosh your Earth Sampler is so pretty, Michelle! Love your small changes and so happy you enjoyed the stitching of it!
Wonderful goal-meeting! Wow!!
Congratulations on finishing Earth Sampler Michelle. It looks fantastic!
Congratulations on that beautiful finish.
Thank you for sharing Earth Sampler. I have been drawn to this piece for a long time. Your work on it is bdautiful!
I have not been successful in finding this pattern. Do you, by chance, have any suggestions?
Thank you…