After being inspired by Anna‘s posts and Bella Dia‘s, I thought I’d give the Encyclopedia of Me a go. By the time I get to Z, you may be saying enough already, but you’ll know more about me. And hey, I might even learn a thing or two about myself.

Art: Art has always been a huge part of my life. Growing up my parents took me to the museum, and I have a strong recollection of standing before Renoir’s Luncheon of the Boating Party and being completely blown away. I loved art in high school and was one of four people who actually took Art IV in my senior year. That was a fun class, since there were only four of us. I was a member of the Art Club too. When I went off to college, I started as a dual Archaeology/Anthropology major (two more A’s for this meme, mind you), then I dropped the Archaeology and just majored in Anthropology for awhile. After a whole lotta stuff happened, that put my life on a different course, I fell back and reassessed. I moved to an Art History major. Although I loved my studio art classes (painting, drawing, ceramics, etching, etc.), I didn’t want to plan a career around it. So, after having taken my first Survey of Art History classes, and loving them, I made the move to Art History. In case you haven’t already guessed, I was in school a long time – mainly because I loved it. For a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art History, I was required to take a selection of different genres in art. For example, I could choose between taking 17th, 18th or 19th century art history – I took all three. I could choose between Greek and Roman or Medieval, I took both. I couldn’t fathom having to pick only small portions out of the whole of history, so I went on art overload. I minored in Anthropology though, and my intention upon graduating was to go into restoration and conservation. Reality set in after graduation, and I needed A Job, so I never ended up going back to school. My thoughts about what I’d like to be when I grow up have changed, but art is still a huge passion of mine. I am a member of one of the local museums, and as you know I also attend their book club, Artful Readings. I can’t think of a time when art has not been a part of my life. I do paint and draw on occasion still, and I do hope one day to go back to school for my art-related “big idea” of what I want to do with my life.
Here are a couple of pieces I’ve done. The first is an etching and it is called “Shiva”.

This next one was my first and only time doing watercolor, called “Strength”. It is a companion piece to a poem I wrote, but you’ll have to wait for “P” for that discussion. It’s about the size of a post card.

Anyway, that’s all for me today. I’m feeling really under the weather, and also having a lot of anxiety that I’ve done something to upset a friend. Here’s hoping the weekend eases both of these.
I am grateful for my art.
What an interesting idea! You would sure learn a lot through that alphabet. Your artwork is beautiful. I don’t think I could stick to it through 26 letters but sure look forward to reading yours.
Belated Birthday wishes
What an interesting idea! You would sure learn a lot through that alphabet. Your artwork is beautiful. I don’t think I could stick to it through 26 letters but sure look forward to reading yours.
Belated Birthday wishes
Boy…your pieces are gorgeous!!
What a fantastic idea!
I look forward to learning more about you! You already facinate me, so this will be great to learn more!
Boy…your pieces are gorgeous!!
What a fantastic idea!
I look forward to learning more about you! You already facinate me, so this will be great to learn more!
When are you going to the Star Wars thing? I wished I knew…me and hubby went a few weeks ago! It was awesome. I actually thought of you, was gonna ask you to join us, but our decision to go was sorta last minute…Have fun! Wear Comfy shoes!!! The exhibit is very long!
When are you going to the Star Wars thing? I wished I knew…me and hubby went a few weeks ago! It was awesome. I actually thought of you, was gonna ask you to join us, but our decision to go was sorta last minute…Have fun! Wear Comfy shoes!!! The exhibit is very long!
I loved reading your entry Michelle and seeing your work. I think art is a very essential part of our soul that we would be lost without. Hope you’re feeling better and that things work out with your friend. Patti
I loved reading your entry Michelle and seeing your work. I think art is a very essential part of our soul that we would be lost without. Hope you’re feeling better and that things work out with your friend. Patti
Neat! Glad to see you are going to do the meme… I am planning to start one when I get caught up on my life again.
Happy Belated Birthday!!!
Neat! Glad to see you are going to do the meme… I am planning to start one when I get caught up on my life again.
Happy Belated Birthday!!!
what a great idea Michelle! I will so enjoy getting to know you. I would love to try this .. and just might .. it is an intriging idea.
It’s wonderful that art still plays an important part of your life .. where would we be without art .. thanks for sharing your pictures 🙂
what a great idea Michelle! I will so enjoy getting to know you. I would love to try this .. and just might .. it is an intriging idea.
It’s wonderful that art still plays an important part of your life .. where would we be without art .. thanks for sharing your pictures 🙂
One of my friends is doing this meme too, it’s a good one 🙂 I was a fine arts major in college, never did finish my degree, I got married, had kids etc. I have such a passion for art too, it’s so nice to find others that do as well! Your art is very beautiful, thanks for sharing!
One of my friends is doing this meme too, it’s a good one 🙂 I was a fine arts major in college, never did finish my degree, I got married, had kids etc. I have such a passion for art too, it’s so nice to find others that do as well! Your art is very beautiful, thanks for sharing!
I’m looking forward to reading your encyclopedia. (We did a rare Saturday family dinner that week. But I was willing to forego Sunday in any event.)
I’m looking forward to reading your encyclopedia. (We did a rare Saturday family dinner that week. But I was willing to forego Sunday in any event.)
I think the A should be for amazing! If only to have a little of your talent. I love Shiva! Thanks for sharing. I hope your anxiety was eased this weekend.
I think the A should be for amazing! If only to have a little of your talent. I love Shiva! Thanks for sharing. I hope your anxiety was eased this weekend.
Enjoyed reading more about you. Love your artwork.
Hope things are ok with your friend
Enjoyed reading more about you. Love your artwork.
Hope things are ok with your friend
Your artwork is wonderful! The encylopedia idea is very cool.
Your artwork is wonderful! The encylopedia idea is very cool.
First, I’m sorry I missed your birthday. 🙁 I’m glad to hear that you and Eric made it a good one. *hug* I just love your artwork! You should do more in your spare time, maybe? It would be a shame to waste such talent.
First, I’m sorry I missed your birthday. 🙁 I’m glad to hear that you and Eric made it a good one. *hug* I just love your artwork! You should do more in your spare time, maybe? It would be a shame to waste such talent.