End of Summer?

I can hardly believe it is the end of August. At least it has been a little cooler the past few days (below a hundred). I haven’t been stitching or even reading the past couple of days, as I’ve been a little under the weather. I’ve been fighting allergies again and just generally felt pretty run down. I am feeling better though and hope to get some stitching done this weekend. So, in lieu of stitching photos…I’ll take a look at how I did on my August goals and see what September has in store for me.

Read Lion in the Valley almost finished
Keep up with book for class (Spiritual Economics) yes!
Finish September Woolly Tyme finished stitching, not finished into blanket yet
Finishing on Flower of Courage I haven’t touched this
Start (and finish if possible) Villa I’ll be starting this one tonight
Get caught up on Mystery 9 ha ha ha
Continue stitching on Lemon Meringue Sampler yes
Finish Quaker Garden finished August 5th
I’d also really like to finish #25 on my 101 list “hang curtains in kitchen window” nope
and maybe even sew some more kimonos for my quilt nope

What else did I do? I pieced my first block of the month quilt block, I started Queen of the Needle, and I started Midi Mystery 2.

Hmm…perhaps I was too ambitious.

grey Maine Coon cat

So, my goals for September… (let’s see if I can do better this month)

Finish Lion in the Valley
Read Matisse Stories for book club (Sept. 22nd)
Finish Spiritual Economics
Start The Time Traveler’s Wife
Crazy Cat Lady Exchange Piece (September 25th)
Prep Just Nan RR (October 2nd)
Halloween Sweetbag Exchange (October 15th)
Catch up on Mystery 9

I think that’s probably plenty to keep me busy, especially since I will be out of town for a weekend in September. Maybe if I make Mystery 9 a priority, I will actually stitch on it for a change. Martina released the parts for Midi Mystery 2, Mystery 9 and Persian Iris Garden today. (I’m not stitching PIG, just collecting). I wish that I could be as disciplined as Carol when it comes to these Chatelaine designs particularly. She makes so much progress and does such lovely work…I don’t know how she keeps up with it all. Some days, it’s all I can do to come home and flip through a catalog. I had no problem keeping up with Midi 1, so maybe it’s just because I got so far behind on M9…oh well. Off to stitch now! I’m looking forward to a three-day weekend.

I am grateful for the goals I accomplished.

8 thoughts on “End of Summer?”

  1. Michelle I just recently found your blog and I am excited to see you are working on the Homespun Elegance Wooly Thyme sheep blankets! I am the only person I know who is interested in this project and it is nice to find a kindred spirit. :o) I haven’t started mine yet, but I will certainly start them soon. Thanks for the inspiration! P.S. Why doesn’t anyone else know about this fantastic bunch of projects??

  2. Everyone seems to be posting there goals. Yours are impressive as many of the other’s are that I’ve looked at. I’m not at the point of setting goals, but I do think I’m going to get myself into a stitching rotation and see how that works 🙂

  3. I know exactly what you mean about Carol. I envy her structure and ability to keep up with the Chatelaines, as well. Especially as someone who had every intention of keeping up with the Stitching Leporello but has yet to complete a single part! 🙁

  4. Good luck with your September goals Michelle! I gave up on goal-setting a while back, although I still have a general plan of what I want to stitch during the month.

    Enjoy your long weekend 🙂

  5. I hope you’re feeling better after the long weekend. {hugs}

    I hear ya when it comes to keeping up with goals (paricularly Chatelaine pieces!) It’s good to have a wee bit of structure and an idea of what you’d like to complete, but we stitch for pleasure after all, and we shouldn’t give ourselves a hard time if we don’t do everything we had planned to.

    It’s always a treat to see your progress pics, mind you. 🙂

  6. You and me both on the overly ambitious scale. Of course, I completely forgot I did goals so that may have had something to do with it. 😀 I have the time traveler’s wife too and it is in my pile of books to read after Midwives. I have heard it is very, very good.

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