
Happy New Year! I can hardly believe it’s already the 10th of January! I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday and spent some quality time with friends and family. Before the new year gets away from me, I thought I’d do a little 2012 recap of some of the things I accomplished last year.

2012 was not a banner year with regard to finishes. But, I enjoyed what I did find time to stitch on, and a lot of it was little things that caught my fancy, rather than working on existing WIPs. You may remember that after starting Margaret Cottam in November of 2011, I was enjoying her so much and was so close to a finish that I decided to stick with her rather than having a New Year’s Day start like I normally do. And sure enough, I finished Margaret only a few days into 2012.

Isabella Johnstone was the big star of my finishes this year. I started her for my birthday in August of 2011, and when I picked her back up in April I continued to work on her steadily until she was finished at the beginning of August. I really enjoyed stitching her and she’s a beauty!

I did work a little bit on quilting in 2012, I pulled my Kate Spain quilt back out at the end of the year and made some progress on it. I also started my Kiss Kiss quilt for my birthday. I also spent the first part of the year working on the Prince Charming hexie pincushions that were gifts for friends. I made six of them, and still haven’t made one for myself. I need to rectify that situation! And in the fall I made some stitching wallets that I shared with you a couple of posts back.

I also made one other little piece that I haven’t shared yet. I made a knitting needle case for a friend’s birthday. I love the way it turned out.

Here’s the inside. I bought the fabric back at the beginning of the year knowing I wanted to use it for her gift.

I think she was happy with it, and I am head over heels about that fabric. So fun!

So, while I didn’t get a lot done this year, I did enjoy what I was working on.

And my 2012 finishes were:

  • Margaret Cottam
  • Hexie Pincushions (6)
  • Bonus Block #1 (AOTH)
  • Happy Birthday (AOTH)
  • Rabbit Box
  • Isabella Johnstone 1854
  • Quaker Pincushion
  • Glory House
  • Stitching wallets (5)
  • Sugar Skull 5
  • Five Star Pinkeep
  • Knitting Needle Roll
  • Candy Cane Stocking

For 2013, I have three main stitching pieces I was to focus on – John Reed, Anniversaries of the Heart and And They Sinned.  All three of those are pretty big undertakings, but certainly not an unreasonable feat to finish them all this year.  I did also have a new start on New Year’s Day, but I chose a piece that’s a bit smaller.  In fact, I’m already half way finished with it.

Also this year I want to focus on my quilting.  I did so little sewing last year that I want to rectify that situation.  I bought a lot of fabric, but now I need to do something with it!  I definitely want to work on finishing some of the quilt WIPs I have in progress.  So these will be my focus this year:

Kate Spain
Kiss Kiss
Blue & White
Log Cabin
Pansy Park

Plus I intend to get back on track with my niece and helping her with her first quilt.

I definitely think these are all reachable goals, and it will be nice to focus on some of the pieces I’d really like to finish.

What’s your plan for 2013?

I am grateful for refocusing.

34 thoughts on “Epiphany”

  1. I love seeing all your finishes. Love hearing your plans for the year as well. I admire people who can set goals for themselves. I can’t. Love the knitting case you made for your friend — nice!!

  2. I love seeing all your finishes. Love hearing your plans for the year as well. I admire people who can set goals for themselves. I can’t. Love the knitting case you made for your friend — nice!!

  3. I enjoyed looking back at all your accomplishments in 2012. Love the knitting needle case you’ve made for your friend. Lucky friend! I’m looking forward to seeing what you accomplish in 2013, both quilting and stitching. YGG

  4. I enjoyed looking back at all your accomplishments in 2012. Love the knitting needle case you’ve made for your friend. Lucky friend! I’m looking forward to seeing what you accomplish in 2013, both quilting and stitching. YGG

  5. That’s a really wonderful knitting needle case for your friend – how did you manage to part with it? You got a lot finished in 2012, well done – look forward to seeing your stitching in 2013.

  6. That’s a really wonderful knitting needle case for your friend – how did you manage to part with it? You got a lot finished in 2012, well done – look forward to seeing your stitching in 2013.

  7. Happy New Year Michelle! You certainly had some fabulous finishes for 2012! Love the knitting needle case-it’s great! I look forward to seeing what you finish for 2013.

  8. Happy New Year Michelle! You certainly had some fabulous finishes for 2012! Love the knitting needle case-it’s great! I look forward to seeing what you finish for 2013.

  9. Your 2012 projects are beautiful! I hope you have an enjoyable year of stitching. I am stitching the Blackbird Designs stockings and enjoying every minute of them using what I have in my stash.

  10. Your 2012 projects are beautiful! I hope you have an enjoyable year of stitching. I am stitching the Blackbird Designs stockings and enjoying every minute of them using what I have in my stash.

  11. It looks like a successful year to me, Michelle! Fantastic accomplishments, and I love the needle case that you made for your friend! I’m looking forward to seeing your finishes in 2013. You know my plan–more smalls. Here’s to a successful stitching AND quilting year for both of us! xo

  12. It looks like a successful year to me, Michelle! Fantastic accomplishments, and I love the needle case that you made for your friend! I’m looking forward to seeing your finishes in 2013. You know my plan–more smalls. Here’s to a successful stitching AND quilting year for both of us! xo

  13. Wonderful finishes. Love the fabric you used. The needle holder is awesome.
    Those pincushions look really cool. Would love to see a closeup of one.
    Good luck with your stitching and quilting goals for 2013. I look forward to seeing your progresses.

  14. Wonderful finishes. Love the fabric you used. The needle holder is awesome.
    Those pincushions look really cool. Would love to see a closeup of one.
    Good luck with your stitching and quilting goals for 2013. I look forward to seeing your progresses.

  15. Your year was filled with some lovely stitching! The important thing is you enjoyed your stitching. 🙂 I love the needle case! Good luck in finishing your goals for 2013.

  16. Your year was filled with some lovely stitching! The important thing is you enjoyed your stitching. 🙂 I love the needle case! Good luck in finishing your goals for 2013.

  17. Michelle, such nice finishes in 2012! The knitting bag is gorgeous, too! I love the fabric.

    Your 2013 plans sound really good. I look forward to seeing your work on all of it.

  18. Michelle, such nice finishes in 2012! The knitting bag is gorgeous, too! I love the fabric.

    Your 2013 plans sound really good. I look forward to seeing your work on all of it.

  19. You had some great finishes last year, good luck with this years plans

    The knitting case is gorgeous, congratulations

  20. You had some great finishes last year, good luck with this years plans

    The knitting case is gorgeous, congratulations

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