Let me just say for the record – go. see. The Queen. It is amazing. For me, this film was like reliving Diana’s death all over again. That time between her death and her funeral specifically. I was so impacted by her death, and I can’t even specifically tell you why. This film brought all of that emotion back up again. Helen Mirren was amazing as Queen Elizabeth. I highly recommend it.
I did no stitching last night, as you might imagine, since I was out galivanting. But, I did manage to get in some stitching on Wednesday night on my HAED piece. I did manage to get another 10 x 10 square stitched though, which was my goal for the evening.

Inspired by some blogs I’ve been reading, like Karen V.’s and Chelle’s, I’ve been thinking a lot about organizing my stitching. Mainly, I have been thinking about the way in which I document my finished pieces, my lists and lists of supplies I still need for specific projects, and my list of the charts I have. I had my charts in an Excel spreadsheet, and I had a separate sheet for my finishes, but I just didn’t like it because it wasn’t very user friendly. I ended up having things in different places, having to enter things several times, etc. So, taking a cue from Karen V., I decided to organize my spreadsheet with designer name, chart title, whether it is a small, medium or large project, and whether I still need thread, fabric or embellishments for it. I can enter in the thread or fabric I’ve set aside to use for it, which will help me keep that straight in my own head. And when I finish stitching a chart, I can move it off that page to a finishes page. So, all the info goes with it, no retyping, and I know what threads and fabric I’ve used and when I’ve begun and finished it. So, that’s what I’m working on. I am also making a list (love me some lists!) of things I’d like in my ideal craft space. Just something to reach toward as I am rethinking the way I do things. Things like, I would like a design wall, for my quilt tops. I would also like a space for photographing my pieces – with good light!
Since I’m planning, here’s what I’ve got in mind for the weekend…
I bought fabric to finish off both these pieces.

I also bought fabric for a special Valentine’s Day project. Off to stitch…happy weekend!

Walk to Rivendell: Reach Stock Road (total miles walked: 15)
I am grateful for color and so inspired by those who take full advantage of it in their crafting.
Your finishes are very cute, and your fabric is lovely. Organizing my stitching stuff is an ongoing process.
Pretty fabrics – I am anxious to see your finishes!
Glad that my thoughts helped you out 🙂
Lovely fabric – can’t wait to see what you do with it!
I was inspired as well by Karen and Chelle’s organizing…I’m purchasing bins today 🙂
I love all your projects can’t wait to see the finished *finishes* and those valentines fabrics are gorgeous!
Your HAED is coming along nicely. I love the fabrics you bought, they’ll look great on the two pieces you want to finish.
Your HAED is coming along nicely. I love the fabrics you bought, they’ll look great on the two pieces you want to finish.
I love both the tree projects and can’t wait to see them finished 🙂
Cute fabrics for finishing 🙂
Your HAED is coming along very nicely!
Have a great weekend, Michelle 🙂
Every thing looks fantastic! I love the fabrics you picked for your finishing.
Look at all of that lovely fabric! I can’t wait to see the finished products. 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend, Michelle!
Michelle, I love all your fabric choices. I want a design wall for quilt blocks in my sewing room too but I don’t have any space for it, which is a bummer.
I think you have insprired me to organize my charts and everything I have to go with them. Thanks! Ann.
Such colorful fabrics – how are you planning to finish those two pieces of stitching – pillows?
Something must be in the air as I am getting organised too:)
Lovely finishing fabrics Michelle!
I have to agree with you 100% regarding the movie “The Queen.” Princess Diana was a huge part of my life as I was 11 years old when she came on the scene and was easily caught up in the real life fairytale (or so we thought). I’ve seen plenty of television movies about the royals and of course had to see this movie when I heard about it. Never in my life have I walked out of a movie thinking Oscar nomination, until I saw “The Queen.” Helen Mirren’s performance was fantastic and is deserving of all the nominations & wins she’s receiving. And it was wonderful & sad to see images of Diana larger than life on a movie screen. Everytime I see the video from the Ritz I start chanting in my head “don’t get in the car, don’t get in the car, don’t get in the car.” Sometimes I still find it hard to believe that she is gone.