Hello all! I had hoped to have a post yesterday, but sometimes Mondays are Mondays. I’ve been making a lot of progress on my stitching and that feels so good! I am trying my hand at not feeling stressed or guilty about my stitching. I have a couple of things nagging at me, but for the most part I am just enjoying myself. One of the things nagging at me is my Mermaid SAL…I really need to get back to that. Anyway, above you can see what I have been stitching on…my Papillon Creations Mystery Sampler. I have been stitching away on part 2, and was able to finish up the last motif on Friday night. The tall flower actually spans across parts 2 and 4, but I wanted to finish it in its entirety (as I did with the potted tree on the left hand side that spans between parts 1 and 3). Here’s how it looked last time, just for comparison.

Next time I pick this up I’ll be moving on to part 3. It feels so good to be making progress on this again. After finishing up part 2 of this, I decided to move onto something else that’s been calling to me…Mystery 9. I started this in January of 2006. This was my first big Chatelaine mystery (although I had completed a Midi Mystery in 2005). I think I moved along just fine on this until about March of 2006 when I moved and then in April 2006 got married. I did work on it off and on, picking it up again February of last year. Here’s what it looked like the last time I stitched on it.

I had started on part 8, the four artichokes. I was leaving the specialty stitches and beading on each artichoke until I finished all four. Well, I picked this back up over the weekend and I even got out my System 4 floorstand that I have never used. I got it set up and started stitching away! Here’s where I left it Sunday night. Please excuse the horrible photo…I took this last night with the piece still on the stand, so just imagine how much prettier it actually looks. Oh, and the fabric this is on is actually a pale pale lavender (Lavender Mist I think). It looks beautiful against that yellow.

So, I’m working both artichokes three and four at the same time, rather than one at a time like I did with one and two. It keeps me from changing thread as often. I’m very happy with my System 4 so far. I had one issue with it, that Eric fixed easily, and then I was back to stitching. Next time I’ll try to get a better photo that actually comes closer to doing the piece justice. Last night I had a board meeting for the guild, so I was home two hours earlier than normal (yippee!), so after doing all the stuff I have to do when I get home at night, I sat down to put some more time in on Mystery 9. It’s been a pleasure working on it these past few days.

Coming up soon, though, I’ll be starting two new pieces. My silks arrived for the Carriage House Samplings Adam & Eve. I already had black fabric left over from the Twilight tags. I’m going to stitch my A&E over one. It will be a challenge, but I think it will turn out a nice size, plus it lets me use the fabric I had on hand.

And I also received my silks for block 1 of Shores of Hawk Run Hollow, as well as my fabric. I will be stitching on 36ct Vintage Autumn Gold. I LOVE the fabric. I know a lot of stitchers are not fond of the recommended fabric for this piece, but I love it. Gorgeous! I decided I would just purchase the silks for block 1 at this time (although any that required more than 1 skein for the piece, I went ahead and got all that are required for dyelot purposes), and then with the remaining blocks I’ll fill in the few threads I need when I need them. Aren’t they stunning though?! I can’t wait to start on this.
Hope you all have a lovely week and enjoy your Mardi Gras!
I am grateful for focusing on my accomplishments rather than my failures.
Lovely lovely stitching progresses. You don’t tackle anything small do you LOL.
Your threads for SOHRH are beautiful.
Beautiful projects! I think your progress is great-those are some big designs!
Great progress on both of these. Aren’t the threads for Shores beautiful! I’m still on block one, but hope to move off that soon. And it’s good to see a fellow Chatelaine stitcher. I’m currently working on Provence. I love the designs, but I, like you, do tend to go back to the samplers and more folky things.
great progress!.
Oh! the thread are gorgeous, beautiful (i love it!).
Chatelaine + System 4 = WIN They were made for each other in my opinion.
And I personally love the combination of yellow & purple. I’m sitting in my butercream & lilac bedroom as I type this.
Can’t wait to see your progress on A&E it is such a cute design.
I’m starting to maybe regret not getting the NPI for HoHRH. The DMC conversion is cute, but I think I like the NPIs better.
Your projects are truly amazing!!
Michelle both of these pieces are gorgeous! Congratulations on making such great progress. I love the silk colors too. Your stitching is beautiful!
Oh my, just beautiful, Michelle! I’m more of a big thinker, little stitcher. LoL!
Those are some seriously stunning, seriouly BIG projects! And such great progress! All the threads for your new projects looks very yummy, but I was wondering? What do you do for instant satisfaction?
Lovely progress on your WIPs Michele! So nice to see Mystery 9 out again.
Looking forward to following your progress on your new CHS wips. I’m with you I love the Vintage Autumn gold fabby – it’s such a warm colour.
What gorgeous stitching! And those NPS silks just make me go weak in the knees!
Love you stitched pieces! And the silks are gorgeous. I am looking forward to the stitchalong on Adam and Eve.
Excellent progress!! Everything looks just wonderful!
Both pieces look wonderful and you made some great progress on them.
I also try not to feel guilty when I’m stitching but sometimes my commitments jsut make me feel guilty a bit, but it’s my own fault, lol. I just shouldn’t join that many exchanges, lol.
Wonderful progress on your stitching! YGG! I love the thread and linen pics. I loooooove NPIs!
Hi Michelle,
Lovely post. It’s always a
pleasure to read about your
week, see what you’re stitching
and find out what book you may
be reading, or quilting project
you may be piecing together.
Nice progress on the Papillon Creations Mystery Sampler. It
does look like a lot of fun with
all the pretty motifs and the
tons of bright colours.
You have the right idea in
stitching without guilt. There
is never enough time during the week to stitch and devote equal
attention to all the projects
that we may have on the go. So
you can only do what you can do, and make sure that you have fun doing it. Don’t want a pleasure
to turn into a chore.
Mystery 9 is so beautiful and
it’s nice to see you’re working
on it again. The colours, and
the details of this design are
spectacular, aren’t they?? Such
a lot of work to these, but
well worth it in the end.
And the silks for your two
new SALS are delicious!! Bet
your fingers are itching to
get started on both projects.
Your WIPs are beautiful Michelle. It’s always such a pleasure to drop by your blog and see what you are stitching.
Wow, lots of great stitching, Michelle! I have tagged you at my blog….