Finally Feeling Like a Real Stitcher

Up until now I’ve only had two pieces professionally framed. Since one is a Halloween piece, I really only have one out for anyone to see. And there are days that I see other stitchers’ homes and feel like such a phoney. I’m not sure you would even know a stitcher lived in my house. But, all that is changing.

On Saturday I went and picked up two framed pieces (so I’ve now doubled the amount of framed pieces I have!). I used a little bit of the bonus I got earlier in the year and decided to have one piece framed. Well, then I remembered my little A&E, so I thought “why not bring it along”. And look how well it turned out! I happened upon that little pre-made frame and thought it was perfect. The stitched area is only 2 inches square. (Sorry for the glare in the photo).

But the piece I mainly wanted framed was my Where My Heart Blooms. I was thrilled when I saw how this turned out! And this piece, you may remember, was actually my Valentine’s gift to Eric this year, so I was glad to finally be able to get it framed.

Here is a close up of the frame. It has a little bit of red in it, that looks great with the piece. And the shop owner had this hanging on the wall at the shop and she said a bunch of people were asking about it. Of course, it’s an old Loose Feathers design, so it’s out of print.


We ended up hanging the piece in our bedroom, which is where I envisioned it going. But it’s one lonely piece on a big wall, so it looks a little sad there. I’ll have to get stitching on something else with red in it to add to that wall. I’m thinking a nice sampler would be good. Any suggestions?

And I’m so happy that my A&E wall has begun. It’s a small start, but it’s still a start. I’m hoping to get Margaret Pence framed in January when they have another framing sale. She will look good with these two!

So, it’s not much, but I am thrilled. I’m feeling a little bit more like a real stitcher. Now I just need to finish a big repro sampler and have that framed!

But of course, in the meantime, it’s all Hare Pyns all the time.

I think I made a lot of progress in a week. I finished my leaves, filled in the two side flowers, stitched the bunny (he is so stinkin’ cute!) and added my initials. I’ve started filling in the background, which you can probably see. Once that background is filled in, I’ll be moving onto the back panel. I’m way off my schedule of having a panel done a month, since I’m now into July on that front panel. But, hopefully I can get back on track.

Yesterday, I stitched on ATS as usual, and that is coming along slowly. I think I may be the slowest stitcher ever. Or possibly everyone just has way more time to stitch than I do. Either way, I need to step it up a notch if I’m going to ever get anything finished.

Oh, if you’re interested in seeing my firework photos from the 4th, head over here.

I am grateful for watching the space shuttle launch.

66 thoughts on “Finally Feeling Like a Real Stitcher”

  1. Laurie in Iowa

    Bonus money well spent… your frame choices are perfect and show your stitching off to perfection.
    I’ve always thought of you as a ‘real stitcher’ and a ‘real quilter’ too.
    Your Hare Pyns project is beyond gorgeous and yes, the bunny is too stinkin cute.

  2. Laurie in Iowa

    Bonus money well spent… your frame choices are perfect and show your stitching off to perfection.
    I’ve always thought of you as a ‘real stitcher’ and a ‘real quilter’ too.
    Your Hare Pyns project is beyond gorgeous and yes, the bunny is too stinkin cute.

  3. Your frame choices are wonderful! That little bunny is too cute. I can’t wait to see him finished! I have always seen you as a real stitcher!

  4. Your frame choices are wonderful! That little bunny is too cute. I can’t wait to see him finished! I have always seen you as a real stitcher!

  5. Love your pieces all framed and ready for display. Your Hare Pyns rabbit is just the cutest.
    Teresa’s Heartfelt Stitches

  6. Love your pieces all framed and ready for display. Your Hare Pyns rabbit is just the cutest.
    Teresa’s Heartfelt Stitches

  7. Aack, how pretty is your framing?? I love WMHB – its gorgeous.

    Your A&E wall is now official, since it has more than one piece on it. So much fun.

    HP – well, what can is say… I love the look, hate the stitching – you are making good progress and you will be done with it in no time.

  8. Aack, how pretty is your framing?? I love WMHB – its gorgeous.

    Your A&E wall is now official, since it has more than one piece on it. So much fun.

    HP – well, what can is say… I love the look, hate the stitching – you are making good progress and you will be done with it in no time.

  9. Anna van Schurman

    Silly definition of a “real” stitcher! But glad you have some wonderful framed pieces on the wall. (PS I have a Christmas piece up year round. Why take the Halloween piece down?)

  10. Anna van Schurman

    Silly definition of a “real” stitcher! But glad you have some wonderful framed pieces on the wall. (PS I have a Christmas piece up year round. Why take the Halloween piece down?)

  11. Michelle, your pieces framed are fabulous! I love, love Where My Heart Blooms! Beautiful progress on your wip.

  12. Michelle, your pieces framed are fabulous! I love, love Where My Heart Blooms! Beautiful progress on your wip.

  13. Oh my gosh! I love the tiny A&E! Love the frame for it too! And Where My Heart Blooms is wonderful! Such a perfect and gorgeous frame for it! I love how the A&E looks with your A&E piece too. Great start to the A&E wall for sure!

    Your Hare Pyns is really wonderful — you’ve made enormous progress on it. OMG, all that fill in in the background! Wow! It’ll be so worth it though. Just put in a good audiobook or plunk down in front of the TV and do some mindless stitching. 😀

  14. Oh my gosh! I love the tiny A&E! Love the frame for it too! And Where My Heart Blooms is wonderful! Such a perfect and gorgeous frame for it! I love how the A&E looks with your A&E piece too. Great start to the A&E wall for sure!

    Your Hare Pyns is really wonderful — you’ve made enormous progress on it. OMG, all that fill in in the background! Wow! It’ll be so worth it though. Just put in a good audiobook or plunk down in front of the TV and do some mindless stitching. 😀

  15. Love to Stitch

    Excellent frame choice! It does feel great to get them done and even better to see them framed!!!!!! I heard one LNS is having a framing sale this month 🙂

  16. Love to Stitch

    Excellent frame choice! It does feel great to get them done and even better to see them framed!!!!!! I heard one LNS is having a framing sale this month 🙂

  17. Oh heck, I only have 3 pieces framed and two of them are seasonal. Only my Snappers are hung year round! I really want to get some things stitched up and hung but I seem to have a mental block about them and don’t start them. I just keep starting smalls and things that I want as pillows and wall hangings.

    But your framing is wonderful! Love WMHB and the A&E. Cute! Great stitching on your Hare Pyns too!

  18. Oh heck, I only have 3 pieces framed and two of them are seasonal. Only my Snappers are hung year round! I really want to get some things stitched up and hung but I seem to have a mental block about them and don’t start them. I just keep starting smalls and things that I want as pillows and wall hangings.

    But your framing is wonderful! Love WMHB and the A&E. Cute! Great stitching on your Hare Pyns too!

  19. Michelle, I’m so happy you framed these! They turned out so nicely; I love both frames.

    You.Are.A.Real.Stitcher! And you didn’t need framing to make you one. But I know whenever I have anything framed I walk by a lot just to look at it!

  20. Michelle, I’m so happy you framed these! They turned out so nicely; I love both frames.

    You.Are.A.Real.Stitcher! And you didn’t need framing to make you one. But I know whenever I have anything framed I walk by a lot just to look at it!

  21. Michelle, I’m so happy you framed these! They turned out so nicely; I love both frames.

    You.Are.A.Real.Stitcher! And you didn’t need framing to make you one. But I know whenever I have anything framed I walk by a lot just to look at it!

  22. Michelle, I’m so happy you framed these! They turned out so nicely; I love both frames.

    You.Are.A.Real.Stitcher! And you didn’t need framing to make you one. But I know whenever I have anything framed I walk by a lot just to look at it!

  23. LOVE, love the frames you chose! The BBD piece is one of my favorites. Hare and Pyns is clipping right along and looks beautiful. That will be gorgeous when its done.

  24. LOVE, love the frames you chose! The BBD piece is one of my favorites. Hare and Pyns is clipping right along and looks beautiful. That will be gorgeous when its done.

  25. Love your framed works! They both look so pretty in such gorgeous frames!! It reminded me of I do have kitted up that BBD’s LF piece in my stash… Your WIP is looking nice, too! And of course the fireworks look gorgeous!! I just love the fireworks generally giving me some great spirits!!

  26. Love your framed works! They both look so pretty in such gorgeous frames!! It reminded me of I do have kitted up that BBD’s LF piece in my stash… Your WIP is looking nice, too! And of course the fireworks look gorgeous!! I just love the fireworks generally giving me some great spirits!!

  27. Your HP looks cute. The bunny is really cute. Your frames look wonderful. I’ve had quite a few things framed, but most of them were gifts. I’ve only actually got three of them for the house. And none of them are up from when I moved, sigh. I need to go up to the hardware store and get a masonary bit for my drill, or they’d be up by now! Good luck getting HP done on time, and have fun with ATS. I’ve learned that stitching is all about the journey, not the destination!

  28. Your HP looks cute. The bunny is really cute. Your frames look wonderful. I’ve had quite a few things framed, but most of them were gifts. I’ve only actually got three of them for the house. And none of them are up from when I moved, sigh. I need to go up to the hardware store and get a masonary bit for my drill, or they’d be up by now! Good luck getting HP done on time, and have fun with ATS. I’ve learned that stitching is all about the journey, not the destination!

  29. Your framed pieces look lovely, I always love how framing enhances beautiful stitching. You have done so much of Hare Pyns in the last week, it is looking really good – love it.

  30. Your framed pieces look lovely, I always love how framing enhances beautiful stitching. You have done so much of Hare Pyns in the last week, it is looking really good – love it.

  31. LOVE the frames you went with…They just made the pieces…

    Your progress is wonderful..I am enjoying your updates!!!

    Take care, Faye

  32. LOVE the frames you went with…They just made the pieces…

    Your progress is wonderful..I am enjoying your updates!!!

    Take care, Faye

  33. I do LOVE that frame for “where my heart blooms” It’s just fantastic. Love your other frame too.
    What you mean with real stitcher. Of course you are a real stitcher…your stitching is very real and lovely too.
    But I know what you’re talking about. I don’t have as much stitching on my walls either, and would like to have way more hanging at the wall. And sometimes I feel in awe when I see pics of walls filled with gorgeous stitched pieces.

  34. I do LOVE that frame for “where my heart blooms” It’s just fantastic. Love your other frame too.
    What you mean with real stitcher. Of course you are a real stitcher…your stitching is very real and lovely too.
    But I know what you’re talking about. I don’t have as much stitching on my walls either, and would like to have way more hanging at the wall. And sometimes I feel in awe when I see pics of walls filled with gorgeous stitched pieces.

  35. Michelle, there’s no doubt in anyone’s mind, even before the framing, that you ARE a real stitcher. Love your frames and the tiny little A&E AND the gorgeous quilt in the last post and most of all, Hare Pyns, which is a darned difficult project.

  36. Michelle, there’s no doubt in anyone’s mind, even before the framing, that you ARE a real stitcher. Love your frames and the tiny little A&E AND the gorgeous quilt in the last post and most of all, Hare Pyns, which is a darned difficult project.

  37. Great framing on the two pieces – congrats! And wonderful progress on Hare Pyns, what a lovely design.

  38. Great framing on the two pieces – congrats! And wonderful progress on Hare Pyns, what a lovely design.

  39. Two gorgeous pieces!!! Love the frames you chose and great start for your A&E wall :-).

    Your Hare Pyns is really pretty too!

  40. Two gorgeous pieces!!! Love the frames you chose and great start for your A&E wall :-).

    Your Hare Pyns is really pretty too!

  41. I love, love, love your two GORGEOUSLY framed pieces…and seeing your Adam and Eve plaque makes me drool all over again as I thought it lovely when you received it from your friend and now I want it all over again 🙂

  42. I love, love, love your two GORGEOUSLY framed pieces…and seeing your Adam and Eve plaque makes me drool all over again as I thought it lovely when you received it from your friend and now I want it all over again 🙂

  43. Dani - tkdchick

    What a fantastic framing job on both pieces! I must admit I suck in the framing department as well. EArly on I was good at it now everything sits in a bin under the guest bed.

    That hare is cute!

  44. Dani - tkdchick

    What a fantastic framing job on both pieces! I must admit I suck in the framing department as well. EArly on I was good at it now everything sits in a bin under the guest bed.

    That hare is cute!

  45. Love the frame you selected for the WMHB. It looks stunning finished! Congratulations! Nice way to use a bonus, it’ll be there forever.


  46. Love the frame you selected for the WMHB. It looks stunning finished! Congratulations! Nice way to use a bonus, it’ll be there forever.


  47. Charlene ♥ SC

    Great finishes and lovely framing! Know what you mean – I’ve only had one professionally done, and it is really special to me.

  48. Charlene ♥ SC

    Great finishes and lovely framing! Know what you mean – I’ve only had one professionally done, and it is really special to me.

  49. Congrats on the framing! They look great. I know all too well, that it takes time and money to get the framing accomplished. I am embarrased about the amount of finished pieces in the drawer awaiting the final finishing of framing.

    I have mounted several of my pieces myself into purchased frames, or frames my husband has made. I don’t always think my mounting is as good as the professionals tho… It is also hard to find good molding for my husband to use when making frames..

    Your Hare Pyns project is coming along nicely, and what a great bunny!

    Keep up the good work.

  50. Congrats on the framing! They look great. I know all too well, that it takes time and money to get the framing accomplished. I am embarrased about the amount of finished pieces in the drawer awaiting the final finishing of framing.

    I have mounted several of my pieces myself into purchased frames, or frames my husband has made. I don’t always think my mounting is as good as the professionals tho… It is also hard to find good molding for my husband to use when making frames..

    Your Hare Pyns project is coming along nicely, and what a great bunny!

    Keep up the good work.

  51. Both of your pieces are beautiful! You will be surprised how fast your collection can grow. And…every stitch counts so keep plugging away and before you know it you will have another finish!

    happy stitching….

  52. Both of your pieces are beautiful! You will be surprised how fast your collection can grow. And…every stitch counts so keep plugging away and before you know it you will have another finish!

    happy stitching….

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