
In a Stable
Shepherds Bush from JCS Ornament Issue 2004
Weeks and GAST on 32ct Dark Espresso linen from R&R
Embellished with Sterling Silver Star charm
Finished 7/26/07

I finished reading Harry Potter this morning. All I will say is Wow. Now, on to other things as there will be no spoilers here. I also finished another of the Shepherd’s Bush ornaments yesterday. That makes five out of the seven already released. I am anticipating that the one in this year’s JCS Ornament issue is the last one. I hope I’m right on that because I only have eight pieces of fabric.

Teejay tagged me for a five things meme…

Five things I want to do before I die –

  1. Have children
  2. Buy a house
  3. Go and see Egypt
  4. Continue my education
  5. Travel the world with Eric

I won’t tag anyone, but if you’d like to answer this, please do.

And finally, some yarn stash arrived. The Bee Fields Shawl chart and the Tupelo Gold laceweight yarn for it, chart for the Seraphim Shawl (which I have a very special plan for) and Zephyr laceweight yarn for Mystery Stole 3 in Vanilla. You’d think I knew how to knit lace… you’d be wrong!

I am halting all stash enhancement for a little while, as we have our trip to Pennsylvania for his cousin’s wedding coming up soon, as well as Eric is taking me to New York in December. I am so excited. I’ve never been to New York, and he wanted me to be able to see the tree in Rockefeller Center, etc.

I’ll have an update of Their Song soon. I am doing well on working my way towards the halfway mark, which was my goal for this week. My other goal for this week was to get the border on Liguria done. I think I should be able to do that as well. So, photos to follow!

Walk to Rivendell: Reach area of the Marish with fields, meadows, hedges, gates, and drainage dikes. (Total Miles Walked: 59.25)

I am grateful for Harry Potter.

48 thoughts on “Finished!”

  1. Your SB finish is so cute! I must get on with mine this month, since I’d like to finish all these this year too and I’ve only stitched one so far 😉

  2. Your SB finish is so cute! I must get on with mine this month, since I’d like to finish all these this year too and I’ve only stitched one so far 😉

  3. quiltorstitch

    Love the ornament, I have a goal to get all of those done this year as well 🙂 They are adorable. I loved the last HP book, it was incredible!

  4. quiltorstitch

    Love the ornament, I have a goal to get all of those done this year as well 🙂 They are adorable. I loved the last HP book, it was incredible!

  5. I love the finish – too cute. I love the yarn. If you need any advice for December let me know. Or a cheap tour guide!! NYC at Christmas time is magical.

  6. I love the finish – too cute. I love the yarn. If you need any advice for December let me know. Or a cheap tour guide!! NYC at Christmas time is magical.

  7. Your SB is so sweet! Gald to hear you finished HP. Oh NYC at Christmas time…you have to make sure you go to the Radio City Christmas show!

  8. Your SB is so sweet! Gald to hear you finished HP. Oh NYC at Christmas time…you have to make sure you go to the Radio City Christmas show!

  9. Your SB finish is beautiful Michelle. I really must stitch all of these too. I think I have managed two so far:)

    Wow NYC at Christmas sounds magical!

  10. Your SB finish is beautiful Michelle. I really must stitch all of these too. I think I have managed two so far:)

    Wow NYC at Christmas sounds magical!

  11. Hi Michelle,

    Congrats on the Shepherds Bush ornament finish. Lovely, delicate looking piece. Hard to believe the next Xmas ornament issue will be out soon, isn’t it?

    Your needle keeper, with the beautiful, shiny gold lace edge and beading is also a treasure.

    Shall we be seeing a pic. of you in one of your new dresses perhaps?

    I’ve just begun reading HP and just one chapter in it’s already grabbed my attention. Thank you for not posting any spoilers. I’m trying desperately to avoid those until after I’ve read the book.


  12. Hi Michelle,

    Congrats on the Shepherds Bush ornament finish. Lovely, delicate looking piece. Hard to believe the next Xmas ornament issue will be out soon, isn’t it?

    Your needle keeper, with the beautiful, shiny gold lace edge and beading is also a treasure.

    Shall we be seeing a pic. of you in one of your new dresses perhaps?

    I’ve just begun reading HP and just one chapter in it’s already grabbed my attention. Thank you for not posting any spoilers. I’m trying desperately to avoid those until after I’ve read the book.


  13. Leslie aka zoeandcooper

    I love seeing all your SB finishes. They are such pretty pieces.

    The color green yarn you are using for that shawl is fabulous.

  14. Leslie aka zoeandcooper

    I love seeing all your SB finishes. They are such pretty pieces.

    The color green yarn you are using for that shawl is fabulous.

  15. Congrats on the lovely finish. Great yarn. Good luck with the shawl – I haven’t ventured into the lace-world yet…….

  16. Congrats on the lovely finish. Great yarn. Good luck with the shawl – I haven’t ventured into the lace-world yet…….

  17. Michelle, I am trying to get caught up with reading blogs and just saw your Tesori. It is looking beautiful. I am so hoping to settle in with mine tonight and the rest of the week. I am about 1/2 way thru Abruzzo.

  18. Michelle, I am trying to get caught up with reading blogs and just saw your Tesori. It is looking beautiful. I am so hoping to settle in with mine tonight and the rest of the week. I am about 1/2 way thru Abruzzo.

  19. Lavender Rose

    Michelle, I’m nearing the finish of “Harry…” It hardly seems it’s the end…Did you see the Dateline NBC interview with JK? It was very good, and made me feel resolved to let Harry, Ron and Hermoine go free. Meanwhile, your shawl yarns are lovely…and how I wish I had time to knit and the patience to knit those spidery, wispy, webbilly, beautifully spunnilly, magically shawls!!! You do one for all of us so we can cheer you through it!

  20. Lavender Rose

    Michelle, I’m nearing the finish of “Harry…” It hardly seems it’s the end…Did you see the Dateline NBC interview with JK? It was very good, and made me feel resolved to let Harry, Ron and Hermoine go free. Meanwhile, your shawl yarns are lovely…and how I wish I had time to knit and the patience to knit those spidery, wispy, webbilly, beautifully spunnilly, magically shawls!!! You do one for all of us so we can cheer you through it!

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