
TRSG Nametag

So, my coursework is done. I am working on getting the certification exam scheduled…but there is much red tape to cut through on that one. That leaves me in a bit of a limbo state for now. But my breathing is coming slightly easier already. Thank goodness. And since I’m starting to think about life after school, I’ve piled up a few projects on my craft table that are needing some attention.

A few months ago I stitched up my nametag for guild (yeah, I’ve only been a member a year and a half, I figured it was time). Of course, I’ve just cleverly (yes, I stole this idea) folded it to fit in the plastic holder that came with my fabric and threads to make it. But, with something fun fun fun on the horizon in which I might want to wear my nametag, I decided it’s probably time to actually finish the thing. I think I’ve found the perfect beautiful red fabric (in my stash) for the backing. I also dug out the gorgeous black Swarovski crystals that I bought at the Gem & Jewelry show last spring that were intended to be the hanger for my nametag. Now, all that’s lacking is the actual finishing. Any suggestions on what to do for the edging around the piece? I plan to finish it like an ornament, but can’t decide if I want to use cording or not.

I’ve also got some other timely stitching that needs to be completed. One of those items being my Secret Stitcher gift. I’ll be glad when June is here so I can share my two stitched pieces for my SS.

Time 052210

And I’ve also pulled out some supplies for a piece I’ve been wanting to stitch for awhile. Just a little something. But how can you resist these pretties???

AVAS for A&E

So, many projects are swirling about in my head now that there’s room for them. I can’t wait to get started.

I am grateful for the creativity coming back.

36 thoughts on “Finishing”

  1. Oh, oh, oh – I know what that last bit of floss is for… I do, I do – go for it girlie – its a quick stitch and oh-so-cute!!

    Hmm nametag for the upcoming event – if I get motivated enough I might make mine as well – have to find it first though – I run across it on occasion, and then I put it somewhere safe, so that when I do want to stitch it I cannot find it…

    Love the fabbies you picked out.

  2. Oh, oh, oh – I know what that last bit of floss is for… I do, I do – go for it girlie – its a quick stitch and oh-so-cute!!

    Hmm nametag for the upcoming event – if I get motivated enough I might make mine as well – have to find it first though – I run across it on occasion, and then I put it somewhere safe, so that when I do want to stitch it I cannot find it…

    Love the fabbies you picked out.

  3. Hope the red tape falls away soon so you can relax!! Hmmm…upcoming event? You going to wear that to your class in June? Or are you planning on the retreat in October? 🙂

    See you Tuesday.


  4. Hope the red tape falls away soon so you can relax!! Hmmm…upcoming event? You going to wear that to your class in June? Or are you planning on the retreat in October? 🙂

    See you Tuesday.


  5. Very pretty nametag! I tend to leave my edges plain, but that’s because I’m lazy when it comes to sewing 🙂

  6. Very pretty nametag! I tend to leave my edges plain, but that’s because I’m lazy when it comes to sewing 🙂

  7. Your nametag will be gorgeous with that fabric and those beads…LOVELY!

    Creativity…is a good thing and I hope to get mine going again real soon!

    Congrats on your coursework being completed. You’ll rock on that exam certification!

  8. Your nametag will be gorgeous with that fabric and those beads…LOVELY!

    Creativity…is a good thing and I hope to get mine going again real soon!

    Congrats on your coursework being completed. You’ll rock on that exam certification!

  9. Love all the projects! I hope you have lots more stitching time to enjoy — you deserve it! Good luck with the certification.

  10. Love all the projects! I hope you have lots more stitching time to enjoy — you deserve it! Good luck with the certification.

  11. Oh Michelle, I am so excited for you! How thrilling to be so close to the finish line.

    I love the stitched nametag – what a great idea.

    Enjoy your break and I pray that you will do fabulous on your exam.

  12. Oh Michelle, I am so excited for you! How thrilling to be so close to the finish line.

    I love the stitched nametag – what a great idea.

    Enjoy your break and I pray that you will do fabulous on your exam.

  13. Love the name tag – I know a couple of members of Tudor Rose – i always thought that was such a great name for a sampler guild. Hope you can enjoy the weekend with those pretty threads and linen you are showing. Mel

  14. Love the name tag – I know a couple of members of Tudor Rose – i always thought that was such a great name for a sampler guild. Hope you can enjoy the weekend with those pretty threads and linen you are showing. Mel

  15. I’m so glad you commented on my blog so I could find yours! I see from your other blog that we live in the same city. 🙂 That Soie is so yummy! I’m thinking about doing HoHRH in the Soie d’Alger as called for instead of the NPI even though I have all the colors.

  16. I’m so glad you commented on my blog so I could find yours! I see from your other blog that we live in the same city. 🙂 That Soie is so yummy! I’m thinking about doing HoHRH in the Soie d’Alger as called for instead of the NPI even though I have all the colors.

  17. I forgot to ask about Tudor Rose…the wife of one of my husband’s work companions is a member. I can’t remember her name, but her husband is English, and she is tall with red hair. She invited me to join, but I can’t swing it with my kids. What a small world that you are a member also!

  18. I forgot to ask about Tudor Rose…the wife of one of my husband’s work companions is a member. I can’t remember her name, but her husband is English, and she is tall with red hair. She invited me to join, but I can’t swing it with my kids. What a small world that you are a member also!

  19. Deborah/LavenderRose

    That Tudor Rose is gorgeous, Michelle. It would look so beautiful as a fob for the new little tudor rose scissors!
    Congratulations on being soooo close to getting to your certification. You’re gonna pass with charms! Hugs

  20. Deborah/LavenderRose

    That Tudor Rose is gorgeous, Michelle. It would look so beautiful as a fob for the new little tudor rose scissors!
    Congratulations on being soooo close to getting to your certification. You’re gonna pass with charms! Hugs

  21. MyLifesAStitch

    Congrats on being so close to the end with your certification!!! I’m sure you will do spectacularly. Have a wonderful week!

  22. MyLifesAStitch

    Congrats on being so close to the end with your certification!!! I’m sure you will do spectacularly. Have a wonderful week!

  23. I love that tag!! Great job, Michelle. I’m glad you finally have a bit of room to breathe… I hope the breathing comes easier soon. xoxoxo

  24. I love that tag!! Great job, Michelle. I’m glad you finally have a bit of room to breathe… I hope the breathing comes easier soon. xoxoxo

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