I have to apologize for not blogging more frequently. At this time of the year, I am sure you can all relate, it is busy! I was thrown off my schedule a little bit last week because of the weather. On Thursday, we got snow – actual snow! Snow is pretty rare in Dallas, we tend to get ice, but no snow. So, it was a rare treat, one that only lasted until Friday morning. We also got some ice too, so getting to and from work was a little tricky. In honor of our first snow of the year, I thought I would share with you my first finish of 2006. I finished this one at the end of January. It is a freebie from The Drawn Thread. Today I also had another first…Eric brought home our first Christmas tree! I’ve never had a real tree before. I started pulling out my Christmas decorations and am excited to start some decorating. Yesterday we went to see the Rockettes in their Christmas Spectacular. It was a lot of fun and such a great show. It made me miss my days of dancing. In stitching news, I have been working really hard on my Round Robin piece and hope to have it finished up tonight. That will allow me to get back to work on Eric’s stocking. I had hoped to have my December sheep blanket done too, but I am missing one thread for it and I just haven’t had the time to work on it. I should be able to free up some time though, once this RR is done and once Eric’s stocking is done. I am shooting for having Eric’s stocking done next weekend, and ready to be sewn up. Cross your fingers! Hope you’ve all had a fantastic weekend. I appreciate all of your comments, and welcome to anyone new to my blog!
I am grateful for snowflakes.
Love your ornie! I kitted that one up ages ago, but never got around to doing any more ornaments.
Congratulations on your pretty finish. Wow, snow in Dallas! We might (emphasize might) get our first flakes in the morning… more likely to happen where I work than where I live. I am in no hurry and wouldn’d mind if it never came – LOL! Stay safe on that ice!
Congrats on the live tree! They add to the spirit of Christmas…
I had no idea you live in Dallas Michelle. Do you visit The Needlework Boutique in Plano? My friend co-owns the shop and in February I will be there for a few days.
Enjoy the snow and thanks for sharing all your work,
Lovely work Michelle!! Just gorgeous. I must get around to stitching that one some day.
You lucky thing, you got snow! The snow missed us. We just got some cold weather.
That is a beautiful finish and I have it printed out for a upcoming stitch…someday! LOL!
Congrats on the finish-it is lovely. A big congrats on losing 6 pounds and scoring PG.
Oh, I love that design 🙂
The weather has been so weird here too. It still feels like the very beginning of Autumn. Last Thursday Seb and I had lunch in a public square and had to take our coats off – and were still quite warm. Normally, you wouldn’t even *think* of eating sandwiches outdoors at that time of the year in Paris (even in a warm coat). We’re certainly not complaining! 😉
Getting a real tree must be exciting! I’m sure your decoration will be fantastic. 🙂
Thank you for your latest comment 🙂 Have a great week 🙂
Love your stitchy tree, hope you love your real tree in turn! We always have one and I love the smell. You are so lucky having snow, I love it – we’re having v.stormy weather here in Wales.
I love this Drawn Thread freebie. It came out gorgeous.
So pretty! I’ve printed up the chart, but haven’t gotten around to stitching it. Yours has turned out so beautifully, I might just have to pull it out!
Lucky you, you have snow!!!!
I’ve been wanting to stitch this Drawn Thread freebie for a long time – yours looks great. Surprised to hear about your snow – we’ve only had a “dusting” so far in MN!